The human spine, whose structure meets the main tasks of life, is the basis of the whole organism, supporting the bones of the skeleton, skull, numerous internal organs, muscle mass and body fat. The load on the spinal column is significant, but the body weight is distributed evenly, part of the load falls on the ribs of the chest and pelvic bones. Thus, the conditional balance of weight is observed.
Main departments
The main parts of the human spine: lumbar and sacral, thoracic and cervical. The upper section, cervical, consists of 7 vertebrae of different configurations and sizes. Below are 12 pieces of the chest, they are much larger than the neck and are connected to the ribs of the chest. The thoracic part passes into the lumbar region of five vertebrae, they bear the main load. Then comes the sacrum of five inactive vertebrae.

The structure of the human spine is quite complex, multi-component. It has a curved shape that allows you to maintain balance, and also gives the entire body the shock-absorbing properties necessary for fast and abrupt movements. The spine of a person whose structure weconsider, is one of the most complex organs. It begins with the first and second vertebrae of the cervical region. The first, called "atlas", consists of bone arches and articulates directly with the base of the skull. The epistropheus following it is partially included in the "atlas". Thanks to this pair, a person's head can turn in different directions and tilt.

The rest of the vertebrae are identical to each other in their shape and differ only in size. They are all surrounded by the muscles of the chest, abdomen, pelvis and back.
The human spine, whose structure is determined by the many functions that it has to perform, is a vulnerable part of the human body. Even being protected by the immune system from the attacks of all kinds of viral infections, it is subject to mechanical effects. Even a slight, sometimes even insignificant injury, caused from the outside, can disrupt its functionality. Not to mention severe injuries with damage to the intervertebral joints, which inevitably end in disability.
Spinal cord

Vertebrae have a rounded shape with several processes, through which the body of a given vertebra articulates with neighboring ones. The principle of combination allows them to move in a certain amplitude. Cartilage discs serve as an elastic pad between the vertebrae, providing separation of bone surfaces. Passes along the entire length of the spinea special hole-channel for the spinal cord - the basis of the hematopoietic system of the body. Any displacement can shrink the brain or even destroy it. The human spine, whose structure is impeccable in terms of functionality, is still not immune from damage. Therefore, overload and traumatic movements should be avoided.