Today we will learn what a medical exemption from vaccinations is, how to get it and why you need it. This document can be extremely important. Therefore, it is impossible to avoid its registration in any case, if there are prerequisites for the implementation of the process. Vaccination may not go as smoothly as you would like if you neglect the medical tap. So what kind of document is this?

What is this
The medical exemption is a document that provides a deferral for vaccination. Most often it is given to children. It confirms that the patient has contraindications for vaccination. Has a temporary effect.
Don't confuse the medical withdrawal from vaccinations with the rejection of them. In the first case, this is a medical official medical document, in the second, it is the decision of the parents. Usually this certificate is issued at the discretion of doctors. After it, the pediatrician draws up an individual vaccination schedule. And subsequent vaccinationswill do it already taking into account the presence of a medical tap.
Who issues
Who should issue this document? It is not difficult to guess that this is done by medical institutions in which this or that citizen is observed on a permanent basis. It does not have to be a public clinic, maybe a private one. The main rule is regular monitoring of a person with contraindications to vaccination.
Most often, a medical exemption from vaccinations for children is issued during the study of the obtained tests and examination before the procedure. If the doctor has suspicions about the presence of contraindications, he must give a medical exemption. A certificate is issued absolutely free of charge, it is issued very quickly. As practice shows, after the end of the inspection, you will have to make a document - the basis.
What is usually contained in the medical tape from vaccinations? Usually there is no special information here. Only information about the patient, the date of issue of the certificate and the reason for the ban on vaccination. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that without fail the doctor writes the duration of the document. It is established in accordance with the legal norms in Russia. The minimum term is a month, the maximum is a lifelong medical exemption. By the way, the last option is extremely rare.

In some cases, a medical exemption from vaccinations for children and adults is given for 2 weeks. For example, after a cold. But in practice, most often, scheduled vaccination is postponed for 30 days.
The doctor fills out the appropriate certificate form, putsthere is a personal signature and seal of a medical institution - it's ready, you can not be afraid of another vaccination for some more time. In some cases, it is necessary to assemble a council or a whole commission. Under such circumstances, it will take some time for a group of doctors to decide how to proceed with the vaccination.
Temporary ailments
Vaccination exemption for adults and children is issued under the responsibility of medical personnel. Therefore, it is important to have precisely contraindications to vaccination. Otherwise, the issuance of a certificate may be regarded as a violation of the laws of the country. What can be attributed to the reasons for issuing a document on the postponement of vaccination?
Some people think that a child's poor condition on any given day is the perfect excuse to get a medical exemption. But as practice shows, this is not at all the case. If the child is he althy, but today he does not feel well, you should not hope for a delay from vaccination. You must have a good reason to get help.

Yes, temporary illness can be a sign of serious he alth problems. But if the doctor does not see them, there are no obstacles to routine vaccinations. Parents themselves can write a temporary waiver of this procedure for a certain period of time.
Relative contraindications
Most often, the population is faced with relative reasons for delays in vaccination. We can say that this is a temporary phenomenon. There are a lot of relative reasons, the enumeration can last for a long time. But most often they include some deviations inanalyses.
Do you need a medical exemption from vaccinations? The reasons why this certificate is issued for a while are varied. These include:
- windmill;
- allergic reactions;
- acclimatization of the child;
- recent contact with someone sick.
The possible list of relative reasons for receiving a medical exemption does not end there. Just some points require more detailed consideration. So what should you pay attention to?

Temperature fluctuations
The most common scenario in which a medical exemption from vaccinations is issued for a while is a deviation in a person's temperature from the norm. Ideally, in humans, it should be no higher than 36.6 Celsius. But as practice shows, vaccination is carried out at a temperature of 36 to 37 degrees. This is how it really is.
If a child has a breakdown or a fever, they should not be vaccinated. But the doctor himself may not be given - the doctors simply say to come the next day to check the child's condition. Maybe he just had a temporary breakdown. Then you will immediately get a routine vaccination.
As practice shows, sometimes even a fever does not bother doctors, and they do not postpone vaccination. Only irresponsible cadres behave this way. Unfortunately, this behavior is not uncommon. After all, a low / high temperature is often considered a temporary phenomenon.

Very often given a medical exemption from vaccinations after SARS. Exactly the same as after other diseases. Indeed, the presence of a particular disease can be attributed to the relative reasons for obtaining our today's certificate. It doesn't matter which one. Even a common cold can cause a delay in vaccination of a child and an adult.
Perhaps no one undertakes to vaccinate a sick child. As practice shows, in this case, a certificate of medical exemption from vaccinations is issued 2 weeks after the disease. Or in general for a month from the date of the discovery of the disease.
Absolute Liberation
In addition to the relative reasons for obtaining a medical deferment from vaccination, there is an absolute exemption. In such circumstances, you will either have one or another vaccination canceled for life, or for about a year. What is the absolute reason why a medical exemption from vaccinations up to a year long can be obtained? These include:
- HIV and AIDS;
- oncological diseases;
- undergoing chemotherapy;
- systemic chronic diseases;
- anemia;
- low hemoglobin;
- allergic reactions to vaccine ingredients;
- acute diseases accompanied by a malignant course.
Often under these circumstances, patients are given a medical exemption from (specific) vaccinations on a lifetime basis. Usually, DTP is most often excluded from the standard vaccination list. It is quite normal, because this drug is considered heavy. It is not always well toleratedeven perfectly he althy children. By the way, vaccinations after the medical withdrawal will be carried out exclusively according to an individual schedule. Otherwise, the risk of complications in a person at any age is high. Remember this.

Consilium and Commission
It has already been said that under certain circumstances, the doctor alone cannot decide to postpone vaccination. Instead, a medical commission is going to assess the situation of a particular patient. In the end, the most correct decision will be made. And if the doctors consider the reasons for delaying the vaccination to be really serious, you can cancel it altogether. The very dubious reasons for the medical withdrawal include:
- negative body reaction to previous vaccines;
- any immunodeficiency;
- underweight;
- diseases of the nervous system;
- A patient is allergic to egg white.
It is also worth noting that some vaccinations cannot be delayed for medical reasons. For example, everyone is required to do ADS and ADSM. The exception is a lifetime exemption from vaccination. It is also believed that the polio vaccine should also be given to everyone who is not exempt from such injections for life.
After Medical Tap
What if you were given a medical exemption from vaccinations? It has already been said that this certificate requires an individual vaccination schedule. This is usually done by a pediatrician. But especially responsible parents prefer to contact an immunologist. Onlyhe will be able to correctly schedule vaccinations for you and your child, taking into account all the features.

If you are categorical about any vaccines and do not intend to give them to your child, you do not need to fill your head with medical taps. Just write the refusal of vaccination. Parents themselves have the right to decide what vaccinations to do and not to do to their minor baby. If you are afraid of negative consequences, you can refuse such injections for a certain period. For example, until the child is 1 year old, by this time the immune system is already more stable. Many parents do just that. In any case, if you want the most accurate vaccination schedule, you should consult an immunologist.