Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. It can occur due to various infections (viral, fungal, bacterial). Sinusitis is also called maxillary sinusitis.
Causes of occurrence
An important role in the occurrence of sinusitis is played by immunity, which can decrease with such factors:

• in the presence of diseases of the internal organs;
• in the event of allergic reactions;• in case of improper treatment of rhinitis and colds.
In addition, this disease can occur due to disorders in the human body, each of which is dangerous in its own way. These include:
• maxillary sinus injuries;
• the presence of bacteria in the nasopharynx;
• a cold in advanced form;
• complications after SARS;
• hypothermia;
• malfunction of the secretion organs;
• trauma of the nasal septum;
• allergy;• tumors, fungi, tuberculosis.

Can also provoke sinusitis:
• stay in drafts;
• long stay in a room where it is hot, but the air is dry;
• improper oral hygienecavity;
• being in a place where it is possible for toxins to enter the respiratory system. Even if at first glance the symptoms of sinusitis do not seem dangerous, they still should not be ignored, but treated until complete recovery.
What is the danger of sinusitis?
When the disease affects the mucous membrane, which provokes a violation of air circulation. When stagnation of pus begins to appear, it can lead to edema. For bacteria, the very moment of activity begins at this time. The maxillary cavity is closely connected with other cavities located in the nasal region. For this reason, even minor inflammatory processes with blood and lymph can be transferred to other organs.
Due to the fact that there are many nerve endings in the nose, as well as blood and lymphatic vessels, when an infectious focus forms in it, this can affect the condition of the whole body.
If proper treatment is not applied, various complications will follow. Sinusitis after some time can become chronic, which is an infectious source in a dormant state.

With such a complication, not only infections can spread throughout the body, but sensitivity to various allergic sources may also occur. In most cases, this manifests itself in the form of edema, which in turn carries a huge danger, in some cases for life. The severity of complications depends on how the disease proceeds and what measures are taken for treatment. But you can't waitthat the sinusitis will go away on its own. Although complications after illness due to the immune system do not occur so often. But in the case of improper treatment or weakened immunity, it is difficult to foresee how the fight against the disease will end.
Complications can be caused by a viral infection, which not only has a debilitating effect on the entire body, but can also disrupt the functioning of vital organs. When it enters the bloodstream, it spreads even a little faster.
Other complications
Chronic sinusitis also often does not pass without a trace. It can cause the following complications:
• impaired functioning of the organs of vision;
• failure of the organs of otolaryngology;
• sepsis;
• periostitis;• meningitis.
When a person has sinusitis, complications in the ears arise because the maxillary cavity and the organ of hearing itself are close to each other. As a result, when complications begin in the disease, the middle ear suffers, in which the inflammatory process occurs - otitis media. The auditory tube can also become inflamed - eustachitis.
These two ear diseases occur in an infectious way, and if the source itself, sinusitis, is not treated, then after a while either hearing loss or complete deafness may occur. In addition, the complications of sinusitis are not only those. The patient may experience persistent tinnitus. Also, during air travel, when ear congestion occurs, pain occurs.
Eye complications
If a person has sinusitis, eye complications are most common. In recentOver the years, due to exposure to antibiotics, bacteria have been modified, and viral infections are increasingly spreading. Basically, the inflammatory process occurs in the orbit. This type in adults in most cases occurs when chronic sinusitis occurs. For children, this disease is quite acute. In this case, the infection enters the organs of vision through the blood composition, but in some cases by the contact method. When the tissues of the orbit are affected, this can be seen by the following signs:
• the eyelids and cheeks swell;• pain occurs when touched.
Inflammation can be accompanied both with suppuration and without it.
When there is no suppuration, the following signs are characteristic:
• the eyes become less mobile;
• the conjunctiva begins to swell;
• in some cases, there is a shift of the organs of vision either forward or to the side;
• the optic nerve becomes inflamed - neuritis;
• visual acuity is significantly impaired;• disorders in color discrimination appear.
When sinusitis provokes purulent complications, they can be expressed in:
• abscess of the eyelids;

At the same time, the following symptoms are observed for everyone:
• increased body temperature;
• chills;
• a sharp increase in the ESR level;
• vomiting;• signs of intoxication.
Complications on the brain
Of the consequences that sinusitis causes, complications on the brain are considered more dangerous for the patient. The most common is meningitis. This disease occurs during inflammatory processes in the soft membranes of the spinal cord and brain. With sinusitis, it develops due to inflammation of a purulent type in the sinuses.
Meningitis can occur in two ways:
- contact (through bone tissue);
- hematogenous (through the blood);
Symptoms of this disease:
• sudden changes in body temperature, ranging from 36 to 40;
• unbearable head pain that can provoke nausea and vomiting;
• impaired consciousness, there may even be hallucinations;• in close proximity to the optic nerve, the work of the organs of vision may be disturbed.
Meningitis progresses very quickly. If you do not notice its presence in time, then in a day the patient will be in a serious condition. At the first signs of this disease, there is no time to wait for the results of the analysis. The patient is immediately hospitalized and treated with antibiotics, corticosteroids, as well as internal infusions, which occur only in stationary conditions.

If you do not seek medical attention in time, progressive meningitis can be fatal. For this reason, the sooner treatment is started, the safer it is for the patient's life.
At the initial stage of the course of treatment, antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate the source of inflammation, but the disease itself is difficult to cure, since there is a natural barrier in the brain that protects against toxic substances andpharmaceuticals. The duration of meningitis treatment is basically ten days. At this time, therapy is carried out with the help of injections and spinal punctures. Thanks to these manipulations, the pressure inside decreases, and the bacteria are destroyed.
Sinusitis. Symptoms, home treatment
If all signs point to sinusitis, treatment can be carried out only after consulting a doctor first. It is undesirable to take any measures on your own. This can harm your he alth.
With the approval of a doctor, you can use the following methods:
• rinsing;
• drinking decoctions from medicinal plants;
• using drops prepared by oneself;
• compresses;• warming up.

When the first complications of sinusitis in adults begin, the symptoms are as follows:
• increased body temperature;
• the occurrence of pain in the teeth and when tilting the head;
• nasal purulent discharge;• reduced sense of smell.
If these signs are ignored, the following is observed:
• frequent feeling of weakness, as well as severe fatigue;
• constant headaches;
• regular runny nose; • lack of nasal breathing, even with the use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
• mucous or purulent nasal discharge that has an unpleasant odor.
If complications have already arisen, sinusitis does not completely disappear after treatment. For adultsIn about twenty out of a hundred patients, a mucocele occurs. It is characterized by the formation of an epithelial cyst, which occurs due to the accumulated purulent fluid in the maxillary voids.
As this complication progresses, bone erosion occurs. In addition, purulent fluid may collect in the cranial cavity. In some cases, a cerebral infarction may occur.
Even if a person is cured, then pain after sinusitis periodically manifests itself, especially headache, in the temples. In some cases, they can occur as often as during the progression of the disease. Get rid of them with the help of drugs or traditional medicine, but only after the approval of the attending physician. If you prescribe self-treatment, it can even lead to disability.

In many cases, especially after puncture therapy, a runny nose appears after sinusitis. When this symptom lasts about three days and gradually disappears, then you should not worry too much. But if the opposite is true, then a visit to a specialist should not be postponed. He must prescribe the necessary drugs and manipulations, which it is desirable to adhere to. Otherwise, the disease will resume with renewed vigor.
Whatever the form of sinusitis, self-prescribed treatment should never be taken. Since this can only aggravate the situation.
Now you know how sinusitis manifests itself. Symptoms, treatment at homeconditions are the two topics we have covered. We also talked in detail about the complications that arise due to improper or untimely treatment. In order not to get sick, you need to lead a he althy lifestyle. At the same time, move a lot, monitor your diet and try to look at everything around you as positively as possible.