A lymph node is a small formation located in the bed of a lymphatic vessel. The node has a diameter of up to 50 mm, the main filling of the formation is lymphocytes. Lymph nodes are located throughout the body, the lymph flowing from the organ is filtered through the nodes, in the presence of an infection, lymphocytes come into play, partially destroying the harmful agent. In addition, information about the presence of infection is distributed throughout the immune system and activates the body's defenses.
Self Diagnosis
It is quite simple to determine for yourself that the lymph node has become inflamed. Patients find lymphadenitis in parts of the body where they are close to the surface of the skin - in the armpits, on the neck, in the subclavian region, on the back of the head, behind the ears. Inflammation of deep lymph nodes is impossible to determine on your own.
First symptoms of inflammation:
- Increase in size. The normal size of the formation is no more than 0.5-1.0 mm, it is almost not palpable on palpation, being indicated as a small mobile nodule under the skin. A he althy nodule can only be felt under the lower jaw, in other places it will be imperceptible to the hands.
- When you press on the inflamed tubercle, pain will be felt.
- The texture of the lymph node becomes dense.
- The skin in the area of inflammation becomes red.
- In advanced cases, suppuration and fever may occur.
- Inflammation is transmitted through a local chain of lymph nodes.
If at least one of the signs is found, you should consult a doctor. It is believed that if the lymph node is inflamed and the process does not progress, spreading to the entire chain, there are no painful sensations, then there is no particular cause for concern.

A single inflammation may be the result of a recent infection, and after the body is fully restored, the size of the lymph node will return to normal. If, in addition to the increase, there is pain and discomfort, a doctor's consultation is required.
Swollen lymph nodes in any part of the body signals that the immune system is on the verge of exhaustion and can no longer cope with infections on its own.
Mechanism of inflammation
If a lymph node is inflamed, it means that there is an infection in the body, since the lymphatic system is part of the human immunity. These small formations trap dangerous cells, microparticles, and then activate lymphocytes that come to protect the body. Lymphocytes multiply rapidly and settle in the lymph node, due to which it increases in size.
Part of the lymphocytes by the flow of lymph and blood spreads to other organs responsible for immunity, which causes the activation of the entire defense system. Additional help in the form of other immune agents rushes to the node from which the movement began and where hostile cells are concentrated, and the lymph node increases even more.
The increase in the size of the lymph nodes is already alarming for most people, and if pain is added to this, then the picture begins to seem threatening. And not in vain - inflammatory processes began in the body.
They are caused by the destruction of immune cells that secrete biologically active substances (histamine, serotonin, etc.). Being released into the tissue, they irritate the nerve endings. Also, the pain syndrome is due to the fact that the decay products of pathogenic cells and the toxins they release act on the nerves, the destroyed cells of the body itself join the process.
There are several more factors that tell why the lymph nodes are inflamed. The cause of pain and increase in size also lies in the swelling of the tissues, which began due to the expansion of blood vessels. Edema compresses the lymph node, and the person feels pain and watches the swelling of a small lump under the skin.
Causes of lymphadenitis
If the lymph nodes are constantly inflamed, then you should look for the cause of such a reaction of the body. It may lie in pathological disorders, namely:
- Infections of the oral cavity.
- Diseases of the respiratory system.
- Development of neoplasms.
Lymphadenitis is divided into twogroups:
- Specific. Inflammation is caused by diseases such as syphilis, AIDS, measles, tuberculosis, etc.
- Non-specific. This type of pathology is caused by hostile microbes, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, entering the internal environment of the body. Colds, abscesses, allergies, SARS, toxoplasmosis also cause nonspecific lymphadenitis.
If there is a wound in the body with a slight suppuration, then it should be expected that this will cause inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Lymphadenitis on the neck
The most common complaint from a patient is that a lymph node in the neck has become inflamed. Lymphadenitis is always a consequence of the inflammatory process, and the location of the enlarged nodes indicates where it occurs.
The main reasons why the lymph node became inflamed relate to nonspecific lymphadenitis, namely:
- STDs.
- SARS, influenza.
- Diseases of the oral cavity (otitis media, stomatitis).
- Infection with viruses, helminths or fungus.
- Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, inflammation of the throat and larynx, pharyngitis).
- Tumors of the lymphatic system.
- Decreased immunity, etc.
Specific lymphadenitis of the neck is caused by such pathologies:
- Pathologies of the thyroid gland.
- Alcoholism.
- Different types of allergic reactions.
- Connective tissue diseases.
- Disorders of the metabolic mechanism.
The patient feels general malaise,the temperature rises, weakness is expressed, the inflamed lymph nodes in the neck hurt, when swallowing, the pain intensifies.
Inflammation of the mouth
Infections of the oral cavity can also cause the lymph node in the neck to become inflamed. Adults often feel enlarged lymph nodes in the submandibular region, this is due to previous infectious diseases, as well as bacteria and their waste products located in the oral cavity.
In the dentist's office, patients are often worried about the question: can a lymph node become inflamed because of a tooth? With the course of some types of infectious lesions in the oral cavity, it can.

Lymphadenitis is caused by the following diseases:
- Gingivitis. Violation of the rules of oral hygiene leads to the formation of plaque, where bacteria develop. Weakened immunity cannot cope with them, and inflammation occurs. The gums suffer, the oral cavity as a whole, as a result, the patient discovers that the lymph node has become inflamed, sometimes several.
- Infectious glossitis is an inflammation of the tongue. With the disease, the infection affects not only the mucous surface, but also the muscle layers. The lymph of this organ is distributed into several groups of lymph nodes. With the rapid course of the disease, a whole group can become inflamed.
- Caries is a sluggish process of tooth structure destruction. It is caused by a number of bacteria, most of them are streptococci. The waste products of bacteria with the lymph flow are distributed to the lymph nodes, causing theminflammation.
- Stomatitis is any disease of the oral cavity that has an infectious nature. Inflammation can be observed on the gums, tongue, cheeks, palate. Bacteria entering the lymph flow also enter the lymph nodes, which causes them to enlarge and become inflamed.
The specialist, communicating with the patient, will find out if the lymph node can become inflamed due to a tooth, an infection that has affected the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, inflammation of the ear, and so on. In search of answers, the doctor conducts a series of diagnostic measures to determine the source of the disease.
Lymphadenitis with angina
Angina is a disease caused by viruses or infection, the pathogenic microflora to which the immune system of each person responds. Pathology has a range of signs and symptoms, in many cases it is severe and has complications. One of the signs of a severe current disease is inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck. The enlargement of the node can reach the size of a quail egg, the patient feels pain in the affected area, the structure of the formation thickens.
For treatment, a set of measures is prescribed, designed not only to eliminate the disease, but also to avoid complications, which are often the result of angina. “The lymph node has become inflamed,” such a complaint often comes from the lips of a patient who has had a sore throat or is in the stage of its acute course. Treatment begins with the treatment of the underlying disease, strengthening the immune system. Usually, recovery brings the elimination of all symptoms, including the normalization of the state of the lymph nodes, if lymphadenitis remains, an additional examination is required.and search for inflammation.
Lymph nodes inflamed? This fact is a signal to the doctor that the immune system is working at its limit and needs support. In this case, the treatment of the underlying disease is carried out, measures and medications are determined to support the protective functions of the body.
In the event that after all the measures taken for several weeks, the size and condition of the lymphatic system do not return to normal, additional examinations of patients are prescribed. The purpose of the diagnosis is to find out the reasons why the lymph node has become inflamed.

Which doctor to see:
- Endocrinologist.
- Infectionist.
- To the surgeon.
- Oncologist.
- Phthisiatrician.
Each of these specialists will check lymphatic clusters, profile diseases and will be able to confirm or refute suspicions of global pathologies such as oncology, AIDS, diabetes, syphilis, etc. A serious illness can be hidden behind the symptoms of a common cold. The signal for additional diagnostics is the fact that its course has become protracted, conventional therapy does not work, and the patient's condition continues to deteriorate.
Features of the reactions of the female body
Women sometimes notice that the lymph nodes become inflamed before menstruation. You can find them in the groin, in the armpit, on the neck and other parts of the body. For some, this happens extremely rarely, but there are cases when the syndrome manifests itself everymonth. In this case, diagnostics is necessary. Inflammation of the lymph nodes indicates the location of the disease.
For example, if a lymph node in the groin is inflamed, this may be the result:
- Ovarian cysts.
- Malignant tumor in the pelvis.
- Inflammation with localization in the vagina or uterus.
- STD.
Finding out that the lymph node in the armpit has become inflamed, you can suspect:
- Hormonal imbalance (due to abortion, prolonged unbalanced diet, gynecological disease, etc.).
- A side effect of some hormonal drugs.
- The presence of seals in the mammary gland that cannot be detected by external self-examination.
- Violation of lymph outflow due to tissue edema.
- Exacerbation of the course of any chronic disease. Before critical days, women's immunity drops sharply, which provokes lymphadenitis.
Practice shows that inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpit indicates the presence of mastopathy. Many women suffer from this disease in a latent form. Detected inflammation should be examined, a mammogram should be performed and a gynecologist and therapist should be consulted.

Special occasion
Sometimes there is a situation when the lymph nodes are inflamed and do not hurt. This can occur after an infection, and it is necessary to observe the state of the lymph nodes for 3 or 4 weeks, within the absence of other inflammatory pathologies, they will return to normal.
If the inflammation progresses and new inflamed nodes constantly appear, then you need to urgently consult a doctor - such symptoms are characteristic of oncology (for example, lymphoma). One of the forms of diagnostics should be a puncture of the lymph node to take tissues and study them in detail.
Therapy of any disease begins with a diagnosis, including if the lymph node is inflamed and hurts. What to do? Contact a local therapist, he will prescribe a series of tests, send him for a comprehensive examination, which includes:
- Blood test (general analysis). The results will confirm or exclude anemia, leukocytosis, leukopenia, lymphopenia and a number of other diseases.
- A biochemical blood test will tell you about the state of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc. That is, it will indicate the affected organ.
- Urine examination (general analysis).
- Biopsy of tissues of inflamed nodes - the contents of the node are studied, the type of infection is established, oncology is confirmed / denied.
- X-ray, ultrasound.
- Computed tomography, lymphography.
- Immunography, tests for STDs, AIDS, HIV.

Treatment is prescribed only after a complete diagnosis of the reasons why the lymph nodes have become inflamed. Antibiotics, which many patients tend to take on their own, without consulting a doctor, do not always bring the desired result, but can become an additionala blow to the immune system.
For complex therapy, the following groups of medications are prescribed:
- Antibacterial agents. They are selected depending on the current disease purely individually.
- Antimycotic drugs ("Clotrimazole", "Ketoconazole", etc.).
- Complexes of vitamins and minerals to maintain and strengthen the body's defenses.
- Antiviral agents ("Cycloferon", "Viferon"). In the case of a viral nature of the lesion, general therapy measures are used in the treatment.
- Antiherpetic medications (Aciclovir), medication prescribed after confirmation of herpes.
For the treatment of suppuration, external agents (creams, ointments, compresses) are used. It is forbidden to warm up the inflamed lymph nodes, this can cause purulent processes. If the cause of inflammation of the lipatic system was an oncological disease, then chemotherapy is used, in some cases surgical excision.
In addition to the use of drug treatment, physiotherapy procedures, measures aimed at strengthening immunity, including folk remedies - taking decoctions and tinctures of echinacea, ginseng root, vitamin C intake (citrus fruits, rosehip broth, etc.). Hardening, playing sports, giving up bad habits, switching to a he althy diet will have a positive effect on the general condition.

An inflamed lymph node or a whole group is evidence of the work of the immune system to neutralizeany inflammatory, infectious process. Therefore, it is not correct to limit the treatment of only lymph nodes; an integrated approach is needed to identify a global disease. In cases where the disease is treated with the right methods and recovery occurs, the lymph nodes return to normal after a short period of time.