Increased blood protein: causes. Blood chemistry. total protein

Increased blood protein: causes. Blood chemistry. total protein
Increased blood protein: causes. Blood chemistry. total protein

If the protein in the blood is elevated - what does it mean? Many people are interested in this question. And it is right. In general, it is extremely necessary to know what is happening in our body. That is why it is worth talking about what functions the protein performs and what to do if its balance is disturbed.

increased protein in the blood
increased protein in the blood

Important to know

The protein content in the blood should be normal, and it is desirable that no disturbances occur. This substance is very important to us. After all, it is thanks to the protein that the blood is able to coagulate and move through the vessels. In addition, this substance is responsible for the transfer of nutrients. They are fats, hormones, and other compounds that move through the blood vessels.

And this substance also provides protective functions of the body. In addition, it maintains the stability of the pH index. And plus everything, it is protein that sets the volume of blood in the vessels. So, as you can see, this is the most important element, without which our body would not exist. Well, now it is necessary to open this topic morein detail.

Alarm “call”

Be sure to test for total protein in the blood if a person has suspicions of certain diseases. In particular, on various kinds of disorders that may be associated with reduced immunity. Most often these are diseases of an infectious type or any systemic disorders. It is also worth doing tests if there is a suspicion of collagenosis, malignant neoplasms, anorexia or bulimia. Protein balance is also often disturbed if a person has impaired liver or kidney function. Thermal burns, by the way, can also often be the cause.

total blood protein
total blood protein

Balance and norm

So, in order to find out whether the protein in the blood is elevated or not, it is necessary to conduct an analysis. If the results are abnormal, then yes, there are violations. The so-called "total protein in the blood" consists of globulins and albumins. The last of these are produced in the liver. Globulins are produced by lymphocytes.

The analysis is done in the morning and only on an empty stomach. The generally accepted norm is a level of approximately 66-68 g / l for adults and for adolescents over 14 years of age. For young children who are not a year old, there is another norm, and it is equal to 44-73 g / l. In older babies (from one to two years old), the balance should vary from 56 to 75 k / l. And in children from 2 to 14, the indicator ranges from 60 to 80 g / l. Strictly speaking, this is general information, and it will be useful to know it. Everything else is said by the doctor after the analysis.

protein in the blood what does it mean
protein in the blood what does it mean

Lack of protein

So, before telling what it means if the protein in the blood is increased, it is worth briefly talking about the lack of this substance in the body. This is usually observed during the physiological changes that a person undergoes. This includes prolonged immobilization, for example. Hypoproteinemia is the name of the condition in which the level of this substance is low.

It often appears with a strict diet or fasting, and is also common in vegetarians and (even more often) in vegans. Prolonged inflammation of the intestines can also be the cause. Because of all this, the digestibility of proteins is simply minimized. If a person's liver is out of order, then this problem can also occur. Chronic kidney disorders, burns, cancers, strenuous exercise, poisoning can also cause imbalance. And, unfortunately, reduced protein is not uncommon.

blood protein content
blood protein content

Elevated levels: thyroid disorders

What can you say about this? Well, it rarely happens that the protein in the blood is elevated. What does it mean? This kind of imbalance is evidence of certain diseases. And very serious. And in principle, this is an extremely critical situation when the protein in the blood is elevated. What does this mean - should be figured out.

The first reason is autoimmune diseases. An example is autoimmune thyroiditis. That is inflammation.thyroid gland. Unfortunately, this disease usually occurs without symptoms. Only the thyroid gland increases. And it is very important for us, as it produces iodine, which is essential for maintaining normal metabolism. If the thyroid gland begins to work defectively, or some diseases overcome it (due to which it is often necessary to carry out an operation), then the person then has to follow a strict diet for the rest of his life. Nothing s alty, fatty, spicy, fried, stewed. Steamed foods and, without fail, something that contains iodine (salmon, mackerel, flounder, cabbage, tomatoes, persimmons, legumes, rye, oats, etc.). In general, this is very serious, so it is advisable to consult a doctor if there are suspicions of diseases related to the thyroid gland.

cause of protein in the blood
cause of protein in the blood

What else you need to know

If a person has elevated protein in the blood, then it may not necessarily be the thyroid gland. Often the causes are acute or chronic infections. Even a banal lack of water in the body can provoke a situation where a person will have an increased protein in the blood. But, of course, one of the most serious causes is malignant tumors, due to which harmful substances are produced in the body. Proteins, by the way, are also among them.

If the analysis showed that the balance is disturbed, then it is very important to consider that some medications that the person may have taken for some time are the cause of hyperproteinemia. These include drugs containing estrogen andcorticosteroids. And if the result still turned out to be deplorable, then you need to make an appointment with a therapist. There the final reason will be clarified. There should be as much protein in the blood as the norm prescribes, and violations must be treated.

protein in the blood what does it mean
protein in the blood what does it mean

Because of what can the rate of protein in the blood be exceeded?

It has already been said about diseases, but now I would like to talk about other reasons. So, in general, the increase is absolute and relative. In the first case, there is an increase in plasma proteins, but the volume of blood remains the same. In the second, its condensation is traced. But in both cases, the norm of protein in the blood is violated.

A relative increase can occur as a result of frequent vomiting or regular diarrhea - because of this, the body is dehydrated. Intestinal obstruction, cholera, acute bleeding - all this is also the cause. The absolute increase is what was listed earlier. All serious illnesses And sepsis. Nothing was said about him, but this (blood poisoning) also takes place.

How to maintain a he althy balance? Unfortunately, in this case, one diet will not work. The doctor will tell you everything in detail, prescribe the necessary drugs and the diet that will need to be observed without fail.
