Tar soap from nail fungus: doctors' reviews, treatment methods and results

Tar soap from nail fungus: doctors' reviews, treatment methods and results
Tar soap from nail fungus: doctors' reviews, treatment methods and results

Fungus is a skin infection caused by bacteria, mainly dermatophytes, on the soles of the feet and toes. Nail fungus is one of the most common forms of infection. In the course of recent studies in our country, it was found that every third person with such a diagnosis encountered him due to excessive sweating of the legs. This is the second cause of infection after onychomycosis. For this reason, many are wondering how to cure nail fungus with tar soap. This natural remedy, along with many medicines, is very actively used by Russians.

General information

Nail fungus is a highly contagious disease. Getting rid of it can be extremely difficult. It is important to remember that it does not go away on its own. Do not save patients and only alternative medicine. Be sure to consult a professional dermatologist. How can you tell if it's nail fungus?

soap bars
soap bars

He is usually found onnail plates of the toes. It happens both on one nail and affects them all. Most often, however, infections of this kind affect the first and fifth toes. Shoes come into contact with them.


Sometimes this disease can be quite easy to miss, it happens that a person does not see it at all. If itching begins, the patient may think that the cause is dry skin. Therefore, he may not contact a specialist at all, although mycosis has already begun to develop. This is probably one of the main reasons for the prevalence of this disease. Doctors say that 21% of the country's population suffers from this infection. Visitors to public baths and saunas are often infected with the fungus. You can catch the fungus on the platform near the reservoir, in which people swim. The disease is contagious, and it is worth remembering this when planning to put on someone else's shoes - they can become the very source of mycosis.

on foot
on foot

The question of treating nail fungus with tar soap and s alt is often asked by people at risk. For example, there are diabetics, people suffering from anemia and some other rather serious diseases. Mycosis also develops under the influence of an excessively warm and humid environment. Synthetic socks also have a negative effect on the condition of nails. Damage to this area also leads to the rapid penetration of infection here. For example, it is very risky to cut your nails very short. Under such nail plates, as a rule, mycosis easily penetrates. If there is no desire to be treated for such ailments, you need to choose a free and convenientshoes.

Tar soap

This soap has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Quite often, tar soap is used against toenail fungus. However, these are not all the properties of this natural product. What else can you use it for?

This product works on acne, dandruff and blackheads. In addition, it has a positive effect on falling hair - it strengthens them, and thanks to this, they stop falling out.

Tar soap
Tar soap

What does it look like?

To correctly use tar soap from toenail fungus, you should choose it correctly. The natural product has a caramel color, foams strongly, smells intensely and rather unpleasantly. The aroma is reminiscent of a combination of wood resin, gasoline and cheese. However, this fragrance does not last very long. Completely natural, the product has a number of valuable properties that allow you to take care of the skin.

Tar itself is a dark oily liquid that is extracted from the bark of trees such as pine, birch or beech. In the production of cosmetics, birch tar is most often used. It contains benzene, phenol, xylene, volatile organic acids and other substances.

History of tar

Initially, tar was used to treat numerous skin diseases and other pathologies. Its antibacterial and disinfectant properties ensured widespread use. It has also been used as an adjuvant in diseases of the respiratory tract, throat, and in the treatment of parasites.

Tar was also used to protectclothes from insects, but it also helped with diseases of the bones, in the treatment of animal hooves. It served as an excellent lubricant, had excellent adhesive properties. It is also suitable for sealing. Cosmetics and care products began to include it much later.

a piece of soap
a piece of soap


Besides the fact that tar soap from nail fungus is used very often, it also stimulates the digestive and respiratory systems, cleanses the body, and neutralizes the negative effects of chemotherapy. It is used both in care and in the treatment of diseases. The common application of this product is:

  • skin cleansing;
  • reducing acne;
  • skin smoothing;
  • help treat acne;
  • an anti-hair loss product - in this case, this soap in the form of a liquid is well suited, it foams beautifully and cleanses the scalp;
  • additional tool in the fight against skin diseases, fungus, psoriasis;
  • speed up the healing of wounds and bruises.

Pros and cons

Tar soap is a completely natural substance, it has many benefits. First of all, it cleanses the face well, copes well with many skin diseases, improves the condition of the hair. It foams strongly and is affordable. Unfortunately, it also has several clearly visible drawbacks. Not without reason, soap is recommended for people with oily and combination skin. The product will dry out the skin. In addition, it has an unpleasant odor. It should be remembered that when planning to conducttreating nail fungus with tar soap, it is important to make sure that it will not be used on a pregnant woman - this is dangerous. Pregnancy is a contraindication to such a remedy.

How does it work?

According to reviews, tar soap from nail fungus works as follows. The composition prevents cracking of the skin between the toes, caused by the action of bacteria. The product has strong antibacterial properties. And this property has been known to people since ancient times - they extract tar from birch. In modern products, the proportion of tar in soap is approximately 10%, and this is enough for the composition to be healing.

How to apply?

According to reviews, tar soap from nail fungus can be used in many ways. One of the most effective is the use of the composition as follows. A quick way to help the patient is to apply it very thickly on the damaged nail (finger) before going to bed, sprinkle with s alt (it is better to take sea s alt), cover everything with a cloth, apply a bandage. Wash and dry the area in the morning.

sea s alt
sea s alt

When using tar soap against nail fungus, it should be diluted with water and soda so that it looks like a thick slurry. With a stiff brush, it is worth rubbing the natural remedy into the nail for 2 weeks, also applying the mixture to the fingers and directly to the nail plates. Tar soap and s alt are believed to help achieve the greatest effect from nail fungus. The last component completes the product with a cleansing effect: s alt is an excellent natural scrub.

Good effect fromtreatment can also have a green "healer" from plants: you need to turn the leaves of the golden mustache into gruel, apply to the sore nail at night along with tar soap. Apply a bandage on top, soaked in lilac tincture: pour 10 g of flowers into 0.5 cups of alcohol (vodka).

Additional recommendations

According to reviews, some other recommendations must be followed with tar soap from the fungus to achieve the best effect. Constant moisture in the limbs is the most favorable conditions for the development of all kinds of infections. It is important to consider that the use of folk remedies, including tar soap for nail fungus, according to reviews, may have side effects: burns appear, the composition sometimes corrodes the skin, and causes inconvenience when used. And constant exposure to aggressive components can have the most negative impact on the damaged area. Therefore, it is worth using the recommended recipes and paying attention to the course of treatment, monitoring redness, the appearance of ulcers and other side effects. It must also be remembered that most folk remedies show the best effect when rubbed into the affected areas with a sponge, and they are effective only if the infection has not yet fully developed.


At whatever stage the disease is, it does not disappear by itself. As a rule, no alternative means help either, and this should be taken into account when planning to use tar soap for the disease. If left untreated, the disease will spread to neighboring fingers. Can go tohand nails. For this reason, the supervision of treatment by a professional is necessary. Most modern drugs in this case - internal use, they are most effective in the fight against the fungus. Mycosis often returns. Completing the therapeutic course, it is necessary to follow the medical recommendations for some time, they include advice on hygiene.

with a doctor
with a doctor


When planning to use tar soap for nail fungus, it should be borne in mind that this remedy can also serve other purposes, for example, it is indispensable in prevention. First of all, you need to make sure that it becomes the main means of foot hygiene. Feet should be washed 1-2 times a day. Soap with tar appears on sale more and more often in various variations, it is natural compounds that are most useful. It is necessary to ensure that after washing the feet are wiped as thoroughly as possible with a towel. Cotton socks will be very useful for a person suffering from mycosis. Shoes must be breathable. In no case should wetness be allowed in the legs.

human nails
human nails

Personal hygiene items such as towels, shoes, socks cannot be exchanged. Toenails should always be trimmed straight – but not too short. It is dangerous to leave nails and excessively long, it will also provoke mycosis. And the effect of treating nail fungus with tar soap will be very weak.

With such an infection, you need to go to the doctor. According to reviews, you should not rely on tar soap from nail fungus. Properly selected antifungal drugs prevent the spread of infection to neighboring nails, and in addition, they make it possible to exclude infection with mycosis of other people. In parallel with the main course, you can use tar soap.
