S alt cave in Vladimir. Who is shown and how it can be useful

S alt cave in Vladimir. Who is shown and how it can be useful
S alt cave in Vladimir. Who is shown and how it can be useful

With the onset of summer, everyone wants to go to the sea. But if Turkey and Egypt are not available to you, you can find a replacement for them in your hometown. The s alt cave in Vladimir gives you the opportunity to get a similar effect, but you can visit it in the evening, after work.

S alt cave in Vladimir
S alt cave in Vladimir


Man-made s alt caves are considered analogues of the sea coast. Whether they are useful and who should visit them will be de alt with today. S alt caves in Vladimir are popular mostly among mothers with small children. The recovery period after an illness is much easier if you take a course of marine therapy.


Treatment on the sea coasts people began thousands of years ago. Hermits have long settled in caves with s alt deposits. Their life expectancy was much higher than that of the average person. This experience was gradually adopted by the rest, using places such as hospitals. But today man has decided to reproduce the marine microclimate, if not at home, thenclose to him.

Healing is the s alt itself. That is why the method was called halotherapy. And the rooms where you can breathe sea air - a s alt cave.

How the cave works

Now consider the interior space. This will answer the question of how the s alt room is useful. In fact, it is any room or enclosed space where the equipment supports special conditions. It saturates the air with s alt spray. The use of such a tool allows you to fully reproduce the microclimate of natural s alt caves.

The walls of the halochamber are often covered with s alt. Visitors sit in chairs and relax. For children there are special corners where they play with s alty sand and draw. It is important to pay special attention to this. It is very good if the walls and ceiling are covered with s alt. Pay attention to the corners. If a thin s alt cobweb forms there, this indicates the correct microclimate.

S alt room: indications and contraindications
S alt room: indications and contraindications

Indications and contraindications

The s alt room can be used as an alternative to drug treatment for pathological processes in the lungs and asthmatic manifestations. Bronchitis, bronchial asthma - here the indications are the most direct. Speleotherapy allows you to speed up recovery and prolong the period of remission. S alt rooms successfully treat skin diseases, eczema and lichen.

It is recommended to refrain from visiting s alt mines in the following cases:

  • Bronchopulmonary diseases in the acute stage.
  • Hypertension.
  • Coronary insufficiency.

It is not recommended to visit the speleochamber at high temperatures. But not everything is clear here. Some people think that the best way to heal at a temperature is to take a steam bath.

Where to go


There are quite a lot of s alt caves in Vladimir:

  • "Vanessa". It is located at st. Pesochnaya, 19. One session is equal to three days at sea, as the advertisement says.
  • Harmony Center. Egorova Street, 8B.
  • "Galorum". st. Upper Dubrova, 17.
  • "Magic S alt". st. Pugacheva, 62.
  • "House and s alt". st. Belokonskaya, 8a.

This is not a complete list of s alt caves in Vladimir, but enough to make your choice.

S alt cave treatment
S alt cave treatment

Heals or not

There is no single answer to this question. By analogy with the sea coast, we can say that staying in a s alt mine has a positive effect on he alth and immunity. Some doctors sincerely believe in the effectiveness of such treatment. But a one-time visit will not give anything, you need a course of 10 sessions. The cost of each of them is from 300 rubles. Nothing is a pity for he alth, but for some clients the costs can be tangible.

But there are also no less respected and experienced doctors who believe that the only effect of visiting a s alt cave is psychological. As well as trips to the sea. At the same time, they pay attention to the fact that although such sessions are not harmful to he alth, there are contraindications.
