Too much tension without good relaxation takes a lot of energy. Movements become constrained, fatigue increases, blood circulation, sleep, and so on are disturbed. In general, as much as the muscles tense up, they should relax as much. However, this is not always the case. A sedentary lifestyle and inactivity lead to the fact that some muscles are tense too much, while others get tired even after a little work with them. You have to resort to special means, how to relax the muscles. Knowing them is essential for those who strive for a fulfilling lifestyle.

Tension and relaxation
To know how to relax muscles, and be able to do it, you need to learn to feel and be able to work with tension. The method consists in voluntary muscle tension, and then in their natural relaxation. So we not only learnhow to relax the muscles, but also feel better in your body.
Take turns working with different parts of the body. You should start with those muscle groups that feel best. These are the hands, as well as the face. Do the exercises in any position that is comfortable for you. But the best option is still a pose lying on your back.
First squeeze your dominant hand into a fist with all your strength. Hold this for a few seconds before relaxing your muscles. After that, try to release the tension and feel your muscles at this time. No need to overdo it. Let the body relax naturally, and you just observe your sensations. Then repeat the exercise. You will notice that you will feel much better relaxation. Do the same with the other hand. Once your hands feel good, focus on the whole arm, forearm, and upper arm.

Then do the same with the muscles of the face, starting with the muscles around the eyes and moving on to the lower jaw and neck.
Having mastered these parts of the body, we move on to the feet, and then the calves, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, lower back and back in general. At the end, mentally take a look at the whole body. Try to feel if there are still pinched areas left somewhere. If you feel tension somewhere else, relax those places in the same way, tensing them very, very hard for a few seconds, and then releasing the tension.
After the whole session, you do not need to immediately quickly get up and get down to business. If you did the exercises lying down, firstturn on your side, pick up your leg, standing on all fours. Gradually shift the center of gravity to one knee, and then to your feet. If you were sitting, then you should first lean forward and transfer the weight to your legs, after which you can slowly get up. Such a gradual exit from relaxation must be adhered to.
Focus on your body and touch
You can learn how to relax tense muscles by developing general sensitivity in yourself. Try to run through the body with your inner eye and feel your muscles, then the temperature of the external environment, the surface with which you are in contact, the pulsation, and so on. Everything that can be felt in the body. At the same time, you should not rush. Try to dwell on every feeling. For example, starting with the fingers, gradually move to the hand, elbow and reach the armpit. In this exercise, the main thing is not relaxation, but concentration of attention on your feelings.

The essence of the next exercise is to focus on breathing. Concentrate on it and be aware. Feel the surface you are in contact with, your clothing. Focus on all points where the body comes into contact with clothing and surfaces. Watch your attention and try not to control or command it. Just enjoy the touch. Usually muscle tension goes away on its own after a few minutes.
Movement is life: relax arms and neck
People don't say in vain: "Dropvoltage". And it's not just a figure of speech. You can really take the pressure off. Let's try it.
Bending your elbows, shake your hands. You don't need to put in a lot of effort. Let the brushes dangle themselves. Then spread the vibration all the way to your arms, lowering them, raising your shoulders to your ears and letting them sort of fall. Relax your neck. Let your chin rest on your chest. Slowly let your head make a semicircle in one direction, then in the other. There is no need to stretch your neck. Let the muscles themselves choose a stretch that is convenient for them. While doing this exercise, try to feel where there is tension that does not allow the neck to move normally. Gradually you will work with these areas.

Relaxing the torso and legs
Lean forward, backward and sideways. But try to do these exercises not at the expense of muscular effort, but by relaxing the antagonistic muscles. Therefore, the movement should be soft and slow.
Let your hand against the wall and take a few swings with your foot forward, backward and to the sides. Let the leg move freely. No need to try to raise it as high as possible. Remember that you are not stretching, but relaxing. Do the same with the other leg and then with the arms.
Standing straight, turn to the side relaxed. The exercise is performed with the muscles of the legs and pelvis, while relaxing the upper body as much as possible. Hands should dangle like ropes lowered down. The head can turn along with the body. We do not fix the breath, but we breathefree. Let the arms "fly", overflowing to the sides and up, and the body twists as it wants.
How to do relaxation exercises
A short pause should follow at the end of each relaxation exercise. In this case, you can smoothly get up and stand or walk around, trying not to strain. If possible, repeat some exercises throughout the day, giving rest to tired muscle groups. In this way, you will gradually understand very well how to relax the muscles.
The lying position, although optimal, can only be used during the day on a day off. Relaxation exercises you can do at lunchtime, and sitting on a chair, and being in public transport in any position. Feel your muscles and you will succeed!

An excellent and very pleasant way to relax is to take a bath. Fill it with warm water, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, or pour in an herbal infusion (such as chamomile).
This bath will perfectly relax the muscles and cleanse the pores of the skin, improving the breathing of the whole body.
A relaxing massage, especially after taking a bath, will perfectly complement the procedure. Starting with the toes and feet, gradually move up and walk all over the body. Massage will fill the body with energy and as if breathe new life. Of course, it is better if the masseur does the procedure. But you can also do self-massage. After all, it doesn’t take much effort to make it look relaxing.
Medicines that relax muscles
Sometimes the process is so neglected that exercises and home treatments do not bring the desired effect and tension remains. It is advisable to continue doing relaxation exercises. But often people prefer to replace their own efforts with pharmacy drugs.
There are special drugs that relax the muscles. Among them are ointments, pills and even injections.
Ointments will help relieve pain in the legs. For example, "Finalgon" is applied to diseased areas, after which the legs must be provided with heat. Of course, baths after applying the ointment should be out of the question.
For osteochondrosis and muscle spasms, pills that relax muscles are often prescribed. Among them are known, for example, Mydocalm, Baclofen and MM-301.
Intravenous drugs may be given for short-term surgery.
A few last tips
Do exercise therapy. With the help of simple but well-chosen physical exercises, a lot can be achieved, including learning how to relax easily.

Choose a chair that supports your lower back well. It would be nice if it could be regulated.
Try to keep your head straight, not raising your chin, but not lowering it either.
If you have a sedentary job, try to take small breaks every hour. Walk along the corridor, up the stairs. Bend to the side and flail your limbs.

We have considered only a few ways to relax the muscles of the many available. But if you start using at least these, then you may not need any additional muscle relaxers in the future.