More than 20 years ago, the level of development of medicine reached unprecedented heights. Leading doctors of the world have begun to use stem cell therapy in practice. To date, cellular technologies have saved tens of thousands of lives and significantly alleviated the condition of patients suffering from incurable diseases.

Stem cells - what is it?
This cellular element is the "building material" of the whole organism. It is from the division of one stem cell (zygote) that the formation and development of the human body begins.
Successful outcome of stem cell treatment is due to their peculiarity of self-renewal and development. After division, two types of cells are formed: those that have retained their properties (not changed) and those that transform into cells of tissues and organs. This means that some cells always remain stem cells, others give life to new ones that form the body.
Stem cells are carriers of genetic information and are responsible for the process of regeneration in the body. To date, carried outstudies suggesting that in the near future, stem cell therapy will be able to save people from serious diseases that are not amenable to the action of drugs and surgery.
Where are they in the body
There are over 50 billion constantly renewing stem cells in the human body.
The main sources of the main "building material" are:
Blood from the umbilical cord. Contains the largest number of stem cells. The biomaterial retains its properties for 20 years, during which time it is placed in a special storage. To use this service, parents must conclude an agreement with the Stem Cell Bank before the birth of the child. In addition, cord blood cells have a better biocompatibility, i.e. they are suitable for transplantation to the next of kin

- Red bone marrow is the site of localization of stem cells in an adult. A biomaterial is taken by puncture, from which new stem cells are artificially grown and transplanted into a person.
- The brain. Having a high degree of transformation, brain stem cells are not used in clinical practice. This is due to the fact that in order to extract them, it is necessary to completely destroy the brain.
- Myocardium. Treatment with stem cells derived from it has not yet been practiced.
- Leather. Source of stem cells in both the embryo and the adult. Cells isolated from the skin have been successfully used to treat burns of any degree.
- Bone marrow stroma. Cells have a high ability to repair damaged tissues and organs soon after transplantation. Their main advantage is the low probability of complications after transplantation.
- Abortive material. Stem cells are isolated from the fetus during artificial termination of pregnancy. This procedure is prohibited in many countries.
- The embryo of the first week of intrauterine development. Obtaining stem cells from a fetus is officially prohibited in Russia, it is regarded as an encroachment on the life of a child who has not yet been born.
Embryonic cells have the highest degree of activity, their transplantation is also carried out to the next of kin. Cells taken from an adult are transplanted only to him and have a lower activity compared to embryonic ones.

How they work
At the slightest damage, stem cells are delivered by blood to the site of injury and start the regeneration process.
Every year their number decreases, and the body ages. In the fetus in the womb, there is 1 stem cell per 10 thousand transformed cells, and at about 60-70 years old - 8 million cells.
To get rid of the vast majority of ailments, a biomaterial is taken from a person, from which stem cells are isolated. They reproduce in the laboratory and are transplanted back into the human body.
Advances in Cellular Medicineso amazing that they allow you to direct active cells to the right organ, speeding up the recovery process.
What ailments do they cope with
Stem cells recognized as an effective treatment:
- brain and spinal cord injuries;
- burns of varying severity;
- cardiovascular disorders;
- overwhelming number of blood diseases;
- immunodeficiency;
- effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer.
Clinical studies are currently underway to identify a stem cell treatment regimen for neuropsychiatric disorders, liver and lung diseases, lower limb ischemia.
In addition, this method has proven itself in cosmetology. Dermatological problems can be successfully treated with stem cells, customer reviews after a course of procedures are full of delight: scars on the skin, acne, age spots disappear; the skin looks he althy, smooth and well-groomed.
Age-related changes are also amenable to therapy - the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed.

Countries using stem cells
Research in the field of cellular technologies requires significant funding from the government. Given the relevance of the tests, the heads of many states are willing to allocate funds for the development of this area.
Today, the leading countries in the world that successfully use stem cells in the treatment of manydiseases are:
- USA.
- Israel.
- Switzerland.
- South Korea.
- China.
- Japan.
- Russia.
There are more than 200 officially registered cord blood banks worldwide.

Stem cell treatment in Russia
Most people prefer stem cell treatment in Moscow.
One of the most insidious diseases of our time, difficult to respond to standard therapy, is multiple sclerosis; stem cell treatment in Moscow for this disease has been carried out since 2003 in the Russian stem cell clinic. In terms of the number of patients, the clinic is the undoubted leader.
The topic of treatment of multiple sclerosis is more relevant than ever - none of the existing drugs can stop the development of the disease. In the best case, with the help of medications, temporary improvement can be achieved. Conferences were repeatedly held in Moscow - the treatment of multiple sclerosis with stem cells was recognized as the best method of dealing with the disease.
In addition to the main Moscow clinic, the largest centers successfully use stem cells in Russia:
- "The latest medicine", Moscow.
- Clinic of Hematology and Cell Therapy. A. A. Maksimova, Moscow.
- Pokrovsky, St. Petersburg.
The price of stem cell treatment depends on the country, the clinic, and also on the patient's problem. In Russia, the cost ranges from 300-600 thousand rubles.rubles, it is due to the complexity of the work, but the probability of a successful outcome of treatment is much higher than with standard therapy.

It is important to understand that stem cells are not a panacea for all diseases. At the moment, with their help, it is possible to achieve a better result than with conventional treatment. Perhaps in the near future, research in this area will allow the development of a stem cell treatment method for currently incurable diseases.