What do girls' clear discharge mean?

What do girls' clear discharge mean?
What do girls' clear discharge mean?

If you're worried about having clear, stretchy mucus, you can calm down and breathe freely. In this case, you are fine. The fact is that physiology implies the presence of secretions in women throughout the entire cycle. At the same time, their character may change, depending on the phase of the cycle.

clear discharge in girls
clear discharge in girls

Appearance of highlights

1. In little girls, discharge is already observed before the onset of menstruation. On linen, when exposed to air, they can acquire a yellowish color. Exactly the same transparent discharge in girls is a sign of a he althy female body.

2. When menstruation ends, there is little to no discharge.3. During the period of ovulation and shortly before it, the nature of this phenomenon changes. Women may notice a change in color as well as texture. Transparent discharge in girls becomes more abundant and resembles chicken protein. Their source is the cervix. You shouldn't be afraid of this. Moreover, this process continues all day 2-3.

transparent stretching mucous discharge
transparent stretching mucous discharge

4. After the end of the ovulation process, the discharge does not stop, but becomes more scarce. Usually in shape they resemble a jelly-like mass. Their color also changes. You can observe the discharge white-transparent, reminiscent of rice water. Just before the onset of menstruation, they may become more abundant. If your discharge is odorless, then there is no reason to worry and see a doctor.5. Before sexual intercourse, at the moment of arousal, transparent discharge also appears in girls and women. Their appearance changes again. They resemble water, and their purpose is to lubricate and moisturize.

When should you sound the alarm?

The discharge symptoms described above are quite normal and there is no cause for concern. If you still doubt, then the best way to get rid of doubts is to visit a doctor. He will likely order a smear test for you. Based on the results of this analysis, certain conclusions can be drawn. If leukocytes do not exceed the norm, and bacilli predominate in the microflora, then you can not worry about your he alth. But it also happens when transparent discharge in girls is a symptom of illness.

white clear discharge
white clear discharge

1. If the smell becomes sour, putrid, saturated, you should not delay contacting a gynecologist, as this phenomenon may indicate the presence of vaginitis or other infectious diseases.

2. Women over 40 should see a doctor if they experience profuse watery or mucous discharge.

3. Color change. If the discharge is no longer whitish-transparent, its color is green, brown or any other than white, it means that some kind of inflammatory process is taking place in the body, and it must be treated as quickly as possible.4. In addition, the following symptoms are the reason for contacting the clinic: pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during intercourse or while going to the toilet, itching, burning, redness in the genital area, fever. All these signs against the background of a change in the color and smell of the discharge indicate serious problems. The sooner you start treatment, the better it will be for you and your he alth.
