Many people complain that their armpit hurts from time to time. Moreover, the sensations can be both sharp and aching, present constantly or occur periodically, and also be accompanied by other symptoms, for example, redness or the appearance of bumps under the skin. So what can such pains signal?

Armpit hurts due to injury or surgery
In some cases, discomfort in this area may indicate a sprain or injury to the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder girdle. In this case, the pain is present almost constantly, but significantly increases with physical stress. Of course, it can occur as a result of surgery in the breast area. As a rule, women suffer from a similar problem after surgical treatment of a breast disease. The pain can be sharp, intense, and extremely uncomfortable, but in most cases, it goes away after a few days.

Why does a woman's armpit hurt?
Many women suffer from thisdiscomfort. The pain, as a rule, appears a few days before the onset of menstruation - this is a completely normal phenomenon that does not require specific treatment. Moreover, in this case, unpleasant sensations are secondary and are associated with swelling of the mammary glands. There is also a more dangerous cause of pain - the development of benign or malignant neoplasms in the chest. This symptom is rare, since cancer is most often diagnosed in the early stages, even before the first signs appear. However, tumor growth may be accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes and, as a result, soreness of the axillary region.
Armpit hurts due to problems with the lymphatic system
It's no secret that in the armpit area there are peripheral organs of the immune system (lymph nodes) that act as biological filters. And soreness in this part of the body is often associated with an increase in their size or with an inflammatory process. There can be many reasons for the occurrence of such a violation, since the lymphatic system reacts to almost all deviations from the norm in the body - these are infections of various origins, and some kind of chronic diseases, and inflammation, and the presence of neoplasms.

Armpit pain: other causes
In fact, there are a lot of disorders and pathologies that can provoke pain in the armpit.
- Often soreness is associated with an allergic reaction, which can be caused by substances included in antiperspirants, soap,skin care products, in synthetic fabrics.
- In some cases, the pain is due to the formation of a boil.
- Another common cause is hidradenitis, the so-called inflammation of the sweat glands and the accumulation of pus in them.
- Atheroma, a cyst of the sebaceous gland resulting from its blockage, can also cause pain.
- If the left armpit hurts, then this is often associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system, discomfort often spreads to the left arm and shoulder.
- Pyoderma can also occur with pain in the armpit area. This is an infectious skin disease, accompanied by a purulent process.