HPV infection in women - what is it? Diagnosis and treatment

HPV infection in women - what is it? Diagnosis and treatment
HPV infection in women - what is it? Diagnosis and treatment

All women dream of looking attractive. But sometimes the skin can somewhat upset the fair sex. It is especially unpleasant when warts or unaesthetic papillomas appear on it. Of course, such a defect of a young lady is most often perceived solely as an external one. But these formations are caused by an unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous, HPV infection in women. What it is? How does the infection enter the body? What methods to fight it? Let's figure it out.

hpv infection in women what is it
hpv infection in women what is it

HPV infection in women - what is it?

HPV is Latin for the name of the virus family: Human Papillomavirus. The abbreviation is often used in medicine. For example, it can be found in analyzes.

So, if HPV infection is found in women, what is this pathology? Translated from Latin, it is the human papillomavirus (HPV). This is a big familymicroorganisms. HPV unites more than 70 varieties of viruses. They can become sources of development in the body of various diseases. Some HPV viruses cause skin diseases. Others - provoke the appearance of genital warts. Today, doctors have fully established the connection between the presence in the body of a woman of certain types of HPV and oncology.

This infection is quite dangerous for the body. It is characterized by mild symptoms and at the same time has an impressive incubation period. Therefore, HPV can stay in the body for a long time without giving itself away. Especially when it comes to women. The microflora of the vagina is a favorable environment for the virus.

hpv infection in women what is it
hpv infection in women what is it

The main features of HPV are:

  • latency of manifestations;
  • long incubation period (sometimes dragging on for several years);
  • mild clinical symptoms;
  • the ability to quickly transform from papilloma to dysplasia.

Since warts, condylomas may not cause discomfort to a woman for a long period, the pathology can go unnoticed for several years. But you must understand if HPV infection is detected in women, what it is. Indeed, in some cases, if HPV treatment is not started in a timely manner, cancer develops in the body.

According to statistics, about 70% of the world's inhabitants are infected with one or another type of HPV.

Transmission routes

There are only 2 methods of HPV infection:

  • sexual (most common);
  • household.

HPV infection in women can be caused by:

  1. Sexual contact with an infected person. And even a condom is not always a sufficient means of protection. There is a high risk of contracting HPV during oral sex.
  2. Procedures in a beauty salon. Unfortunately, it is this route of infection with the virus that is in second place. Infection occurs through insufficiently disinfected instruments. Most often, HPV enters the body after the procedure of permanent makeup or epilation of the bikini area. To protect yourself from the risk of infection, you can either ask to have your instruments disinfected in front of you, or require only single-use items.
  3. Poor personal hygiene. If personal toilet facilities are used by other family members, the risk of infection is high. Each person should have their own personal hygiene items. This applies to all items: washcloths, towels, pumice stones, tweezers, nail scissors.
hpv infection in women
hpv infection in women

Main reasons

Thus, HPV infection in women most often occurs through sexual contact. However, the risk of infection through friendly kisses, handshakes and even household items cannot be ruled out. Through small damage to the skin or mucous membrane, the pathogen easily enters the body.

And it is almost impossible to detect pathology in the early stages. After all, the virus can be present for a long time, but in a latent form. In some casesthe incubation period reaches even up to three months.

There are several factors that most often develop HPV infection in women. Doctors give the following reasons for infection:

  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • constant stress;
  • smoking;
  • avitaminosis, a significant decrease in immunity;
  • alcoholism;
  • early onset of sexual regularity;
  • disturbed flow of metabolic processes;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis);
  • gynecological ailments (ureaplasmosis, thrush, cervical erosion, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia);
  • frequent visits to places with a high risk of infection (baths, saunas, swimming pools);
  • changes in hormonal levels as a result of the use of contraceptives.
hpv infection in women photo
hpv infection in women photo

Virus types

The HPV family includes many varieties of viruses. It is the type of microorganism that determines how HPV infection will manifest itself in women.

Virus types are classified as follows:

  1. HPV underlying warts. Types 1 to 4 result in plantar warts. They look like corns. Thanks to the 3rd, 10th, 28th and 49th types, flat warts appear. And the 27th type leads to the appearance of ordinary formations.
  2. HPV affecting the respiratory tract, genitals. Types 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 are guilty of damage to these organs.
  3. HPV, which provoke a precancerous condition. These are types with highoncogenic risk. This category includes 30, 39, 40, 42, 43, 55, 57, 61, 62, 64, 67, 69, 70th.

Manifestations of the virus

Of course, it is possible to determine the type only with the help of laboratory research methods. But at the same time, even in appearance, one can suspect that there is an HPV infection in women. The photo in the article shows what external manifestations an infected person may encounter.

hpv infection in women procedure description
hpv infection in women procedure description

So, papillomavirus infection can manifest itself as follows:

  1. Genital warts. Such formations most often provoke viruses with a low oncogenic risk. Genital warts can be focal or single. They appear on those areas that are injured during intercourse. The size of these formations is from 1 mm to several centimeters. They are located on a narrow "leg". In appearance, they can resemble "cauliflower" or "cockscomb". Most often they are discovered by chance, during personal hygiene, as an uneven mucosa. Sometimes women can injure condyloma. In this case, it bleeds, causing discomfort during intercourse or childbirth.
  2. Papilloma. These are wart formations. Viral papillomas, unlike tumor ones, can occur and then disappear. The appearance of these formations depends on the strength of immunity at the present time. Viral papillomas can grow anywhere. In color, they practically do not differ from normal skin tone.
  3. Flat warts of the cervix. They signalabout the presence of an old infection in the body. In this case, there may be a change in the epithelium of the cervix at the cellular level. Such violations cause serious concern to the doctor. After all, it is these changes that often lead to the development of oncology. However, the presence of a virus in the body is not a 100% chance of developing cancer. Oncology appears only if there are additional factors that contribute to the degeneration of benign cells into malignant ones.

Characteristic symptoms

What are the signs of HPV infection in women?

Symptoms to watch out for:

  • appearance of itching, unpleasant burning sensation in the genital area;
  • presence of permanent secretions (white, yellow-green, sanious);
  • slight enlargement of lymph nodes;
  • multiple formations (papillomas, warts) on different parts of the body.

If you have even a few symptoms, be sure to consult a gynecologist for an examination.

hpv infection in women diagnosis
hpv infection in women diagnosis

What causes the virus?

This infection is extremely dangerous due to the consequences that it can provoke without adequate treatment.

In some cases, the following complications may develop:

  • head cancer;
  • hyperplasia of the oral mucosa;
  • neck cancer;
  • respiratory papillomatosis;
  • lung cancer.

If we are talking about the genitals, then the virus can lead to development:

  • cervical cancer;
  • dysplasia;
  • anus cancer;
  • oncology of the vagina or external organs.

Diagnosis of disease

Now let's look at how HPV infection is diagnosed in women.

Diagnosis implies an integrated approach and includes the following activities:

  1. Examination at the gynecologist. Women should visit the doctor regularly. Even a routine examination can help detect HPV.
  2. Colposcopy. Such a study is carried out using a special microscope. The colposcope enlarges the female organs many times over. This allows you to perfectly consider warts. The use of additional substances helps to ascertain HPV.
  3. Cytological smear. Scraping allows you to examine tissue in detail under a microscope. The study makes it possible to determine the initial stages of cancer. This examination is mandatory for dysplasia. It's called a Pap test.
  4. Biopsy. A small piece of uterine tissue is examined under high magnification. Biopsy is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.
  5. Histological examination. Allows you to study the structure of cells and the arrangement of layers. The tissue sample initially undergoes special preparation and only then is carefully analyzed.
  6. PCR. The analysis gives an idea of the type of virus and allows you to determine its oncogenicity.

Treatment methods

There is no single program for treating HPV. For each specific case, its own therapy is selected. At the same time, even complex treatment is not able to completely relievepatient from this disease.

Treatment of genital warts

The main method of struggle is mechanical removal. What methods are most effective if HPV infection is diagnosed in women? The description of the procedure given for each method will help to understand the essence of this intervention.

So, for the treatment of genital warts are taken:

  1. Laser therapy. Defects are removed under local anesthesia. The procedure is performed by laser.
  2. Cryodestruction. Unpleasant defects are removed with liquid nitrogen. The procedure is completely painless and leaves no scars.
  3. Electrocoagulation. The therapy is performed with an electric current. The method is quite painful.
  4. Radio wave coagulation. The procedure has an excellent therapeutic result, performed under local anesthesia. Warts are removed with a radio wave knife.
  5. Surgical removal. Extremely rare treatment. Used only for tissue malignancy.
hpv infection in women causes
hpv infection in women causes

Antiviral therapy for human papillomavirus infection

No specific treatment available. Therefore, the patient is prescribed antiviral agents that stimulate the immune system:

  1. Drugs that block the reproduction of the virus and activate the immune system. Effective drugs are Isoprinosine, Inosiplex.
  2. Interferons. Medicines provide antiviral effects, enhance immunity. In addition, they have an antitumor effect. Suchmedicines are "Intron-A", "Alpha-interferon", "Genferon".
  3. Drugs that activate the body's production of its own interferons. Medicines "Cycloferon", "Amiksin" may be recommended.
  4. Medicines that prevent the reproduction of cells affected by the virus. Excellent drugs are Podophyllin, Kondilin, Podophyllotoxin.

However, none of the drugs listed above can completely cure the infection.

Prevention of human papillomavirus infection

This topic is extremely relevant today. Remember that it is HPV infection in women that can lead to cervical cancer.

Prevention methods include:

  • non-specific ways;
  • specific.

In the first case, we are talking about the sexual education of the younger generation. It is very important to explain how to protect the body and how HPV infection is transmitted in women.

hpv infection in women prevention methods
hpv infection in women prevention methods

Specific prevention is vaccination aimed at protecting against the most oncogenic types of the virus. Strong immunity formed after vaccination helps protect a woman from cancer. Such vaccination is recommended for girls before sexual activity begins.

The most effective and worldwide recognized HPV vaccines are:

  • Gardasil.
  • Cervarix.
hpv infection in women symptoms
hpv infection in women symptoms

These vaccinations are also given if the woman is already sexually active. However, before vaccinationit is necessary to undergo an examination prescribed by a doctor to exclude the possibility of having HPV in the body.
