In this article we will figure out how to treat spastic constipation. Bowel function for emptying can be disturbed for a variety of reasons. This is usually associated with such a pathological condition, which is spastic constipation or atony.
Preconditions for pathology
Spastic constipation, which is provoked by intestinal spasm, appears due to an increase in the tone of the intestines. The mechanism of this phenomenon is as follows:
- In some intestinal segments muscle spasms develop, due to which feces are clamped in the intestine, the ability to move them further is lost.
- Such spasms are usually accompanied by flatulence, spastic feeling of heaviness and overcrowding in the abdomen, spastic pain, which is associated with increased gas formation in the intestines.
- Spasm may occur as a result of some endocrine pathologies, or under the influence of emotional and mental disorders.

Treatment of spastic constipation in adults should be comprehensive and timely.
To the causes of thisvarieties of intestinal disorders can be attributed to the following pathologies:
- Hypothyroidism.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Ovarian dysfunction (for example, during menopause).
- Diseases of the pituitary gland.
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Neurogenic colitis.
- Poisoning.
The most common factor in the development of this pathological condition is regulatory disturbances in the work of the autonomic nervous system. How does spastic constipation manifest itself in adults?

Symptoms of the disease
Intestinal spasms are characterized by the fact that the delay in the act of defecation occurs periodically, and not constantly. In between constipation, the stool may be normal or loose. Often there are such cases when the pathology is characterized by mild forms of diarrhea, which, as a rule, is the result of the body's response to prolonged stagnation of feces and spasms of the intestinal muscles. Basically, this happens when such spasms are associated with a variety of nervous and psychological disorders.
What are the symptoms of spastic constipation?
The clinical picture of muscular intestinal spasm is manifested by irritable bowel syndromes, which is expressed in the following main features:
- Painful sensations in the abdomen, often in the form of cramping pains.
- Periodic delays in defecation.
- Removal of mucus elements together with feces.
- Excessive irritability and emotionality.
- Feeling constantly tired.
In some cases, stool retention can be very slight, however, the excretion of feces is incomplete, and feces come out in the form of small elements. After such a bowel movement, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines, as well as heaviness in the stomach and unreasonable satiety.
During pregnancy
About 80% of women complain about the problem of spastic constipation during pregnancy, and about 20% after childbirth. At this time, women may be more likely to be disturbed by the so-called "atonic" constipation, which is associated with the absence or decrease in intestinal motility. However, bowel cramps during pregnancy are not uncommon.

As for the differences between spastic constipation and atonic constipation, in this case, the following phenomena take place:
- Intestinal atony is a complete lack of peristalsis, which is usually associated with relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestine, as well as the lack of the required amount of fiber in the diet and some other reasons. With the development of this pathology, there is no urge to defecate in the intestine.
- The spastic state of this organ is usually accompanied by increasing and briefly weakening pain, increased gas formation, rumbling in the abdomen and irregular stools (constipation may be replaced by diarrhea).
Main causes of constipation in pregnant women
They are:
- Pressure on the intestines, which directly depends on the termpregnancy - the larger it is, the greater the pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the intestines and other organs. As a result, blood circulation in the pelvic vascular system slows down and is disrupted, which can affect intestinal motility and cause spasms.
- Hormonal changes. A high amount of progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman relaxes not only the smooth muscles of the uterus, but also the intestines. At the same time, spasms can occur in some parts of the intestines, leading to constipation of a similar nature.
- During pregnancy, most women experience emotional instability. They are easily irritated, they have unreasonable fear, a variety of experiences. Such phenomena are associated with hormonal changes in the body, and their side effect can be neurogenic constipation, which disappears on their own after normalization of the mental state
- A less common cause of these spasms are allergic reactions or food poisoning.
It is undesirable to use laxative drugs during pregnancy without a prescription from a specialist.
Constipation in children
Intestinal spasms in children can occur as a result of disturbances or changes in habitual nutrition, for example, when switching to formula for artificial feeding, or when complementary foods are introduced. The main reason is also not fully developed nervous system in a child, which causes the same neurogenic constipation.
At an older age, spastic constipation may occur due to the use of increasedthe number of sweet foods, as well as insufficient fluid intake, improper diet. In some cases, spasm is the result of severe stress in a child, for example, after a change of residence, a change in climatic conditions, after a transfer to another educational institution, an unfavorable family situation, etc.

Spastic constipation in childhood occurs in almost every third small patient. Therapy for these conditions is prescribed by a specialist who takes into account the causes of the disease. However, antispasmodic drugs should be avoided in children. Most often, a short course of treatment with laxative and relaxing agents in the form of rectal suppositories is sufficient.
The implementation of diagnostic measures and the treatment of spastic constipation is carried out by a specialist coloproctologist, as well as a therapist or gastroenterologist. The diagnosis is based on laboratory and instrumental methods, among which are:
- Sigmoidoscopy, which is a procedure for examining the rectum and lower sigmoid colon using a special device - a sigmoidoscope.
- Fibrocolonoscopy is a diagnostic method, which is an endoscopic examination of the intestinal cavity.
- Irrigoscopy, which is an X-ray technique involving the introduction of a special contrast agent into the intestinal cavitysubstances.
The above diagnostic studies are extremely important in order to assess the condition of the intestinal mucosa, structural features and disorders, the degree of peristalsis, intestinal functionality and intestinal elasticity.
In some cases, it may be necessary to analyze fecal masses to study the microflora, because due to the lack of certain lactic acid bacteria, putrefactive fermentation in the intestines can occur, which directly affects the occurrence of problems with intestinal emptying function. This event is carried out in order to differentiate spastic constipation with intestinal dysbacteriosis, which is also characterized by the occurrence of symptoms of flatulence, pain, constipation.
Objectively, during palpation, a specialist can determine the localization of the pain syndrome in various parts of the intestine. In addition, the compressed sigmoid flagellum is well palpated, and, for example, the caecum can be assessed as relaxed.
Treatment of spastic constipation
To normalize intestinal peristalsis, one of the main organs of the digestive system, is the main task in the treatment of its spastic conditions. In this case, the therapy should be comprehensive and include several main therapeutic steps:
- Diet food including increased fiber intake.
- Medications.
- Use of homeopathic and folk remedies.

When there is a problem such asdelayed defecation, it is necessary to get rid of it, like any other pathologies, starting with a consultation with a doctor. An early diagnosis will help make the treatment of spastic constipation most effective and short-term.
If, for certain reasons, an appeal to a specialist cannot be carried out, then at the beginning of the development of a pathological condition, you can try to overcome it yourself.
How to get rid of spastic constipation at home?
Cleansing enemas are often used for difficult bowel movements. However, it must be known that in spastic constipation, the introduction of a cool solution into the intestines should not be used, since this can increase muscle contraction and increase spasms. The water temperature during a cleansing enema should be medium: the liquid is heated to room temperature and injected into the intestine under low pressure.
The most effective are oil enemas, which use oil heated to 32 ° C, in a volume of 150 ml, or oil-water mixtures with a volume of about 500 ml. The most commonly used oils are castor olive oil and sunflower oil.
Laxatives for spasms in the intestines must be selected very carefully, stopping only at those made from herbal ingredients, and it is better to do without laxatives at all. The fact is that most of these medicines activate intestinal motility, which aggravates the existing spasm and worsens the patient's condition.
If receptionlaxative is inevitable, it is recommended to resort to a complex intake of medications. For example, the drug "Duphalac" for spastic constipation is prescribed in parallel with antispasmodic drugs. In this case, you can alleviate the condition and solve this problem.

Anspasmodic drugs for the intestines are divided into several categories and have restrictions on their use. Papaverine is considered the main and most common antispasmodic for the intestines, and in the absence of this medication, you can use tools such as No-shpa or Dibazol.
Diet for spastic constipation
The main recommendations for proper nutrition will be:
- reducing the consumption of fatty, s alty, fried, starchy foods;
- increased consumption of vegetables, fresh fruits, previously passed through a blender or sieve;
- eating vegetable rather than meat soups;
- exclusion of all astringent foods: chocolate, rice, red meat, strong tea, pomegranates;
- replacing white bread with black or whole grain;
- for breakfast you should eat oatmeal in water with prunes or dried apples - these are foods that have a laxative effect;
- adding low-fat fermented milk products to the menu: whey, kefir, bio-yogurt, etc.;
- inclusion of dietary fiber in the diet.

Requires a complete rejection of alcohol and energydrinks and soft drinks. Instead, use more mineral and ordinary water without gas (at least 2 liters per day), green tea, freshly squeezed juice, herbal decoctions, which have a laxative effect. Food should be taken frequently, in small portions, chewed thoroughly in order to avoid irritation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. An excellent remedy for the normalization of bowel activity is bran. They have the ability to swell, as a result, the volume of fecal matter increases and gas formation is prevented.
Consider reviews of spastic constipation.
Most people who have suffered from such pathological conditions as constipation for some time have consulted a doctor for treatment of these phenomena. They note that specialists in the development of this disease prescribe, as a rule, a certain complex drug treatment and diet. The diet should include eating light foods that are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. These substances significantly affect the course of digestive processes and facilitate defecation.
As for medications, experts most often prescribe medications that help reduce tension in the smooth muscles of the intestine, that is, antispasmodic medications. This type of therapy relieves pain during the development of spastic constipation, and the movement of feces through the intestines is stimulated by certain drugs for constipation, or, in mild cases of the course of the disease, by rectal suppositories, which includesubstances that irritate the walls of the rectum and provoke bowel movements.
We looked at the symptoms and treatment of spastic constipation.