Severe headaches: causes and consequences

Severe headaches: causes and consequences
Severe headaches: causes and consequences

Headache is a common problem that can be equally common in men and women. If pain occurs frequently, then it is worth visiting a doctor for a comprehensive diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

It is worth noting that the causes of a headache can be very different, from simple hypothermia or a cold to serious diseases, including tumors. Painful sensations can vary in intensity and sometimes it is difficult to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The peculiarity of eliminating painful spasms largely depends on the provoking factors of the ongoing diseases. That is why it is important to determine the cause of the headache.

Main reasons

The causes of headaches can be very different, and various pathological processes that affect pain receptors and trigger the mechanism of development of cephalalgia can provoke it. Such a condition manifests itself in the form of various diseases, and sometimes is the only symptom. In this regard, it is important to determine what kind of pain sensations:

  • pulsating;
  • compressive;
  • compressive;
  • bursting;
  • stupid;
  • spicy.

The occurrence of cephalalgia may be due to factors such as:

  • low or high blood pressure;
  • vascular mechanisms;
  • effect on nerve endings;
  • tension of the muscles of the neck and head;
  • combination of all these mechanisms.

Activation of all pathological mechanisms is performed by some factors. One of the main causes of headaches is a change in blood pressure. This occurs as a result of an increase in the sensitivity of blood vessels to a lack of oxygen. Oxygen starvation can provoke a hypertensive crisis. Often, pain is localized in the back of the head, but at high values, patients report nausea, pulsation in the temples, blurred vision, dizziness.

Headache can be divided into primary and secondary. The primary types of cephalalgia include:

  • different types of migraines;
  • cluster pains;
  • tension pain;
  • other species.

The primary type of pain occurs when exposed to certain stimuli. The idiopathic form of pain is due to migraine. Initially, it is formed in the eye area, in the region of the crown, temples, but its duration is short.

When exposed to cold, pain is localized in the forehead and has a short effect. With prolonged bronchitis, the headache mainly occurs in the temples.

Secondary type of cephalalgia is a consequence of the course of the pathological process. It is mainly due to diseases such as:

  • injuries;
  • vascular lesions of the neck and head;
  • use of certain medications;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • structural changes in the skull;
  • vision and hearing impairment;
  • brain tumors.

The causes of constant headaches in men are due to the occurrence of severe attacks (clusters). They pursue a person for a long time and are mainly observed at night. They last for about 1 minute, then stuff them a little, and the attack repeats again.

The causes of headaches and nausea are mainly associated with the course of a migraine. Soreness is localized mainly on one side of the head. The hallmark of a migraine is the throbbing nature of the pain. In the presence of attacks, the patient is very difficult to tolerate sharp sounds, smells, and bright light. The pain may experience severe weakness, reduced performance, and the person constantly wants to sleep.

Frequent and chronic pain

The causes of constant headaches are mainly hidden in the conduct of an unhe althy lifestyle and in violation of the psycho-emotional background. Among the main prerequisites for the occurrence of frequent painful sensations are such as:

  • oxygen starvation;
  • hypokinesia;
  • excessive static loads;
  • stress and psychological strain.

Osteochondrosis can be distinguished among the main causes of severe headache. In this case, painful sensations are localized in the back of the head, as well as in the arms and shoulders. Sharp movements and turns can provoke a very sharp headache, which is often so severe that you even have to call an ambulance.

Chronic sinus diseases, neuritis and glaucoma can provoke discomfort. In this case, pain is localized in the temples or forehead.

Cephalgia in pregnant women

Causes of headaches in women may occur due to pregnancy. In addition, there may be additional nausea and even vomiting. Attacks of cephalalgia can provoke the same factors as in other people. However, it is worth noting that the body begins to rebuild in order to prepare for delivery, therefore it becomes overly sensitive to a change in the environment.

Due to the ongoing change in hormonal levels, as well as an increase in the circulating blood required for proper nutrition of the fetus, a woman often experiences pressure fluctuations. In addition, some chronic diseases can provoke discomfort.

Some say that it is pregnancy that causes headaches in women. Diseases of the spine, which have to withstand a very large load, also create a big problem. Violation of the blood supply to the brain, which occurs during the course of osteochondrosis, is highly undesirable for a pregnant woman, as this leads to drops in blood pressure, fainting.

headache during pregnancy
headache during pregnancy

It is imperative to pay attention to the ongoing problem and consult a doctor in a timely manner for a comprehensive diagnosis. Treatment is carried out by a neurologist or therapist, depending on the provoking factor. Most migraines go away after childbirth without treatment, but the problem is that many medications are prohibited during pregnancy.

Causes of headache, nausea and seizures during pregnancy may occur due to a pathological condition - preeclampsia. When such a disease occurs, the patient must be hospitalized, as there is a risk to the life of the woman and her child.

Cephalgia in children

For a long time it was believed that the head hurts in children rarely, but this is far from the case. It’s just that small children cannot always correctly assess their condition and indicate the localization of painful sensations. The child begins to act up, his temperature rises, there may be vomiting, but adults often attribute this condition to the course of the infection.

In older children, pain may be provoked by the course of vegetovascular dystonia.

Headache in children
Headache in children

Migraine pains are quite common. Girls often suffer from this disorder.

Neurological pathologies can be distinguished among the main causes of headaches in children. In some cases, even a simple touch on the baby's head can provokesignificant pain.

In addition, discomfort can occur during the course of sinusitis and sinusitis, which are a complication of SARS. Also among the provoking factors can be identified puberty, as well as overexertion during schooling. It is quite difficult to eliminate pain with the help of medications. Regardless of the causes of headaches in children, the treatment is carried out by a pediatrician or pediatric neurologist.

Types and localization of pain

Painful sensations may spread throughout the head or may be focused in only one part. The causes of a headache in the back of the head are often associated with the course of osteochondrosis of the cervical region, as well as injuries and sprains. At the same time, the person complains of tinnitus and dizziness.

Among the causes of a headache in the frontal part, one can distinguish such disorders as:

  • sinusitis;
  • migraine;
  • flu;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • pressure increase;
  • dental diseases;
  • allergic diseases.

Painful sensations at the same time are quite intense and often interfere with concentration. They are accompanied by nausea, pain in the eyes, as well as a general deterioration in well-being. In apparently he althy people, the causes of headache in the frontal part are associated with stress, eye fatigue, as well as mental overstrain. In case of a regular violation, you need to contact a neurologist.

Among the main causes of a headache in the temples, it is necessary to highlight:

  • weather change;
  • infectious diseases;
  • physical strain;
  • mental strain;
  • poisoning with intoxication.

Such painful sensations are quite common. It is worth noting that nausea and general discomfort can indicate the presence of serious diseases up to meningitis, stroke or pinched nerve endings. Causes of a headache in the temples can be associated with a strict diet. In addition, there is severe weakness and nausea.


If the patient constantly complains about the occurrence of significant discomfort, it is imperative to consult a doctor and establish the cause of the frontal headache or pain localized in another area. To determine the origin of attacks of cephalalgia are assigned:

  • tomography;
  • pressure control;
  • angiography;
  • lab tests.

To determine the cause of the headache and pain in the eyes, you need to undergo an additional examination by an ophthalmologist, since with the help of special equipment it is possible to detect violations in the fundus. This will make it possible to determine the exact cause of the seizures. In some cases, consultation of other doctors of narrow speci alties is required.

Features of treatment

Regardless of the cause of the headache, treatment must be comprehensive. In particular, painkillers are prescribed. In addition, you need:

  • normalization of lifestyle;
  • pressure control;
  • reception of specialdrugs;
  • carrying out physiotherapy;
  • moderate exercise;
  • treatment of infectious diseases;
  • if there are serious problems, hospitalization of the patient.

Timely diagnostics will help to identify and fix the problem at the initial stage. This will avoid hospitalization, as well as prolonged sick leave.

Drug therapy

Depending on the cause of severe headaches, the methods of therapy are selected purely individually. Pulsating spasms can often be relieved with conventional medications designed to quickly relieve pain. Among the main medicines, one can distinguish such as:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, Aspirin;
  • antispasmodics - "Papaverine", "No-shpa";
  • for quick pain relief - Novigan, Pentalgin.
Medical treatment
Medical treatment

For pain accompanied by increased pressure, appoint "Analgin". With a very severe headache, drugs are prescribed against vasoconstriction and swelling of the brain.

Alternative methods

It is possible to get rid of a painful condition not only with the help of medications, but also alternative methods of therapy are used. These include such as:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • balneological treatment.

During the massage, the impact is on certain points, whichpromotes normalization of blood circulation, relaxation of muscle mass. Balneological treatment implies that the therapy is carried out with the help of water of the required temperature. Water gymnastics can also be attributed to these procedures.

Head massage
Head massage

Acupuncture involves the introduction of needles into vital points designed to carry out such a procedure. Alternative treatment is carried out for a long time, as well as to prevent the occurrence of subsequent pathological conditions.

Folk techniques

For an effective fight against headaches, folk methods are used in combination. However, it is worth remembering that before using them, you must definitely consult a doctor so as not to provoke a deterioration in well-being. Whiskey, the back of the head and forehead can be smeared with menthol oil and lie down for some time.

Folk methods
Folk methods

With reduced pressure, sweet strong tea has a good effect, and with increased pressure, you can soak your legs in hot water to provoke an outflow of blood from the head. Regular consumption of viburnum grated with sugar will help reduce the frequency of headaches. Pillows filled with eucalyptus, laurel and mint leaves will help relieve spasms and relax.

Headache treatment with folk remedies will be safe only if there are no serious pathologies and contraindications.


You need to plan your daily meals in such a way that you do notoverload the stomach. It is desirable that breakfast consists of fruits, and lunch - of protein foods. Consume foods containing starchy substances, preferably with vegetable salads. It is recommended to avoid seasonings and spices. For some people, dairy products, alcohol, chocolate can provoke a headache.

Tea with lemon
Tea with lemon

One of the most effective remedies for headaches is lemon. You need to squeeze its juice into a cup of tea and drink it. This will make it possible to quickly normalize well-being. Apples will be very useful, regardless of the cause of the discomfort. It is recommended to drink a glass of water with honey before eating, and drink plenty of water throughout the day.


Many types of headaches are not serious pathologies, and they can be easily eliminated even without specialized treatment. And some are provoked by the course of dangerous diseases. If therapy is not carried out in a timely manner, this can lead to severe disability and even death.
