In the course of numerous medical studies, specialists managed to decipher the structure and composition of glycyrrhizic acid. It turned out that the molecules included in it in their structure resemble the molecules of hormones that are produced by the adrenal cortex (in particular, cortisone). Thanks to this discovery, modern medicine began to use the drug for hormone therapy. After treatment, there is a tremendous change in the water-s alt metabolism (potassium ions are actively excreted from the body, and chlorine, water and sodium ions are retained).
During clinical trials, glycyrrhizic acid (replacement therapy) has been proven to help manage Addison's disease. The mechanism of therapeutic action has not yet been thoroughly studied, but one thing is clear - this drug protects the hormone cortisone from destruction. Analogues of the drug are the drugs "Epigen", "Glycyram" and"Epigen-intim". All of them have antiviral activity.
Product form and biochemical composition
Glycyrrhizic acid is available as an aerosol and cream. Prepared with ammonia (10%), water (800 parts) and licorice root (100 parts).
Healing effect
It has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antiviral and immunostimulating effects. In addition, it has an antipruritic and antiviral effect, and is also used as an expectorant activated glycyrrhizic acid.
What does glycyrrhizic acid treat? Indications for use

Doctors prescribe it to patients with bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis, eczema and mild forms of Addison's disease. Since the drug exhibits anti-allergic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, it is used to treat arthritis, herpes zoster and herpes (types 1-2).
Given the fact that it contains glucuronic acid, which inactivates and binds toxic substances in the body, glycyrrhizic acid is widely used for intoxication and poisoning. In 1980, studies confirmed that it is excellent for stimulating the immune system and preventing the growth and development of herpes. American scientists have also found anti-cancer properties in the drug.
In some parts of the world it is used to treat HIV (by injection). The healing qualities of this medication are scientifically substantiated, tested and proven by practice. Oftenit is prescribed to women during PMS: the drug increases the production of progesterone, reduces estrogen, and soothes. Back in the 50s, the medicine was widely used to get rid of eczema and psoriasis.
And over the past few decades, experts have found that the drug protects the liver from immunological and chemical agents. Clinical studies involving people with chronic hepatitis C have shown that after a course of therapy, the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the liver is significantly reduced. The drug "Phosphogliv" (glycyrrhizic acid + phospholipids) has a similar effect. It is a natural herbal preparation that has an antiviral effect.
Use in other areas
The medicine is also prescribed as a stimulant, especially with significant physical exertion. The medicinal glycyrrhizic acid, indicated for cosmetic use in the treatment of problem skin and dermatitis, is used in creams, lotions and tonics for sensitive skin.

The substance promotes the activation of water-s alt metabolism, whitens, cleanses, softens and relieves irritation.
Side effects
It is not allowed to use the product for more than a month and a half. Experts report that prolonged use can cause headaches, hypertension (high blood pressure), lethargy, swelling and even cardiac arrest.
What medications should not be taken with?

- with corticosteroids (drug "Licorice Extract") is unpredictable. It can give both positive and negative results. It is better not to combine drugs at the same time.
- with diuretics - will result in a significant loss of potassium.
- with oral contraceptives - will cause an allergic reaction.
Before treatment, you should consult a qualified doctor who will prescribe a safe and effective treatment regimen.
How to use?
Aerosol is sprayed on the affected areas six times a day. The duration of therapy is up to ten days. The cream is smeared several times a day. Especially for vaginal use, there is a convenient nozzle, which is a long tube with a spray.
Before each use, wash the nozzle with soap and water. After application, you need to lie down for a few minutes so that the medicine is absorbed. Men can inject the drug into the urethra from a distance of 1 cm.

In papillomavirus and herpetic infections, the medication is sprayed onto the genitals, where the pointed and herpetic formations are located. If within five days the papillomas have not completely disappeared, they are removed using chemical or physical destruction, and then the drug treatment is repeated again.
According to user reviews, the therapeutic effect is observed on the third day after treatment. Formations practically disappear, the generalwell-being, no discomfort. Doctors also consider this medication one of the best in pharmaceuticals.
Glycyrrhizic acid is not prescribed during the period of bearing a child, as it can cause premature birth. Not recommended for people with individual intolerance.