As one famous writer said, you can never fully experience the pain of a stranger. It is different for everyone.
Allocate its physical and psychological, acute and chronic variations. There is mild and extremely severe pain. In this or that particular case, there is a peculiar expression of it.

Pain is talked about a lot. But what it is, why it is needed and how to assess the degree of its intensity, not everyone understands. At first glance, it seems that pain carries only a negative meaning and destruction. Is it really so? Let's figure it out.
What is this?
According to the definition of the World He alth Organization, pain is an unpleasant feeling or subjective experience against the background of both the presence and absence of any damage to the tissue of a particular organ. Already from the definition it can be seen that the physical and emotional components are on the same level in terms of their possible contribution to the appearance of the pain syndrome.
The intensity of pain sensations cannot be determined even in our 21st century, despite the technical equipment and good development of modern medicine. You can observe the excitation of certain parts of the brain in response to a particular pain stimulus. But how bad is a person from hiseffects, doctors have not yet learned to determine.
Whether adults or children, pain is a defense mechanism for anyone in response to the appearance of disorder in the body. Therefore, when it occurs, and even more so for a long course, you should consult a doctor to determine the probable cause and provide timely medical assistance.

Very often it is directly related to the incipient inflammatory changes in the body. Moreover, it is noted that as inflammation causes pain, the latter can enhance pathological processes. In this case, the causes of pain at the pathophysiological level are explained as follows.
What happens in the body
When exposed to any traumatic agent, first of all, a general non-specific reaction of the body occurs in the form of the release of the hormone adrenaline and the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. This is explained by the fact that such a response was formed in the process of evolution to ensure the survival of the species. In other words, pain is death. If you are in pain, but want to live, then run and save yourself.
After a hormonal release, systemic circulation is accelerated due to an increase in heart rate. This leads to the fact that a large number of mediators and inflammatory factors, which have a serious physiological role, are released to the wound site.

Why is it needed
All this is extremely necessary and helps to prevent the spread of harmful agents throughout the body due to the appearance of the entrance gate of infection. It also stimulates the launch of regenerative processes at the cell level, ensuring further restoration of damaged tissue.
However, these substances cause an increase in the sensitivity of nerve fibers, which causes the appearance and intensification of unpleasant sensations at the site of injury. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that pain is an indicator of the activity of the inflammatory process in the damaged area.
And if it is not stopped in time, the process may become chronic with the occurrence of a certain disease. Even the term "disease" itself has a common root, as if confirming that it is a continuation of the pain that first appeared and does not pass for a long time.

Of course, everyone has their own threshold of perception and sensitivity. And often approximately the same injuries in different types of personality sometimes cause opposite emotional reactions. This is a clear example of the direct influence of the psyche on the assessment of the intensity of the pain syndrome.
Pain management
The main drugs include non-steroids and opiates. Since physical pain is inflammation, drugs also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
However, it should be remembered that these remedies are not indicated for all pain. In certain cases, they are even contraindicated, as they can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, the appointment of any drugs is the responsibility of a medical specialist only.
And in conclusion, we can say that, of course, pain is bad, unpleasant and bitter. But if it hurts, then it's still alive. Don't get sick andstay he althy!