Vaccinating children is a proven way to prevent serious and dangerous infectious diseases. However, many mothers, due to negative reviews, are afraid of the consequences of vaccinations. After the injection, children often have a fever, they become capricious, refuse to eat, and do not sleep well. In this article, we will talk about how many days the temperature lasts after DTP and whether there are reasons to be afraid of this phenomenon.
What is the DTP vaccine?
The abbreviation has the following decoding - adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus medical immunobiological preparation, i.e. vaccine. It contains weakened or killed bacteria that are the causative agents of serious pathologies that pose a huge threat to individuals and often lead to death or disability. From the age of three months, vaccination of the child begins. At what time it is carried out, it will tell youmedic. The developed immunity in the baby lasts up to a year and a half.

To maintain it, revaccination is required, which is also done three times: at one and a half years, at six and at fourteen years. The question of how many days the temperature lasts after DPT revaccination is no longer so acute. Hyperthermia occurs rarely and lasts a day or two. Depending on certain conditions, the timing of vaccinations may be postponed. All this is agreed with the pediatrician.
How to properly prepare your baby for vaccination?
After any vaccination, the body is subjected to a heavy load, the immune system is being restructured. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for vaccination. Parents need to remember that before administering the drug:
- Baby should be he althy for two weeks and have a normal body temperature on the day of vaccination.
- During this period it is undesirable to try new dishes.
- For children prone to allergic reactions, antihistamines are recommended three days before the injection, as well as after it.
- It is advisable to have "Paracetamol" or "Ibuprofen" medicines in the first-aid kit, as the temperature is kept after DTP vaccination.
- In the presence of a chronic pathology, you should visit a doctor and pass the necessary tests so that the vaccine falls on the period of remission.
- A few days before this manipulation, it is advisable to avoid close contact with other people, especially during the rise in the incidence.
Before vaccination, the baby is examined by a medical worker. When symptoms of discomfort are detectedvaccination periods are postponed until full recovery. Before vaccination, the child should not be fed abundantly. On this day, bathing and walking should be abandoned in order to reduce the burden on the body and provide the immune system with the opportunity to synthesize antibodies, which subsequently reliably protect the individual's body from infections.
Contraindications for multicomponent vaccine
It is forbidden to introduce it in the following situations:
- exacerbation of a chronic disease;
- immunodeficiency state;
- oncology;
- unwanted individual reaction to any ingredient of the drug;
- progressive neurological pathology;
- baby feeling unwell;
- the child had a hard time with the previous vaccination, there were: convulsions, high fever, nervous disorders, anaphylactic shock.
All these factors can significantly worsen his condition after the injection. Whether to vaccinate or not is decided by the doctor who constantly monitors the baby. Parents also have a choice.
Changes in child behavior
It is not uncommon for a child's behavior to change immediately after vaccination. He becomes restless, starts crying, and keeps grabbing the injection site with the pen. There is also the opposite reaction. The baby appears lethargy, indifference, drowsiness. Parents need to be very attentive to children, especially after vaccination. Spend more time next to the child, caress him, talk, read his favorite books, give toys that are most important to himlike. Often the thermometer readings fluctuate around 38 degrees. Parents are always worried about how long the temperature lasts after DPT vaccination and when it returns to normal. As a rule, everything passes after three days. If any symptoms remain, then call the doctors at home.
Actions of parents after vaccination
After the vaccination is recommended:
- Don't rush to leave the clinic right away. Sit near the vaccination room for half an hour. Just at this time, an undesirable reaction to the components of the vaccine may develop, even if the baby is not vaccinated for the first time.
- At home, monitor the condition of the crumbs. It is possible that the temperature will rise after DTP vaccination. How many days does she keep? As a rule, no more than three days. It should be measured before going to bed or when the condition worsens.
- After the injection, give an antipyretic. For this, it is better to use Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. They are available in tablets, suppositories and suspensions.
- Doctors do not advise visiting public places after vaccination where there is a risk of contracting colds.
- The next day, the child is allowed to take a walk, as well as bathe him, if he feels well.
Attentive attitude to the baby will provide an opportunity to timely pay attention to the deterioration of the condition and quickly take action.
Increased body temperature after vaccination
After the introduction of an immunobiological drug, almost every second baby has a slight malaise in the form oftemperature increase. This phenomenon is recognized as a natural response of the body to the development of immunity. Moms are often interested in the question of what to do and how long does the temperature last after DTP? If it is above 38 degrees, then follow these tips:
- Put the baby to bed.
- Provide plenty of fluids.
- Give the antipyretic prescribed by the doctor.
- If the thermometer is above 39 degrees, call the doctors at home.

As a rule, the temperature lasts 3 days after DTP vaccination and worries on the day of vaccination. If it persists longer, then most likely the child has caught an infection due to a weakened immune system. In addition, the baby becomes capricious and irritable. It is undesirable to engage in independent healing - this is the prerogative of physicians.
Very high temperature
After vaccination in children up to 39.5 degrees, it rises infrequently. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help. Prior to their arrival, parents should:
- give the baby plenty of warm drink;
- try to bring down the temperature with antipyretics;
- do not wrap, do not use alcohol rub.
How long does a fever last after a DTP shot? If it does not go away after three days, then a doctor's consultation is necessary.
Temperature after vaccination: should I be worried?
As already noted, immediately after the injection of a multicomponent vaccine, changes in the behavior of the baby are possible. To themnotice, watch him closely. The appearance of temperature on the first day is a completely normal situation, but if the numbers on the thermometer do not exceed 38.5 degrees. After the injection, doctors recommend giving the baby an antipyretic medication in any convenient dosage form. How long does the temperature last after DPT? It often goes away after a few days. Each child responds differently to the vaccine.

In some, the temperature rises after the first vaccination, in others - after the second or third. And there are children in whom it does not increase, and this is also not considered a deviation. Sometimes the cause of hyperthermia can be inflammation at the injection site. The doctor will recommend products to reduce redness and swelling, and the temperature will subside.
Reasons for rising temperatures
Parents of a child always ask the question: how long does the temperature last after DTP and what causes it? The main reasons are:
- The reaction of the body to the introduction of foreign agents. The stronger the baby's immunity, the higher the readings on the thermometer will be.
- Allergy to vaccine components. The drug DPT is differently tolerated by children. There may be slight discomfort due to intolerance.
- Viral disease. Sometimes vaccination coincides with the onset of SARS. A weakened immune system cannot fight a viral infection.
- Infection of the injection site. Combing and the entry of pathogenic microflora into the skin layers leads to an inflammatory process.

Sometimes several factors combine and the temperature rises, then you need to see a doctor to eliminate the cause.
How to alleviate the child's condition?
Mommies are very concerned about how long the temperature lasts after DTP vaccination. As mentioned earlier, this trouble in children is considered a natural phenomenon and passes through a short period, an average of two days. To alleviate the condition of the baby, you must:
- create an optimal mode in the room: humidify the air, periodically ventilate the room;
- do not wrap the baby;
- reduce food intake, do not overfeed;
- ensure plenty of fluids.
Timely help and attentive attitude of parents will help the baby to cope safely with the situation.
Which component of DPT causes fever?
Hyperthermic reaction, i.e. when the temperature after the injection of the drug rises above 38 degrees, according to medical statistics, is observed in half of the vaccinated children. In about 5% of babies, it rises above 39 degrees. In most children, the general condition slightly worsens, swelling, redness and pain appear at the injection site. Therefore, among parents there are many fears and myths associated with vaccination. Everyone is primarily concerned about how many days the temperature lasts after DPT and what are the reasons for its occurrence. As already mentioned, the drug contains fragments of the pertussis microbe, which includes pertactin. It is this substancecauses an increase in temperature. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids do not cause such a response. But do not refuse vaccination, all troubles disappear after three days, and your child will be reliably protected from serious infections. Especially if the baby has a high temperature after the first vaccination, then the second is given by the ADS-M vaccine, which does not contain the pertussis component.
Features of the reactivity of the child's body
The formation of the baby's immune system begins even during the period when it is in the prenatal state. After birth, he receives antibodies from his mother's milk. But despite this, he begins to experience immunodeficiency. By the age of three months, the child’s immune system cannot yet produce antibodies on its own, therefore, in order to protect his body from dangerous infections, they begin to be vaccinated. The first vaccination is precisely the protection of children from serious and dangerous ailments - whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. In response to the introduction of the drug, the child's body actively begins to produce antibodies. Their formation is more active at temperatures above subfebrile.

This is why a baby can have hyperthermia. How many days the temperature lasts after DTP is a legitimate question for parents worried about their heir. Do not worry too much, the unpleasant period lasts no more than three days. But if a dangerous infection overtakes the baby, he will remain he althy or get sick in a mild form. To maintain stable immunity, the vaccine is repeated until the child is one year old.two more times. The antibodies developed will protect him until he is one and a half years old.
Does a child's reaction depend on the vaccine manufacturer?
In Russia, a domestic DPT preparation is used, which contains crude proteins, so side effects often occur. Many parents are opposed to this vaccine and refuse to administer it due to possible negative reactions. In addition, they ask: how long does the temperature last after DTP and other ailments? Although the child's he alth becomes normal after a maximum of three days, parents can buy an imported vaccine, such as the French drug Pentaxim. Its main difference is that it forms immunity against five pathologies, that is, in addition to whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, it will protect the baby from polio and Haemophilus influenzae.

In addition, in this vaccine, unlike the domestic one, there are only fragments of pertussis infection cells, which is especially important, since it is the cell membrane of the whooping cough microorganism that is often the culprit of side effects - temperature.
Temperature after revaccination
In order for a child to be constantly protected from dangerous infections, his immunity must be reinforced all the time. Starting from the age of one and a half years, revaccination of babies is carried out. And again, parents are concerned about the same question: how many days does the temperature last after DPT revaccination? So, according to the vaccination calendar, children are given three revaccinations: at eighteen months, at six and fourteen years. In this case alreadyuse the ADS-M vaccine, which does not contain a pertussis component. It contains only diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, so it is much easier to tolerate.

Very rarely there is an increase in temperature, which also lasts no more than three days. Immunity to diphtheria and tetanus is supported not only by children, but also by adults. Therefore, every ten years after the fourteen-year milestone, DPT revaccination is carried out. How long does fever last after vaccination? Most often no more than three days. In isolated cases - longer. Before vaccination, you must definitely undergo an examination with your doctor.
Memo for parents:
- Before the first vaccination, the doctor prescribes a laboratory test of blood and urine and a visit to a neurologist.
- Be calm when you go to get vaccinated. All the excitement is transmitted to the baby, he begins to get nervous. Do not panic, the purpose of vaccination is to protect the child from serious infections.
- Inform the doctor of any he alth problems with your baby.
- Before vaccination, try to distract him - communicate with him, play with your favorite toy that you took from home.
- Do not expose a he althy baby to unnecessary examinations.
- Don't hesitate to ask your doctor if you have any concerns about vaccinations.
- If you don't trust a domestic vaccine, get an imported one.
- After the introduction of the immunological preparation, carefully monitor the condition of the baby. If necessary, do not forget to give an antipyretic.
The DTP vaccine saves children from very severe illnesses - whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, which are still relevant today. How many days does the temperature last after DPT, you now know. Other effects are extremely rare. Do not trust rumors and the anti-vaccine movement. Medicine does not aim to harm the child, and failure to vaccinate can be fatal.