Recently, women are increasingly experiencing a disease such as fibrocystic mastopathy. This problem needs to be treated by a specialist. According to statistics, from 20 to 60% of girls and women suffer from mastopathy.
The disease is the formation of seals in the tissues of the breast. With untimely treatment, in some cases it can turn into an oncological tumor.
Fibrocystic mastopathy, the treatment of which cannot be postponed until later, most often occurs against the background of hormonal disruptions. Stress, nervous strain, chest injuries, menopause, inflammatory processes or infections of organs in the small pelvis contribute to the onset of the disease. Even abortion can provoke the occurrence of this disease. Naturally, heredity also plays an important role in the occurrence of mastopathy.

There are different forms of mastopathy: without proliferation and with proliferation of the epithelium of different degrees. Fibrocystic breast symptoms may have the following: a feeling of pain in the chest, especially before startingmonthly cycle, the presence of small seals in the mammary gland. With the development of the disease, the pain disappears, and the seals increase. One breast may increase and look asymmetrical in relation to the other breast. If mastopathy is sufficiently advanced, then bleeding from the nipple may occur. The skin at the site of the tumor may turn red.
Diagnosis of the disease is multifaceted. The patient not only takes various tests, but also undergoes an ultrasound of the breast, as well as an X-ray examination of the chest. The pictures should show enlightenment at the site of cyst formation. As for the tests, the blood is checked for hormones. Naturally, a biological study of the cyst tissue for the presence of malignant cells is carried out.

With such a disease as fibrocystic mastopathy, treatment is necessarily carried out in a complex. First of all, it is aimed at regulating the work of the hormonal system, treating infections and inflammation of the genital organs. It is also necessary to stop the pathological growth of tissue in the mammary gland.
Further, fibrocystic mastopathy, which is treated both at home and in a medical institution, is influenced by physiotherapy procedures (an example is electrophoresis), but only as prescribed by a doctor! Women under forty years of age receive microdoses of potassium iodide, which should stop the growth of tissues in the gland.

Fibrous mastopathy requires addition altreatment of concomitant diseases that may be its cause. If necessary, the patient undergoes an operation to remove the cysts. All removed cysts should be checked for malignant cells.
To prevent the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion of induration in the chest, to prevent hormonal imbalance, and if it is disturbed, try to correct the situation. The first signs of the disease should make a woman turn to a mammologist for timely treatment.