How many days after ovulation menstruation comes: signs of ovulation and features of menstrual cycles

How many days after ovulation menstruation comes: signs of ovulation and features of menstrual cycles
How many days after ovulation menstruation comes: signs of ovulation and features of menstrual cycles

The female body, after its puberty, is preparing to constantly perform its most important function, which is to give birth to a new life. A woman's ovaries produce many eggs throughout her life. Ready for fertilization, the egg matures approximately in the middle of the cycle, and this period is commonly called ovulation. However, many women ask quite a logical question. How many days after ovulation do periods come? This is what this article is about.

Menstrual cycle

Before answering the question of how many days after ovulation menstruation comes, you should understand in more detail what the menstrual cycle is. The possibility of an unplanned pregnancy is influenced by manyvarious factors. The most important of them is the lack of information in women about the structure of their own body, the characteristics of ovulation and the menstrual cycle. If a woman understands the work of the entire reproductive female system, then it will be possible to speed up not only the process of conception, but also avoid unwanted pregnancy. Also, a woman should know how many days after ovulation menstruation comes.

how long after ovulation will menstruation
how long after ovulation will menstruation

With all the variety of such information that is available to modern women, not everyone understands what this process is all about, and also when it comes. Many do not even understand what they observe at one time or another during the period of the menstrual cycle.

In simple terms, the menstrual cycle is the time that separates menstruation. The duration of this cycle is individual for each of the fair sex. As a rule, a normal cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days. But there are also women whose duration is about 45 days. From the point of view of specialists, such a cycle duration is already considered a pathology.

Cycle split

The cycle is considered to be from the first day of the onset of menstruation and until the beginning of the next. Menstruation may be delayed for a couple of days, while this will not be considered a pathology. The menstrual cycle is divided into two main parts:

  1. When menstruation came, a follicle in the ovary begins to mature in the woman's body. Subsequently fromit releases a new egg ready for fertilization. Usually menstruation lasts from 2 to 7 days.
  2. When this egg is released, it is customary to talk about the second phase of the cycle, which is called the luteal. During this period, the female body begins to actively prepare for pregnancy. The endometrial layer on the uterus becomes the most loose and soft, thus preparing to take on a fertilized egg.
how long after ovulation do periods come
how long after ovulation do periods come

If fertilization does not occur, then the level of hormones drops sharply, which provokes the exfoliation of the endometrium from the uterus. This is called regular menstruation. Normally, the second phase should last 14 days. The difference can be 1-2 days. Thus, answering the question of how many days after ovulation menstruation comes, the answer will be: 14-15.

Process Features

Approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, an egg ready for fertilization begins to mature in the dominant follicle. When it is ripe, the walls of the follicle begin to break, thus releasing the egg to freedom. During the exit from the follicle, the egg is drawn into the fallopian tube, in which it must subsequently meet with the sperm. On the inner surface of this tube are special villi that move the egg towards the uterus.

The egg cell lives approximately from 12 to 36 hours. If fertilization does not occur during this period, then it will die, after which it will be brought out with menstrual blood. Thus,we can conclude that the break after the release of the egg ready for fertilization is commonly called ovulation.

If a woman tracks the period of ovulation, she can significantly increase the chances of successful fertilization. The population does not pass at any one and the same specific time. The specific time of the onset of this favorable period will depend both on the duration of the menstrual cycle and on the hormonal background at a certain moment.

how long after ovulation do menstruation
how long after ovulation do menstruation

For example, if a woman has a menstrual cycle of 28 days, then ovulation occurs around day 13 or 14. That is, each individual. So, how long after ovulation will my period go? You can easily calculate that this will happen in another 14 days. However, it also happens when the egg is released only on the 18th day of the menstrual cycle. Please note that it is late ovulation that can provoke a delay in menstruation. That is, the cycle shifts a little. Speaking about how long after ovulation menstruation will come, it should be borne in mind that in this case the numbers will be slightly different.

Auspicious days for conception

You can calculate the onset of a favorable period for conception using several methods:

  1. Determination of ovulation using a temperature chart. As you know, every month during ovulation, due to changes in the hormonal background, the basal temperature increases by about 0.4 degrees. To determine the onset of ovulation using this method, it will take a littlesuffer: for 2-3 months, a woman should measure her rectal temperature every morning, while not getting out of bed. Based on the data, the resulting graphs can be used to detect the onset of ovulation.
  2. There are also special tests to determine ovulation. They look exactly the same as a simple pregnancy test. The test reacts to the presence of the so-called luteinizing hormone. The ovulation period occurs within a day after you find two strips on the test.
  3. Ultrasound. This method is the most reliable for determining the onset of ovulation. For this, a specialist conducts a daily examination of the ovaries. When the follicle reaches a diameter of 20 mm, it is sent back, ovulation occurs within a couple of days.
how long after ovulation do periods start
how long after ovulation do periods start

What happens after?

So, we continue to consider how many days after ovulation menstruation occurs. If for its entire period the egg has not been fertilized, then it, along with the flow of fluid, enters the uterus back, and then is excreted from the female body together with the dead endometrium during the next menstruation.

If fertilization has occurred, then the egg, when merged with the sperm, forms a zygote that begins its journey towards the uterus. This way takes, as a rule, from 5 to 7 days.

It is important to note that during the entire menstrual cycle, several eggs can mature. And if everyone is fertilized, then triplets or twins will be born. However, only one sperm can fuse with an egg.

How long after ovulation is my period?

And now it is worth answering the main question of this article. A fertilized egg in the uterus implants into the endometrium. This stage will be decisive in the development of pregnancy. If the female body at this time rejects the zygote, preventing it from gaining a foothold, then it dies and comes out with the next menstruation.

when should you menstruate
when should you menstruate

This implantation lasts for 40 hours, after which an embryo is formed, the female body is actively preparing for pregnancy. The hormonal background also changes, in parallel with this, the immune system decreases.

So, how long after ovulation does your period start? If fertilization has not occurred, then menstruation comes 14-15 days after. The longest cycle will indicate late ovulation.


So, we figured out when menstruation occurs after ovulation. At the same time, you should pay attention to the fact that they do not have to come every day every month. In some cases, women experience a delay of several days. And there is nothing wrong with this phenomenon. It is only necessary to worry if the duration of the menstrual delay is more than 5 days. In this case, the reason will not always lie in the onset of pregnancy.

features of the menstrual cycle
features of the menstrual cycle

Taking hormones

In the spring, a common cause of late ovulation is the use of hormonalfunds. The use of emergency contraceptives, as well as abrupt interruption of hormone therapy, can cause a delay of about 2 weeks.


What other reasons are there for delayed periods? In addition to pregnancy and the use of hormonal contraceptives, cysts on the ovaries can contribute to the absence of menstruation. Also, the cause of this phenomenon is often an inflammatory process, which is diagnosed in the pelvic organs.

Often a delay is observed in case of diseases of the endocrine system. Those people who suffer from diabetes, have problems with the work of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland or pituitary gland, often observe an irregular menstrual cycle.


Those women who have experienced a spontaneous or medical abortion can observe their periods only 30-40 days after the procedure. If this happens, do not worry, this is an absolute norm, since the female body needs time to recover after an abortion.

menstrual calendar
menstrual calendar

Other reasons

There may be a delay in menstruation. For example, this should include a radical change in climate, too active sports, especially if a woman has lost weight dramatically.

In addition, obesity can cause disturbances in the normal rhythm of menstruation. If women over the age of 40 experience delays in menstruation, then this may be a symptom of the onset of menopause. The function of the ovaries begins to fade gradually, whichprovokes a delay in menstruation.

Now you know how long after ovulation your period comes. If a woman watches her menstrual cycle for some time, then in the future she will be able to determine the beginning of ovulation, as well as the period of approaching critical days, without any complications.