Polio is a disease that can lead to irreversible consequences. Vaccination is the only way to prevent this disease. OPV and IPV vaccinations should be mandatory for children. Today we will find out how these abbreviations stand for, why some parents are against immunization and how they argue their refusal to use vaccines. We will also find out what doctors think about vaccinating children, including OPV.

What is polio?
This is a viral infection that affects the central nervous system (the gray matter of the spinal cord), which subsequently leads to paralysis. The source of the appearance of the disease can be both a clearly sick person, and one who is a carrier of the disease, but you cannot say from him that he is struck. Polio is transmitted by airborne, fecal-oral route.
Children aged 3 months to 5 years are most susceptible to this infection.
It is difficult to cure this problem, but it can be prevented. For this, timelyvaccinate children. The vaccine that has been successfully used against polio is the OPV vaccine. It is mandatory for all kids, but some parents refuse to do it to their kids. At the end of the article, we will understand why they do this.
OPV-vaccination: deciphering the abbreviation
The three letters of the drug represent the capital letters of the vaccine name. They are deciphered as "oral polio vaccine". Oral - this means that the drug is administered through the mouth.
The drug is produced in Russia. It is produced at the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis. M. P. Chumakova RAMN.
Types of vaccines
To prevent this infectious disease, 2 types of drugs are used:
- OPV vaccine contains attenuated modified live polioviruses. This vaccine is a solution (drops) to be instilled into the mouth.
- IPV – inactivated polio vaccine. This includes killed pathogens. This vaccine is an intramuscular solution.

Why do both vaccines need to be given?
Until 2010, vaccination against this dangerous disease was carried out in Russia only with the help of IPV, that is, an inactivated drug. At that time, there was a favorable epidemiological situation in the country. But in 2010, an outbreak of this disease occurred in Tajikistan, which also affected Russia. Then one person died in the country. As a result, the government decided on mixed vaccination. Now in the first year of lifebabies are given IPV, then OPV. Revaccination in older children is carried out only with a live vaccine.
How is the drop immunization going?
The solution for OPV polio vaccination is a pink liquid with a s alty-bitter taste. Order drops in the mouth:
- For babies under 2 years old - on the lymphoid tissue in the throat.
- For children over 2 years old - on palatine tonsils.
There are no taste buds in these places, so boys and girls don't feel bitter.
The liquid is instilled by a nurse using a disposable plastic dropper with a syringe. The dosage of the drug may be different, depending on the concentration of the vaccine used. So, a he alth worker can apply 2 or 4 drops.
Sometimes babies spit up the drug. In this case, the procedure must be repeated. If after the second time the child spit up, then the nurse does not make a third attempt.
A given OPV vaccine prevents eating and drinking for one hour after vaccination.
Scheme of drug administration
This method of preventing an infectious disease is done according to the following plan:
- At 3, 4, 5 and 6 months old.
- Revaccination is carried out at 18, 20 months, and then at 14 years.

Deterioration of he alth after vaccination
OPV - vaccination, complications after which are practically absent. In isolated cases, a small patient may experience such negative consequences as:
-Increase in body temperature.
- Increased stool.
These symptoms usually go away on their own within 2 days after vaccination, so no treatment is required.
Temperature after OPV vaccination may not rise at all or fluctuate between 37.5-38 degrees. Pediatricians are sure that there is no need to worry about this, unless it is accompanied by additional serious reactions.
Hyperthermia (overheating) may appear 2-3 hours after vaccination, as well as 2 or 3 days after the drug enters the body. This temperature can persist from 3 days to 2 weeks. If at the same time the baby is active, nothing bothers him, then there is no need to bring it down. If the child is whiny, apathetic, then the use of drugs for fever is possible.
Drug ingredients
The composition of the OPV polio vaccine is as follows:
- Attenuated strains of the virus of the first three types of the disease, grown on a culture of African green monkey kidney cells.
- Magnesium chloride stabilizer.
- Preservative - kanamycin sulfate.
Sold in 10 or 20 doses.

OPV vaccination is not given in the following cases:
- In immunodeficiency conditions, including HIV, oncological diseases.
- With weakened immunity, as well as if there are people with infectious diseases in the family.
- For neurological complications from previous OPV vaccinations.
With caution and onlyunder the supervision of a doctor, a vaccination is carried out for problems with the intestines and stomach.
Rare adverse reactions after OPV
There are situations when this vaccine leads to such a negative consequence as infection with polio. This can happen, but it is very rare, somewhere around 1 in 3 million people. This situation can happen for one reason: if the OPV vaccine is administered to a baby who has a disorder of the immune system. For this reason, in those countries where polio has been defeated, IPV, that is, injections, is given as part of routine vaccination. But if a person goes to another country where there is a risk of contracting this disease, then it is better for him to do OPV. This vaccine creates stronger immunity to the disease.
Preparing for vaccination
Vaccination of OPV and IPV requires preparing the child for it. For this baby, you need to show the pediatrician. The specialist carefully examines the child, listens to him, checks his throat, asks if there are sick family members at home. If everyone is he althy, then the pediatrician gives a referral for vaccination.
Before and after vaccination, you can not feed and water the child for 1 hour. This is necessary so that the vaccine is better absorbed by the children's body.
Adverse reactions after IPV
Because this vaccine is inactivated, it means it will never infect a baby with polio. Unlike OPV. True, and in that case, infection can occur extremely rarely. As for complications, sometimes babies may experience a local reaction. Some may lose their appetite, decreaseactivity. But these are harmless changes that pass by themselves.
This is another type of infectious disease prevention, just like the OPV vaccine. The decoding of these four capital letters is simple - adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. DPT is done to children starting from 3 months. Exactly the same as OPV. The drug is injected intramuscularly into the shoulder.

Complex vaccination
In Russia and Ukraine, DPT, OPV vaccination is usually done as planned. The only exceptions are those cases when the child is vaccinated according to an individual schedule. Experts note that joint vaccination against polio, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria helps to develop strong immunity. The doctor can give a direction for a complex injection with one of these drugs: Pentaxim, Infarix Hexa. Or you can administer the drug with two different vaccines at the same time. For example, these can be drugs such as Infarix + Imovax.
Despite the fact that complex vaccination is very good, nevertheless, the decision on such vaccination must be made on an individual basis due to the fact that DPT itself has a strong burden on the body.
This is a modification of the DPT vaccine, but without the pertussis component.
It turns out that after 4 years this disease is not deadly. Therefore, any parent can decide, together with the doctor, what vaccination to give the child after 4 years - DPT or ADSM.
This vaccine is used on adults(an injection is given every 10 years), as well as to children who have contraindications for DTP. Inoculation ADSM, OPV can complement be done at the same time. This modification of DPT is a solution in ampoules for injection. The vaccination is given intramuscularly. The best places for injections are: thigh, shoulder, place under the shoulder blade. It is not recommended to administer the drug into the buttock, since the sciatic nerve may subsequently become inflamed in the patient or the agent will enter the subcutaneous fat. Vaccination ADSM, OPV is done by a specialist only after examination by a pediatrician. Adverse reactions from the diphtheria and tetanus vaccine may include:
- Fever.
- Capriciousness, nervousness.
- Disturbance of appetite.
- Problems with stool.
Negative opinions about the vaccine
OPV vaccination gets mixed reviews. Some mothers think that after vaccination, the child will become sensitive to the disease and will be able to quickly pick up this disease - polio. In fact, this will never happen. That is why vaccination is needed to protect both yourself and your child from a dangerous disease called polio. Some mothers praise the vaccine, others criticize it. Those who did not like the effect of the drug from polio note that there are consequences from the droplets. Some children begin to act up, they lose their appetite, problems with the stool begin. The appearance of such negative consequences can be provoked by OPV vaccination. Temperature, trembling in the body - this can also be observed in the first 2 days after vaccination. These symptoms are onlywait, they must pass on their own.
But there are also mothers who are sure that after OPV vaccination, children begin to get sick with acute respiratory viral infections. For some reason, parents are convinced that it was this vaccine that contributed to the child's illness. However, in reality this is not the case at all. No immunization, including with the help of polio drugs, can weaken the protective functions of the body. And the fact that children get sick after vaccination is the problem of parents. Perhaps the mother and baby were in the clinic for a long time. And while they were waiting for their turn to be vaccinated, the child was in contact with other babies who may not have been he althy. Viruses and bacteria multiply rapidly indoors, and it is in hospitals that boys and girls are most likely to become infected. And so that there are no consequences, you need to temper your child so that no virus sticks to him, after he is given the right drug, that is, he is vaccinated. OPV is also opposed by those people who are faced with the problem of low-quality vaccines. That, they say, after vaccination, the child became ill, vomiting began, loose stools appeared, the temperature rose, and the child was taken to the hospital. To prevent this from happening, you need to use the tips below.

Important instructions for parents
If some mothers are afraid that their babies will not have any consequences after vaccination, then you need to follow these recommendations:
- Be sure to ask about the quality of the vaccine, the dateits production, storage conditions.
- Any mother should know about the he alth status of her child before deciding on immunization. If the baby is sick or had been ill a week ago, then it is forbidden to drip drops for him. OPV should only be given to a completely he althy baby.
- After vaccination, it is imperative to give your son or daughter an antiallergic drug.
- If possible, come to the immunization with the whole family. Let dad and child walk outside while mom waits for her turn. So the probability of catching the virus in the clinic is reduced, and the baby will perfectly tolerate the OPV vaccine.

Positive feedback from people
OPV vaccination receives not only disapproving reviews, but also flattering ones. In general, there are more positive responses than negative ones. So, those mothers who brought a he althy child to the clinic for polio immunization note that the procedure is painless. The child is not afraid, does not cry, does not worry about the fact that drops are dripping to him. And mothers feel good, because there will be no need to reassure their son or daughter. The OPV vaccine is not the injections that many children are afraid of.
Many more parents point out that with proper child care, there will be no side effects from the polio vaccine. And it really is true. For the most part, children tolerate this vaccine well.
Vaccination is a must for the he alth of the nation.
Doctors' opinions
Pediatricians are sure that there is no better prevention against polio than vaccination. Therefore, doctors are constantly trying to convince parents that vaccinations are not dangerous. The threat to the child is created by the parents themselves, who, having read false information in the newspapers or heard out of the corner of their ears from acquaintances about the dangers of immunization, write refusals to vaccinate their babies. You should never listen to untruthful stories, draw conclusions based on unreliable data. It is necessary to vaccinate a child, and any doctor will tell you about it. The only question is when to do it. If a boy or girl is sick, then any doctor will postpone the issue of immunization until later.
Pediatricians note: in order to avoid any consequences after vaccination, parents should also help them. How? At the appointment, be sure to talk about possible he alth problems: runny nose, cough and other symptoms of a viral infection.
Polio is a dangerous infectious disease that can lead to paralysis. It is important to vaccinate the child in time so that he has immunity to this disease. Therefore, a timely trip to the pediatrician, parental consent to vaccination is the right way to the he alth of our children. OPV vaccination is the main preventive measure for diseases such as poliomyelitis. And it is desirable to do it for all children, according to indications.