What is the disease and how contagious is angina, not everyone knows. This is an infectious pathology that affects the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils of the pharynx. Most often, the inflammation affects the palatine tonsils, but others can be involved in the process. As for the number of days that a sore throat is contagious, it is usually about 5-7, although it all depends on the severity of the disease.
Pathology has been known since ancient times. At least, angina was already described in the writings of ancient doctors. Of course, it has already been well studied. In the arsenal of modern medicine, there are many effective remedies for the treatment of the disease, not to mention numerous folk recipes. However, both adults and children still experience sore throats.
Methods of infection, incubation period and features of the course of the disease
Not everyone knows how they get a sore throat. There are different types of pathology. This is not a homogeneous disease, but a whole group of pathologies that differ both in their symptoms and course, and in the nature of development.

To begin with, it should be noted thatThis disease can be both viral and bacterial in nature. The causative agents of angina can be various pathogenic microorganisms. However, studies show that group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus is the most common cause, accounting for 50-80% of total cases.
Less sore throats are caused by streptococci of other groups, anaerobic bacteria, mycoplasmas and corynebacteria. However, streptococcus rarely comes alone. Often, after infection, a "bouquet" of pathogenic microorganisms literally blooms on the tonsils. Therefore, with angina, it is important to consult a doctor, and not to self-medicate. Moreover, diphtheria can be disguised as such a pathology.
As for viral sore throat and how it gets sick, the most common cause of this is adenoviruses, coronaviruses, influenza and parainfluenza. At the same time, exogenous pathogens can penetrate the mucous membrane of the tonsils not only through direct contact, but also through airborne or alimentary routes. In practice, this means that in order to catch a sore throat, it is not necessary to come into close contact with the patient.
Yes, the disease is characterized by various pathogens and ways of transmission of angina. It can be transmitted through a kiss or when using the same utensils. But since the infection is also spread by airborne droplets, a simple conversation at close range is enough.
That's why a person with a sore throat should not share common dishes, nor the same towel or napkin. It is generally desirable to isolate the patient from others. It is best to place it in a separate room, or at least fence it off with a screen.
Many people don't know how many days a sore throat goes away. The incubation period for the disease is very short - 1-2 days. After that, the patient remains contagious for another 3-4 days, until the temperature subsides. However, some experts believe that contact with other people should be avoided for another 10 days, since the person remains a carrier of the infection all this time.
How to distinguish viral from bacterial sore throat?
Only a qualified specialist can determine the nature of the disease. But everyone should know something about the signs of bacterial and viral tonsillitis in a child and an adult. This is necessary at least in order not to make mistakes before the doctor arrives.
Viral tonsillitis is usually a consequence of SARS. Therefore, it is characterized by an acute onset, the temperature can rise to 38 ° C, which in this case is an immune response of the body. At the same time, all the symptoms of SARS are observed - runny nose, cough, signs of general intoxication (headache, and it seems to be concentrated in the forehead area).

The bacterial form of angina is more severe. It can develop either due to the penetration of harmful bacteria from the outside, or as a complication after a viral infection.
Differences from the viral form are as follows:
- No runny nose or cough.
- There is a severe sore throat that makes it difficult to swallow, it is even difficult for a person to drink. In children, this may even interfere with speech.
- Submandibular lymph nodes enlarge and become painful.
At the same time, unlike SARS, in which the temperature drops by 3-5 days, bacterial tonsillitis can give a high temperature for a long period of time, it will not work to bring it down with paracetamol, it will begin to decrease only after taking antibiotics.
And if during a viral infection the fever is noticeable almost visually, bacterial tonsillitis is characterized by pale skin even at high temperatures.
All this concerns the development of the disease in both adults and children. However, it should be noted that the bacterial form is rare in babies under two years of age.
Types of sore throats
Angina is usually classified depending on their pharyngoscope signs. In medicine, considering the question of what types of angina are in adults, it is customary to distinguish the following forms of the disease:
- catarrhal,
- follicular,
- lacunary.
Catarrhal angina
This is the most common form of the disease. It is often caused by viruses. Symptoms are classic - an acute onset of the disease, in which the temperature rises (up to 37.5 ° C), there is a feeling of dryness and burning in the throat, then perspiration and moderate pain when swallowing.
As with any viral disease, the patient is worried about a headache, a feeling of weakness. The catarrhal form usually proceeds relatively easily, but in children all the symptoms described are more pronounced than in adults. On examination, the doctor will note the lining of the tongue and spilledredness of the tonsils. As for the number of days, how many sore throats are contagious, this form lasts from three to five days.
This form is most often caused by a bacterial infection, although viruses are also possible. The parenchyma of the tonsils is affected. This form is characterized by: a sudden chill, a sharp increase in body temperature, sometimes up to 40 ° C. There is a severe pain in the throat, weakness is felt. Sometimes there are dyspeptic phenomena. On examination, the doctor will notice that follicles are visible through the epithelium, which are white or yellow formations the size of a pinhead. This makes the tonsils look like a starry sky.
When the follicles are opened, traces remain in their place for some time. At autopsy, pus can be released, so in such cases they talk about purulent tonsillitis. In especially severe cases of this disease, even hospitalization may be required.
In the beginning, it proceeds almost the same as follicular tonsillitis, only in a much more severe form. At the same time, a yellowish-white coating appears on the tonsils, which is first visible only near the mouths of the lacunae, and then spreads to the entire surface. Sometimes separate areas of plaque gather into one large formation, but they do not go beyond the borders of the tonsil.
Plaque is relatively easy to remove, while the epithelium is not injured. It usually begins to separate on the 4th-5th day, and at this time the temperature drops to subfebrile values (but does not completely normalize until the inflammation in the lymph nodes passes).
There are also fibrinous, herpetic and ulcerative-necrotic forms, but they are less common. Sometimes other tissues are involved in inflammatory processes - for example, the root of the tongue. In this case, they talk about lingual angina. In rare cases, inflammation spreads throughout the pharyngeal ring.
In addition, in practice there are mixed forms. Very often, doctors divide all types of this disease into two groups - banal (vulgar) or atypical. Angina vulgaris is characterized by the presence of classic common signs: the appearance of symptoms of general intoxication and fever, changes in the tissue of the palatine tonsils, the duration of the disease is 7-10 days, the primary etiological factor is a viral or bacterial infection.
Treatment of angina in adults
In the treatment of the viral form, antiseptics and antiviral drugs are used. But the more common option is a bacterial infection, which is treated with antibiotics.
The most effective are funds from the group of penicillins. Amoxicillin is usually prescribed in combination with clavulanic acid, since they are well tolerated by patients and at the same time more effective in fighting microorganisms. But antibiotics of the tetracycline series often develop resistance. In severe cases of the disease, macrolides are prescribed ("Azithromycin", "Spiramycin" and others).

Soda and iodine rinses are recommended. Take 1 tsp for a glass of warm water. baking soda and 3 drops of iodine. By this meansgargle several times a day.
For the duration of the treatment of angina, you need to limit physical activity and refuse spicy, s alty, fatty foods. The menu should be almost vegetarian, with an exception for low-fat broth or steam cutlets. Dairy products are useful, but you can not drink them at the same time as antibiotics - they will reduce the effectiveness of drugs. In addition, you need to consume more freshly squeezed fruit juices, lingonberry or cranberry juice, linden broth.
As for the question of how long a sore throat lasts in adults, it is usually about a week, although it all depends on the severity of the disease.
Treatment of sore throats in children
In case of bacterial sore throat, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to the child - the drug is selected from those listed above, always taking into account the patient's age.
The duration of the course of antibiotics is 7-10 days. The child's condition improves earlier - three days after the start of antibiotics, but you can not stop the course. Full recovery occurs only after two weeks, but even after that, the baby's temperature may rise slightly in the evenings for some time.
After the antibiotic, preparations such as "Bifidumbacterin" are prescribed, that is, probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora. For the same purpose, you can give your child yogurt and curds containing bifidobacteria.

To relieve swelling and inflammation, the doctor prescribes antihistamines. For example, "Fenistil" (can be given to children starting from two monthsage) and calcium gluconate. Usually these funds should be taken within five days.
An important role is played by the use of antiseptics. Children are often prescribed them in the form of a spray like "Orasept" or lozenges ("Lizobakt"). But do not forget about regular gargling. For example, you can use pharmacy products like "Chlorophyllipt" (for children it is often diluted with water).

There are effective herbal preparations. For example, infusions of calendula, sage, chamomile give a good result (they are prepared in the same way - 1 tbsp. Dry vegetable raw materials per glass of boiling water). The rinse solution must be warm, but not hot.
After the temperature returns to normal and the other listed symptoms go away, the doctor will most likely give a referral to the physiotherapy room for procedures such as UV or UHF. How contagious a sore throat often depends on the correct treatment.
It is especially important for a child to observe bed rest in the first days of illness. But even after the temperature drops, you should not immediately send the child to kindergarten or allow him to play actively, it is better to walk in the fresh air.
It is also worth following a certain diet so as not to injure the throat and not overload the body with the digestion of heavy food. For example, mashed potatoes, porridge, low-fat broth are ideal. It is also important to provide a plentiful warm drink - cranberry juice, weak tea, rosehip broth.
As for how long a sore throat lasts in children, it all depends onthe patient's condition and the treatment used. Basically, the period is about a week, which is also typical for adults.
Prevention of angina in adults
Preventive measures against angina can be called banal, but they work great and allow you to solve the problem of how not to get angina. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene very carefully and especially carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity, since a bacterial infection may be the result of caries not cured in time.

From preparations for the prevention of angina, biologically active herbal remedies are recommended, for example, Tonzipret and Tonsilgon. By the way, they are also suitable for children aged two years and over. They are also prescribed in the treatment of angina as part of complex therapy.

With frequent tonsillitis, it is recommended to wash the tonsils and paranasal sinuses with special antiseptic solutions. These procedures are usually done in a clinic.
Prevention of sore throats in children
It was previously believed that the removal of the tonsils was an effective preventive measure. However, later scientists proved that tonsils play a very important role for the immune system, so they are removed only as a last resort. Moreover, their frequent inflammations act as a kind of vaccinations that develop immunity to various infections. Therefore, removal is carried out only if tonsillitis (tonsillitis) gives a complication. For example, if there is a heart murmur, there issigns of inflammatory diseases of the joints or kidneys.
Therefore, for prevention, doctors recommend periodically warming up the tonsils with the help of various physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as washing them with antiseptic solutions, which is done by specialists in the clinic.
Baby can be taught to do a special exercise to harden the throat. You need to draw a lion. The child kneels, spreads his heels, sits between them on the floor, stretches his neck and sticks out his tongue while inhaling and growls loudly. This must be done in just a few seconds, but with the tension of all muscles, including the facial ones.
To harden the throat, you can gargle with saline twice a day for 5-7 minutes. And first, the product is heated, and then every two days its temperature is lowered literally by one degree, until it reaches 15 ° C. Also in summer and spring, you can give ice cream - literally 1 tsp each. per day, gradually increasing the amount to a whole serving. And it is very important to teach the child to follow all the rules of personal hygiene.