Pain in the wrists: causes and treatment

Pain in the wrists: causes and treatment
Pain in the wrists: causes and treatment

If you are worried about severe pain in your wrist, you will not be able to put up with it for a long time. It is not for nothing that even the sayings reflect the importance of this organ: in the absence of an important subject, they say "as if without hands." The wrist is, of course, not the whole arm, the term describes only its part, connecting the forearms, the bones of the metacarpus. It is formed by eight bones. Every day, the department is subjected to numerous loads, as it is the most mobile part of the arm. Statistics show that of all the pain syndromes affecting the hands, it is in the wrist that discomfort is most often disturbing.

Where did the problem come from?

Only a doctor can understand exactly why the pain in the wrist joint appeared. The doctor interrogates the patient, establishes the features of the case, directs him to x-rays and other studies, analyzes the information received and draws final conclusions. True, not every person has the opportunity to visit a specialist in a timely manner, butthe pain syndrome is not so strong that it interferes with work, so the townsfolk delay going to the clinic. However, there are cases when a person himself can figure out why the hand ached and what to do about it.

left wrist pain treatment
left wrist pain treatment

Most often, pain in the right wrist or left wrist is provoked by an injury (sprain, fracture). Dislocations are not uncommon, especially if work or other tasks solved in everyday life are associated with an increased load on the hands. The level of damage varies greatly. There are cases when fractures did not manifest themselves as pain at all, but passed on their own, without external help and the imposition of a plaster cast. Another variant of the development of events is also possible, when for a long time unpleasant sensations bother a simple, seemingly bruised, received quite by accident.

How to recognize?

If the pain in the wrist is provoked by an injury, it is usually accompanied by swelling of the limb, stiffness of movement. If you start a case, do not start treatment, or choose the wrong therapy, there is a risk of loss of arm mobility. However, such serious cases are not very common, much more typical, as can be seen from medical practice, sprains. If the injury is mild, then the damaged area does not swell or swell, you can move your hand, but unpleasant sensations appear at the moment of flexion, extension of the organ. The middle level is a rupture of ligaments. It can be seen by an extensive hematoma, swelling, swelling of the affected limb. There are pain sensationseven if you don't disturb your hand. As a rule, the organ loses its mobility.

If you are experiencing very severe pain in your wrist, it may be due to a severe sprain. A detailed examination shows a complete rupture of tissues, the joint loses its integrity. This is accompanied by swelling of the limb, acute pain syndrome, complete loss of mobility of the diseased organ.

wrist pain causes and treatment
wrist pain causes and treatment

Carpal Syndrome

Often, the possible causes of wrist pain are of interest to people who are forced to type text on a computer keyboard for a long time. The features of the movements are such that the tendons wear out quickly, the nerve roots become inflamed, this affects the performance of the ligament apparatus. More often the pain occurs in the right hand, but can disturb both limbs. Left-handed people usually have pain in the left hand, as it is more stressed.

It is possible to assume that the cause of pain in the wrist is carpal syndrome, if the palm goes numb, when you try to grasp an object with your hand, muscle weakness is felt. The pain is localized in the wrist. There are many cases when this form was observed against the background of a vertebral injury. The risk group includes those suffering from vertebral hernias, osteochondrosis.

Sick joints are a hassle

Feature of the wrist - a very branched network of blood vessels, an abundance of small elements. All this makes the area extremely vulnerable. Statistics prove that arthritis, arthrosis, which is a common cause of pain in the wrists, is more common in those who are forced to work in the cold, incold water. Risk group - agricultural workers, builders and employees of similar fields of activity.

wrist joint pain
wrist joint pain

The essence of arthritis is inflammation of small joints. This provokes swelling, the skin on the damaged area turns red. If pain in the right wrist or left is accompanied by just such a symptom, it makes sense to assume that the cause is arthritis. Sensations are sharp and unpleasant, sharp, resonate in the palm, elbow, are activated during movements. Osteoarthritis is another joint disease that causes severe pain. Pathology is systemic, leads to a violation of the shape and functionality of the articular area. The patient cannot move the affected limb normally, flexibility is lost.

Pathological process in tendons

The cause of pain in the right wrist or left can be hidden in a variety of pathologies affecting the tendons. Such diseases develop gradually, smoothly. At first, mild discomfort in the affected area worries, gradually a slight pain appears, over time, the syndrome intensifies. If the situation develops according to this scenario, it is necessary to get an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible - tendon injuries threaten with irreversible loss of limb mobility. A variety of pathologies can provoke malfunction and degenerative changes in this tissue.

Often pain in the right wrist, the left worries with tendovaginitis. Such a disease is diagnosed if the syndrome occurs when a person bends his thumbs. It is in the tendons responsible for thisprocess, the disease is localized. Another common disease is tendonitis. The term describes the inflammatory processes of the areas responsible for the fold of the hand and the connection of the wrist, metacarpus. Tendevitis is more common in athletes, builders - those who perform numerous monotonous movements, are faced with a large load.

What else is possible: reasons

Treatment of left or right wrist pain should begin with an accurate diagnosis. If the tendons are affected, the inflammation is localized in the areas responsible for the wrist joint, then the doctor diagnoses peritendinitis. Pathology is manifested by severe and sharp pain in the wrist. Soon, the patient cannot move his thumb normally, and at the same time, the mobility of the index finger is lost.

Gout and sore wrist

Sometimes the treatment of pain in the wrist of the left hand or right is necessary against the background of gout. Pathology is accompanied by the accumulation of s alts in small joints. For this reason, the hand loses its mobility, the person is worried about pain, often quite strong. The process is explained by a metabolic disorder, due to which the concentration of s alts of certain types of acids in the blood increases. Joint cells are able to accumulate these compounds, but the formation of such deposits soon causes severe pain. As a rule, gout is accompanied by numerous foci of inflammation.

Considering the different causes and treatments for wrist pain, it must be recognized that some forms are a very difficult case. Gout is one of these, since articularthe patient's tissues deform over time. Pathology affects the appearance, skin. Areas close to the foci of inflammation are constantly hot, the person himself looks unhe althy. The condition becomes especially severe if the patient consumes fatty, meaty foods in unreasonably large quantities.

"Interesting" position

Wrist pain is often a concern for pregnant women. Doctors call it carpal tunnel syndrome. If at the beginning of the term, pain rarely appears, it does not cause much concern, then closer to childbirth, such sensations can be cause for concern. It is possible that the root cause is a violation of the integrity of the median nerve located in the upper limb. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be provoked by kilograms gained by a woman during the period of gestation. Additionally, the situation is complicated by edema, which many expectant mothers are prone to.

causes of wrist pain
causes of wrist pain

As practice shows, the described syndrome can provoke not only pain in the wrist, but also a burning sensation in this area. Others describe the sensation as tingling. It is known that the syndrome can cause trembling. Often the pain becomes stronger during the rest period, especially at night, and this makes it difficult to sleep. Nerve damage is explained by a violation of the tissue element located near the first four fingers. But the little finger never bothers. If not only the wrist hurts, but the whole hand, the cause is not carpal tunnel syndrome, but something else. As a rule, in addition to pain, pregnant women are concerned about swelling, swelling, and overall he alth becomes worse. Unpleasant sensations in most cases pass on their own immediately after childbirth. In rare cases, this takes some time.

Wrist hurts: why?

It happens that a person has not received any injuries or bruises, but this area still hurts. There are cases when discomfort is explained by stress on the joints. So called movements that are repeated often and for a long time. Tennis players, violinists, drivers, and others involved in activities that require repetitive hand movements are more susceptible to wrist pain. Such physical activity can cause inflammation, stress fractures. It is especially dangerous to repeat the same movements for several hours in a row, day after day.

right wrist pain
right wrist pain

Another common cause of pain is rheumatoid arthritis. This is an immune disease in which the body's defenses misperceive the body's cells and attack them as infectious agents. More often with arthritis in this form, both wrists hurt at once. Another possible cause is ganglion. In this case, a cyst is formed in the wrist from above. The size of the neoplasm and the strength of the pain syndrome correlate. Known to medicine and Kienböck's disease. The risk group includes young people and middle-aged people. A feature of the pathology is the destruction of the bone elements of the wrist due to insufficient blood flow. The disease progresses over time.

To not hurt - warn

If treating wrist pain isn't always easy, preventive measuresthey are not particularly difficult, the main thing is systematic. The very first and most important thing is gymnastics for the joint, which allows you to increase the tone of organic tissues, strengthening muscles. A few exercises are enough during the usual charging complex - twist your fists in different directions, make rotations with your palms, stretch your fingers. In a word, everything is as taught in physical education classes. Surprisingly, it really works! If gymnastics did not help and discomfort began to bother you, then it's time to think about changing your lifestyle. The first step is to assess what puts stress on the wrists and minimize those movements. When grasping objects, you should strain your hand, and not just your fingers. A regular soft massage of the limbs will not be superfluous.

To get the most out of sports, you should allocate at least 45 minutes a day for such activity, and it is better to take a whole hour. It is not necessary to train hard, forcing the body to fight heavy loads. You can do simple but useful exercises. Due to the regular uniform load, blood flow is activated, the quality of the respiratory system will improve, which means that all tissues and organs will be saturated with oxygen and nutrients. This has a positive effect on both bone and muscle tissue. If mild wrist pain is already starting to bother you, regular exercise with reasonable loads will help get rid of this problem completely - unless, of course, inflammation is the cause, when the affected area needs rest.

Lifestyle & He alth

To keep fromface pain in the wrist, people who are forced to type on a computer keyboard for a long time take constant breaks at a frequency of at least once an hour. During the rest, you need to shake your hands several times, stretch your fingers, sit down a dozen times. If work is associated with frequent contact with vibrating objects, it is necessary to use protective gloves with gaskets that absorb vibration. When playing sports, you should protect your wrists from overexertion, use fixing elastic bandages to strengthen a potentially weak area.

wrist pain
wrist pain

Higher risk of experiencing wrist pain if metabolic processes are disturbed in the body. To prevent this from happening, you need to take a responsible attitude to the diet, eat right, do not absorb too much fat, s alt. It would be reasonable to completely abandon fast food, sweet carbonated waters that disrupt the work of various body systems. Feel better people whose diet is rich in vitamin D, calcium, indispensable for bone he alth. These compounds are rich in dairy products, different varieties of cabbage. Do not forget about fish oil, nuts.

Uncomfortable feelings: how to help?

Wrist pain should be treated by a doctor. Therapy is selected, focusing on the cause of the problem. In particular, if a bone fracture is observed, gypsum is most often applied. At the same time, the sick leave will have to be taken for at least a month, and sometimes the treatment is extended for six months. Much depends both on the specifics of the injury and on the age of the patient.individual features. For example, with diabetes, any injury heals much more slowly than in a person with the correct metabolic processes in the body.

If, after a fall, there is a sharp pain in the wrist, treatment involves first aid - fixing the joint in order to reduce discomfort. Immediately after this, they call an ambulance or help the victim get to the nearest hospital in the traumatology department. If the injury is open, first stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet. Light anesthesia is carried out with the help of ice. Fixation is performed using a bandage. The limb is attached to the splint so that the bone fragments do not move in the soft tissues.

What else will help?

Sometimes ointments, gels are used to relieve wrist pain. If the doctor detects a severe form of arthritis, arthrosis or other diseases, they may prescribe injections, tablets. To enhance the effectiveness of the drug program, the patient is referred to physiotherapy. Common techniques are electrophoresis, UHF, therapeutic massage, treatment with a magnetic field. To eliminate the pain syndrome, a course of painkillers can be prescribed, if an inflammatory process is detected, drugs that stop it. Sometimes a doctor will recommend a treatment program with medications designed to protect and improve joint function. Calcium preparations come to the rescue, and corticosteroids may be prescribed for swelling and pain. If all the measures described do not show a positive result, surgical intervention is performed.

Folk recipes for pain

If there are no signs of a fracture, stretching is excluded, and the pain, although it bothers, is not very strong, you can try to cure it with folk methods. If the symptom appears frequently, five garlic cloves are passed through a garlic press, half a liter of apple cider vinegar, half a glass of vodka and three-quarters of a glass of water are added. The liquid is placed in the refrigerator for two weeks, stirring three times every day, after which it is filtered, added to 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and used for rubbing. Frequency of use - twice daily, program duration - a couple of weeks.

wrist pain
wrist pain

If a diagnosis of tendovaginitis is made, you can make an ointment from chamomile and baby cream. The components are taken in equal amounts and mixed thoroughly. The finished medicine is applied to the diseased areas in the evening, shortly before bedtime, fixed with a bandage.

If the pain has developed against the background of an inflammatory process, take 220 ml of boiling water for 10 g of chopped dried St. John's wort, mix everything in a thermos and let it brew for at least half an hour. The product is intended to be consumed in half a glass three times daily for two weeks.

If the pain is observed when sprained, you can make medicine on a mixture of lemon juice and garlic. The products are taken in equal proportions, sterile gauze is soaked in the finished composition and the bandage is fixed on the sore part of the arm. You must hold the gauze until it reaches skin temperature.

If a benign neoplasm is detected, you can try a home remedy on a raw egg. The product is mixed with half a glass of wine vinegar, a thin cloth is soaked in the medicine and applied to the affected area for a couple of hours.
