Every person suffering from hypertension sooner or later thinks about what kind of device to buy for measuring blood pressure. Thanks to this device, you can independently monitor the state of the cardiovascular system in order to take the necessary medications in time to normalize your well-being. To do this, you need to know how to properly measure pressure. Devices and units of measurement will be described in the article.

What is a blood pressure monitor for?
Blood pressure is an indicator that determines the force of blood pressure on the walls of the arteries at the moments when the heart muscle relaxes the most (diastolic, lower) and contracts (systolic, upper). To know it, you need a device to measure blood pressure. Its name is tonometer. The unit that defines blood pressure is a millimeter of mercury.
This indicator of the state of he alth of the body is one of the most important. Forto obtain truthful readings, it is worth following the rules for taking measurements. By ignoring them, you distort the real values of the tonometer. This may affect the correct diagnosis.
Before measuring blood pressure, you should rest for at least 15 minutes. Do not smoke, drink energy drinks or coffee for half an hour before the measurement. The bladder must be empty. During the procedure, it is necessary to lie or sit up straight, relaxed, without squeezing the abdominal cavity. Compliance with these rules will allow you to more accurately determine blood pressure indicators, which are important for controlling the state of the body. Regular measurements are necessary for hypertensive patients, people with heart disease, as well as hypotensive patients.

Choosing a device for measuring blood pressure
How to choose the right blood pressure monitor? The question most often arises in people suffering from hypertension, for whom this device is very necessary. So, choose a device for measuring blood pressure.
There are two types of blood pressure monitors: electronic (automatic, semi-automatic) and mechanical. The main criteria for choosing a device are:
- machine type;
- accuracy;
- cuff;
- pear;
- functions;
- service.

Mechanical devices
Mechanical devices are the most reliable and accurate. No interference during measurements or cardiac arrhythmiasdo not affect the accuracy of the result. They are very easy to use if you have at least a little experience. The amount of error in the readings depends on the skills of the person who measured blood pressure. Mechanical blood pressure monitors are equipped with:
- pneumatic supercharger (pear);
- phonendoscope;
- shoulder cuff;
- manometer (mercury or membrane).
Devices in which the supercharger and pressure gauge are combined, and the head of the phonendoscope is built into the device, are better suited for self-measurement of pressure. The main advantages of mechanical blood pressure monitors are accuracy and durability.
If you have good blood pressure measurement skills and excellent vision and hearing, a mechanical blood pressure monitor is the best choice. This device gives the most accurate results. In addition, it does not require changing batteries or charging from the mains. Its cost is much lower than electronic blood pressure monitors. Professionals use this type of apparatus.
Mechanical instrument measurements are performed using a specific algorithm.
1. On the forearm, above the elbow bend by 2 cm, a cuff is applied.
2. The phonendoscope is applied to the cubital fossa.
3. Air is pumped into the cuff with a pear, and after the pulsating sounds stop, the injection increases by 40 mmHg.
4. Air is slowly released, while at the time of the appearance and termination of sounds, the position of the pressure gauge needle is fixed. Systolic (upper) pressure determines the first value, diastolic (lower) pressure determines the second.

Electronic appliances
Electronic devices are more advanced. They can independently measure both pressure and pulse. This blood pressure monitor does not require a stethoscope, is equipped with a human heart rate tracking indicator, and is highly accurate. Thanks to the oscillometric electronic system, the device independently determines the pressure and pulse rate.
Fixation of the cuff in automatic blood pressure monitors can be carried out on the shoulder and on the wrist. They are convenient for measuring blood pressure outside the home, as it is enough to simply lift the sleeve. But wrist blood pressure monitors are not suitable for people with various diseases of the blood vessels, as they may not accurately show the values. You should consult your doctor about the possibility of using them.
Semi-automatic electronic devices are designed to measure blood pressure at the upper arm. They are equipped with a memory unit and run on batteries. Blood pressure measurement, devices and measurement algorithm are very simple. To do this, you should: fix the cuff on your shoulder and pump air with the other hand using a pear. Indicators of values are displayed on the scoreboard. Wrist-cuffed blood pressure monitors are not recommended for the elderly.
For people with poor eyesight and hearing, and those who do not know how to use a mechanical device and do not know how to take a blood pressure measurement, which device is better to choose? There is no doubt - you should buy an automatic device with a shoulder cuff.
Measurement accuracy
When choosing a tonometer, one should definitely take into account such a criterion as the accuracy of its readings. When measuring blood pressure, the permissible error is 3 mm, and when measuring the pulse rate - 5 mm. These indicators are suitable for all types of devices. Accuracy readings are affected by:
- use of inappropriate blood pressure devices;
- habit to measure pressure several times in a row;
- measuring in a hurry.

The cuff plays an important role in measuring blood pressure. At home, it is better to use this element if a metal retainer is located on it. This detail helps to properly fasten the cuffs on the arm. Cuffs are made of cotton material or nylon. For use at home, it is better to buy it from cotton.
Shoulder cuffs for electronic blood pressure monitors are produced in several standard sizes: for children - 15-22 cm, for adults - 32-42 cm and 22-32 cm. Mechanical devices have cuffs: 7-12, 18-26, 34-51, 11-16, 25-40 cm. For fixation on the thigh - 40-66 cm. The wrist devices are equipped with a cuff measuring 13-20 cm.
Supercharger (pear)
Quality supercharger makes it possible to quickly and easily measure the pressure. It should be comfortable to use. A blower that is too tight makes the measurement process difficult, especially if it is carried out by an elderly person. When buying a device, it is better to choose a pear made of latex. She is more comfortable inuse and durability.

Electronic blood pressure monitors have calendars, timers, clocks, control systems for the device. Some models are equipped with diagnostic functions: automatic calculation of the average, a heart rate tracking indicator, an artificial intelligence system that works without errors when a person has an arrhythmia. Electronic devices have mains power supply.
When choosing a device for measuring blood pressure, you should pay attention to those manufacturers whose service centers are located closer to your locality or located in it. You should make sure that the passport for the tonometer has a metrological seal and information in Russian, as well as the service life. The best option for buying a blood pressure monitor is specialized stores from the manufacturer.

The article indicates what blood pressure is and devices for measuring it, how to choose them and where to buy. Read the information carefully, and be sure to consult your doctor, who will tell you which device is right for you.