Unfortunately, cases of chronic cervicitis are by no means uncommon in modern gynecological practice. This is an insidious disease that often occurs almost asymptomatically, but at the same time affects the reproductive system and often leads to the development of infertility.
Main causes of chronic cervicitis

Cervicitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix. In most cases, the inflammatory process is caused by the activity of the bacterial microflora. Less commonly, fungal organisms and viruses are the cause of the disease.
Immediately it should be noted that cervicitis can be one of the complications of a particular sexually transmitted disease, so the risk factors in the first place should include promiscuity and frequent changes of partners.
In addition, inflammation often occurs against the backdrop of a weakened immune system. Mechanical trauma to the cervix, including those caused by gynecological procedures, can also be the cause of chronic cervicitis. Use of intrauterine devicesincreases the risk of mucosal damage. Occasionally, cervicitis is caused by exposure to certain chemicals, such as spermatocides, found in certain birth control pills.
Main symptoms of chronic cervicitis
Unfortunately, this disease is not always accompanied by noticeable symptoms. However, most women notice an uncharacteristic scanty white discharge, sometimes with impurities of pus. From time to time there are pains in the lower abdomen, which, however, quickly disappear. Symptoms include spotting after intercourse. Pain during urination is much less common.

In fact, it is extremely important to undergo scheduled gynecological examinations on time, since most often this is the only way to determine the presence of the disease in the early stages. Chronic active cervicitis leads to thickening of the tissues of the uterine wall. In addition, the inflammatory process can spread to other organs of the reproductive system, causing certain lesions of the uterus and ovaries. The progression of the disease affects the reproductive function - often the result is infertility.
Treatment of chronic cervicitis

Of course, if there is the slightest suspicion of inflammation, you should consult a gynecologist. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis of "chronic cervicitis", and after receiving the results of the tests and a visual examination of the cervix(there is swelling and redness of her mucous membrane).
Treatment of the chronic form of the disease is a long process. Quite often, therapy includes antibiotics. It is important here to determine the type of pathogen, as this helps to choose a really effective medicine.
In addition, the correct diet, additional intake of vitamins and minerals are mandatory parts of the treatment. In turn, immunomodulatory drugs help restore the immune system, which greatly speeds up the healing process. Physiotherapy is also considered essential. As a rule, in chronic cervicitis, electrophoresis using special drugs is effective.