Philosophy and medicine: relationship

Philosophy and medicine: relationship
Philosophy and medicine: relationship

Philosophy and medicine are sciences closely related to each other by the subject of study, man. The purpose of philosophical research is the spiritual principle, thoughts that precede actions. Medicine is a more exact science, which is designed to practically heal human ailments. Nevertheless, practitioners are always interested in the opinion of philosophers about the influence of the spiritual principle on he alth. Philosophers, in turn, studying the soul, seek to identify the root causes of diseases.

Medical philosophy as a science

The close relationship between philosophy and medicine has found itself in a separate section of the scientific works of medical philosophy. This is a separate science that studies the laws of ontology, ethics and epistemology in the field of medicine, the cognitive side of medicine, its role in the development of society and the social sphere. The philosophy of medicine generalizes into a system the concepts of the role of human activity, the place of medicine in public life, both as an individual and as whole.peoples.

One of the main issues in the study of this science is the moral and ethical relationship between the doctor and the patient, the appropriateness of certain actions in the light of historical and religious worldviews of different cultures.

the role of philosophy in medicine
the role of philosophy in medicine

Philosophy and medicine - what is in common

Methods of influencing the personality of these two sciences are extremely different. The mental course of the philosophical mind and the precise, quick decisions of the doctor are incomparable. A striking example of this is the practice of a surgeon. He sometimes has to spend seconds thinking about his actions, delay can cost a human life - the highest measure of the universe. Accurate, definite and quick practice is medicine. The science of philosophy uses mental methods, the realization of some things comes to a person for years. What unites these humanities is not only the focus on the person as an object of study.

Both philosophy and medicine set similar goals, focus on the same goals, use the same methodologies. Ultimately, both of these sciences, by joint efforts, are called upon to solve the same problem - to ensure the survival of the human race on Earth and strengthen its adaptability to external factors. The actions of physicians and philosophers in this regard are different. Medicine is designed to strengthen bodily he alth, philosophy heals the soul and strengthens moral positions.

philosophy and medicine
philosophy and medicine

Theory or practice

Philosophy and medicine, what is more important for life? Which of these factors is paramount in addressing the issue of strengthening humanpositions in the world, especially in our age of rapid development of progress and the latest technologies? Why do robots need philosophy, which can already replace humans in many areas, and artificial organs work in the human body, like native ones?

And yet, more and more often, medical scientists turn to ancient sources, when mental treatment was inextricably linked with practical treatment. The impact of a change in self-awareness on the physical state, a change in the course of the disease under the influence of changed views and life principles become topics in medical research works.

The impact on the he alth of ecology, nutrition, physical activity is no more important than the psychological state of a person. In other words: the philosophy of life of an individual is reflected in its medical indicators. Any doctor should be originally a psychologist. It is impossible to completely heal the body without having a positive effect on the soul.

medicine, science, philosophy
medicine, science, philosophy

Philosophy of traditional medicine

Every person comes into this world without any luggage, literally naked and barefoot. But, at the same time, everyone has his own special we alth, his own world, his own talent, his own individual abilities, not similar to anything, with which he was awarded by the Cosmos. Under the influence of external circumstances: the foundations of society, religion, family traditions, an individual philosophy of a person is formed. Folk medicine considers each person as a separate, unique specimen, and not just a standard set of organs and parts of the skeleton. By thisTherefore, the treatment of healers (we are talking about real healers, not charlatans) will be different for the same symptoms. Often a folk healer tries to change the consciousness of the patient. The philosophy of ancient medicine, the unification of the spiritual and the carnal are reflected in the research of Hippocrates, Avicenna, Aristotle, Bebel.

philosophy of ancient medicine
philosophy of ancient medicine

Oriental medicine

No modern culture possesses complete knowledge about the world, man and his harmony, but still, Eastern philosophy and medicine are most closely related. At that time, then Europe followed the path of pure science in the medical field, Eastern healers combined medical, mystical and philosophical in their medicinal and pharmaceutical areas. The result was that the doctors of this region, in addition to serious modern knowledge, rely on natural intuition and ancient traditions.

The usual methods of Eastern healers: acupuncture, targeted massages, bizarre combinations of herbs and minerals in infusions, based on the fact that the spirit and body are one. The disease of a single organ is not considered without the spiritual causes that caused the ailment.

relationship between philosophy and medicine
relationship between philosophy and medicine

Medical ethics

The role of philosophy in medicine for European physicians is most often determined at the theoretical level. Lectures on philosophy are perceived as an important, but not paramount addition to basic knowledge. However, one aspect of medical practice is most closely related to the philosophy of medicine - this is the questionmedical ethics. The degree of trust in your doctor determines the recovery time. Even the most inveterate skeptics do not argue with this. The doctor's right to decide when to stop treatment, the ethical side of euthanasia, medical secrecy - these issues are discussed by both physicians and philosophers. The main goal of their work comes down to one ancient commandment: "Do no harm!"
