What don't people talk about? Redness of the labia

What don't people talk about? Redness of the labia
What don't people talk about? Redness of the labia

Despite the fact that there is less and less censorship in TV programs, some topics remain sensitive and are discussed in a close circle of "patient - doctor". For example, redness of the labia. Why does it occur? What is the risk? Maybe there is a reason to worry about your own he alth? Is this a reason to reconsider the personal hygiene regimen? Is it possible to go on an intimate date with a similar symptom? Any girl would be worried in such a situation. How to answer the most basic questions?

redness of the labia
redness of the labia

Oh woman, you are a goddess

A woman is a pure and delicate flower that needs caress and constant care. Then she can afford proper rest, abstaining from cheap cosmetics and timely hygiene. But if a lady disappears at work from morning till night, she intercepts a plate of instant noodles at lunchand only late at night remembers that you need to take a shower and wash off your makeup, then not the most pleasant problems may loom on the horizon. These include redness of the labia. Alas, a woman has a high probability of catching an infection due to the structural features of the genital organs. But the carriers are often males. So don't take it all in at once. It so happened that a woman has to pay for common shortcomings, but both partners have to be treated.

itching on the labia
itching on the labia

What to suspect?

If there is redness of the labia, what should I do? It is clear that panic will not help the cause, but this symptom can signal the presence of a serious problem, so a visit to the gynecologist should not be delayed. The accompanying sensations can be very unpleasant, as there is itching on the labia and the need for friction due to stimulation of the skin by some kind of irritant.

First of all, we begin to suspect the genital herpes virus. A couple of days after the first symptoms, mini-blisters appear on the organs and turn into sores.

If papillomavirus infection becomes the cause of itching, then genital warts appear in intimate places, single or multiple. Their color can vary from pinkish to deep red. There may be an unpleasant odor. By the way, this disease is sexually transmitted.

Cytomegalovirus infection, which causes colpitis, vulvovaginitis, endometritis, etc., will also become a dangerous "gift" after intimacy. The disease proceedsno symptoms other than pelvic pain.

With such ailments, women notice a clear reddening of the labia, itching, burning and purulent discharge. Pain may occur during intercourse and urination.

redness of the labia causes
redness of the labia causes

If fungus is to blame

There is an insidious disease - candidiasis, or thrush. With it, redness of the labia is observed. The discharge becomes cheesy, and redness with whitish spots is visible in the vagina. Itching worse during sleep, after a long walk or during menstruation. The treatment for thrush is to suppress the development of yeast-like fungi Candida.

And with bacterial vaginosis, grayish discharge can be added to all the symptoms. When treating, one cannot do without medications and suppositories.

Themselves with mustaches

The most annoying thing is when a lady has earned discomfort and illness, succumbing to a momentary hobby. After all, itching on the labia is the first signal of the presence of sexually transmitted infections. It is also worth paying attention to strange spots on the skin, an increase in lymph nodes. It is impossible to make a diagnosis based only on these symptoms, since such ailments accompany many diseases. Be sure to pass the tests.

The cause of redness and itching can be banal violations of the rules of personal hygiene! You also need to be careful when choosing gels, soaps.

Synthetic underwear can contribute to genital discomfort, as can allergies to environmental pollution.

Risk factors can beconsider taking antibiotics, diseases of internal organs.

redness of the labia what to do
redness of the labia what to do


If redness of the labia is observed, the causes established in time help determine the further treatment. The gynecologist will check the tests, prescribe a course of medications and may recommend additional procedures. For example, washing the genitals with a decoction of St. John's wort and chamomile. Also relieves itching decoction of sage, mint, yarrow. After taking a bath, you can apply an ointment based on chopped walnuts and vegetable oil.

During the rehabilitation period, it is imperative to boil underwear and iron it with steam. It is better to avoid tight clothing and thongs. It is better to refrain from sexual intercourse for the time being. And you hardly want to tempt fate, because touching the genitals can be painful. It is impossible to ignore the symptoms categorically, as the consequences can be terrible. In particular, the redness of the genitals flows into inflammation that affects the uterus and urethra. Accordingly, the kidneys suffer. And timely treatment gives quick and complete relief.
