How to treat cough in adults?

How to treat cough in adults?
How to treat cough in adults?

Cough in an adult can be caused by various reasons. Accordingly, the treatment cannot be universal. Since it is possible to accurately diagnose one of the ninety causes of a cough only after an examination, we will not go into the reasons, but we will try to cope with the cough ourselves.

how to treat cough in adults
how to treat cough in adults

I want to warn you right away that advice on how to treat cough in adults is not given by a professional doctor, but by a smoker with twenty years of experience and a weakened immune system.

If the cough persists for seven days and is accompanied by fever (up to 38 degrees), consult a doctor. And if the temperature rises above 38 degrees, then the local doctor or the ambulance team will popularly explain how to treat a cough in adults.

At first, you can not disturb the doctors and try to get rid of the cough on your own within seven days.

First of all, how to treat cough in adults who smoke. No one is going to lecture you about the dangers of smoking. You yourself know perfectly well that your bronchitis has worsened. To get rid of cough, trynot smoke for at least a couple of days and "ventilate" the lungs by making them work while walking. The cough will pass quickly, perhaps along with it the desire to smoke will also disappear.

Cough can be dry or phlegm.

If mucus is released during a cough, there is hope that it will pass soon. With a wet cough, the body cleanses itself of pathogenic bacteria and foreign substances.

cough syrup for adults
cough syrup for adults

Dry cough often causes pain and interferes with sleep. Basically, the treatment of this cough is to make it go into the cough phase with sputum. The secretion of mucus when coughing often indicates a speedy recovery.

Any pharmacy can tell you how to treat a cough in adults. The first thing you will be asked is what a cough is. If it turns out that the cough is dry, you will be advised to buy an expectorant. Believe me, no matter how much this syrup costs, it is worth buying it. In the initial stage of the disease, it is better to use such harmless remedies that are allowed even for children. Strong drugs can cause side effects or worsen the disease.

Until an accurate diagnosis is made on the basis of a medical examination (blood test, urine test, fluorography), it is not recommended to use radical traditional medicine. Some of them can cause allergic reactions, exacerbate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, or provoke a fatal change in blood pressure.

The more harmless your self-treatment is, theless money you will later spend on dealing with complications!

The most harmless folk "cough mixture" for adults is warm milk with honey.

adult cough
adult cough

When you cough, all drinks should not be hot, but warm. Boiling water can damage already irritated tissues.

With a dry cough, you can try to mix honey with cranberries in equal proportions and take this mixture half an hour after meals (three times a day). To quickly get rid of a cough, you should temporarily give up coffee, spicy and s alty foods, sweets and alcohol. It is better to eat cereals and mashed potatoes. It is advisable to eat salads that contain grated carrots and radishes.
