Alcohol withdrawal time: medical opinions

Alcohol withdrawal time: medical opinions
Alcohol withdrawal time: medical opinions

Almost any celebration is accompanied by the use of alcoholic beverages. At the same time, it is not always possible to strictly control the amount of alcohol consumed. In this regard, the question becomes relevant as to how to speed up the process of removing harmful compounds from the body and reduce to a minimum the intensity of the manifestations of the hangover syndrome. This information is especially valuable for drivers. The process of absorption of alcohol-containing drinks is described below, the factors affecting the time of withdrawal of alcohol from the body, as well as the opinions and recommendations of doctors are indicated.

Drink alcohol
Drink alcohol

What happens in the body

Any alcohol immediately enters the stomach. After that, the alcohol-containing drink moves through the organs of the digestive system. Its main volume is absorbed in the duodenum. This is due to the fact that a large number of blood vessels are concentrated in this organ. In this regard, ethanol molecules very easily enter the liquidconnective tissue.

Toxic compounds in the bloodstream are distributed throughout the body, including to the brain. The presence of ethanol molecules in this organ is the cause of the state of intoxication.

Directly the process of alcohol absorption is very long. It can take 30 minutes or several hours. However, it is known that the maximum concentration of ethanol in the blood becomes after about 60 minutes.

Drinking alcohol
Drinking alcohol

Degrees of body intoxication

The general condition of a person directly depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. The maximum permissible content of ethyl alcohol in the exhaled air of drivers should not exceed 0.16 ppm. At this concentration of a harmful compound, the general condition does not change.

It is customary to distinguish several degrees of a person's intoxication:

  • Easy. The concentration of ethanol in the exhaled air is from 0.5 to 1.5 ppm. A mild degree of intoxication occurs within a few minutes after drinking an alcohol-containing drink. Symptoms: muscle relaxation, improved mood, sociability, courage, excessive activity.
  • Medium (from 1.5 to 2.5 ppm). Clinical manifestations of this degree of intoxication: monotonous and not always intelligible speech, impaired coordination of movements, irritability, aggression towards strangers, readiness to get into a fight, memory lapses (as a rule, they are of a short-term nature).
  • Strong (from 2.5 to 3 ppm). Symptoms: lack of coordination, slurred speech, failuresin memory, loss of consciousness, involuntary urination is often observed.
  • Alcohol intoxication (from 3 to 5 ppm). Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is fraught with the onset of death. Concentrations over 5 ppm are lethal. At the same time, it is possible to save the victim's life only in a hospital.

As alcohol is removed from the human body, the general condition of the latter improves. Coordination, speech, ability to think soberly are restored.


Factors affecting alcohol withdrawal time

Ethanol is a poison for body cells. In this regard, after its use, protective mechanisms are launched in the body. This is necessary in order to speed up the process of getting rid of the toxic compound from tissues.

Several other factors influence the time of withdrawal of alcohol from the blood:

  • Duration of the feast. If the alcohol-containing drink was consumed quickly and in large volumes, severe intoxication cannot be avoided. In this case, the cells will recover for a long time.
  • The state of the liver. This body is directly involved in the process of removing alcohol from the body. If his work is disturbed, a person sobers up more slowly.
  • Psycho-emotional state. If a person is excited, he will get drunk faster. In addition, alcohol withdrawal time will increase.

This process is also influenced by such indicators as age, gender and body weight. The time for the withdrawal of alcohol from the body of men is relatively short. Women, especiallythin build, sober longer and more likely to suffer from a hangover.

hangover symptoms
hangover symptoms

How it is excreted from the body

Ethyl alcohol dissolves in liquid connective tissue on its own, that is, the digestive system does not participate in this process, it is only a conductor. Thus, intoxication after drinking alcohol occurs in any case.

Ethanol molecules are excreted from the body through the lungs, kidneys and liver. In these organs, it undergoes splitting and is converted into acetic acid. It is worth noting that only 70% of ethanol is recycled, the remaining 30% is output unchanged.

Derivation time: tables

As mentioned above, the process depends on physical parameters. However, the type of alcohol-containing drink also plays an important role. The most relevant information is regarding the time of withdrawal of alcohol from the body for drivers, because no one wants to lose the right to drive a vehicle due to a feast that occurred the day before.

The table below shows the withdrawal time of beer 4% vol. in minutes.

100ml 300ml 500ml
60kg 35 105 175
70kg 30 90 150
80kg 25 80 130
90kg 20 70 120

Below is information about the withdrawal time of beer 6% vol. inminutes.

100ml 300ml 500ml
60kg 55 155 260
70kg 45 135 230
80kg 40 120 195
90kg 35 105 175

The table below shows the withdrawal time for stronger alcohol - champagne 11% vol.

100ml 300ml 500ml
60kg 95 285 480
70kg 80 240 410
80kg 70 215 360
90kg 60 190 310

Vodka withdrawal time 40% vol. indicated in the table below, but in hours, as this process is very long.

100ml 300ml 500ml
60kg 6 hours 17h 25m 29h
70kg 5h 30m 14h 55m 24h 55m
80kg 4h 25m 13h 25m 21h 45m
90kg 3h 45m 11h 35m 19h20m

Another table shows the withdrawal time for cognac 42% vol.

100ml 300ml 500ml
60kg 6 hours 18h 30h 30m
70kg 5h 45m 14h 55m 24h 55m
80kg 4h 55m 13h 55m 22h 45m
90kg 4h 12h10m 20h20m

Thus, the stronger the drink, the longer the time for the withdrawal of alcohol from the human body.

Noisy feast
Noisy feast

How to speed up the process

The most effective are medical techniques. As a rule, they are used in relation to persons with severe alcohol intoxication. With severe intoxication, intravenous administration of insulin, glucose, and vitamins B and C is indicated. During treatment, the process of removing ethanol molecules is accelerated. A natural consequence is a significant improvement in well-being.

How to accelerate the withdrawal of alcohol yourself:

  • Do not drink alcohol to relieve hangovers.
  • Drink often and as much pure non-carbonated water as possible.
  • Stomach lavage.
  • Drink sweet tea or coffee.
  • Eat lots of sugary fruits.
  • Go to the bath or exercise.
  • Take a contrast shower.
  • Replace heavy meals with dairy products.

The universal way is sleep. A few hours of sleep is enough to make you feel much better.

hangover syndrome
hangover syndrome


As mentioned above, it is impossible to consume alcoholic beverages and avoid getting drunk. However, if you follow certain rules, you can avoid the onset of a hangover and somewhat speed up the process of removing toxic compounds from the body.

Medic Tips:

  • Approximately 8 hours before the feast to go in for sports. The most effective are considered cardio loads. Metabolic processes are accelerated by several hours, which means that the time for the withdrawal of alcohol is reduced.
  • A few minutes before drinking alcohol, eat a raw chicken egg. It binds to ethanol and forms a mass that prevents the molecules from being completely absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • It is recommended to start the feast with food. You can pre-eat a piece of butter. Fatty foods help create a protective film in the stomach.
  • Alcohol should not be washed down, but a snack. In this case, the symptoms of intoxication appear more slowly.
  • Half an hour before the feast, drink 50 drops of Eleutherococcus tincture. It is a powerful liquid. It inhibits the absorption of alcohol and keeps you sober.

In addition, 1 hour before the feast, you can drink 7-8 tablets of activated charcoal.

Medical advice
Medical advice

Expert opinions on non-alcoholic beer

The process of preparing this drink is very complicated. Alcohol is removed from it either at the initial or at the final stage. However, the alcohol in such beer is allstill remains, albeit in a small amount - from 0.2 to 1% vol.

In this regard, you should not believe advertising and think that non-alcoholic beer is harmless and it is impossible to achieve intoxication with its help. But in this case, again, a significant role is played by the physical parameters of a person. For example, a man needs to drink about 30 cans of 500 ml in order for him to achieve the onset of a state of intoxication. However, this amount of alcohol poses a danger to human life.

As for women, 15 cans of drink are enough for them. But again, this amount is rarely able to drink and still remain a he althy person.

Doctors are skeptical about non-alcoholic beer. It is better to drink a traditional drink and not drive for a while. And while traveling, it is recommended to quench your thirst with plain water.

In closing

Several factors influence the withdrawal time of alcohol: weight, age, gender, environment, liver condition and psycho-emotional background. This process can be accelerated by both medical and folk methods. In the first case, all activities are carried out in a hospital setting. With mild intoxication, bed rest, sweet fruits and strong coffee are indicated.
