Acute pyelonephritis in children is an inflammation of the kidney tissue and pelvicalyceal system. In terms of distribution, it ranks fourth among childhood diseases after infections, pathologies of the respiratory and food apparatus. Pyelonephritis is often diagnosed in children under one year old. Girls get sick more often than boys. This is due to their wide and short urethra, which facilitates the spread of infection from the lower urinary tract to the kidney tissue.

Mechanism of disease occurrence
The question arises: what causes pyelonephritis in children? Why does inflammation of the kidney tissue occur? After all, these organs do not come into contact with the external environment, like the bronchi and lungs, for example?
In order for the infection to enter the kidney tissue, certain conditions are necessary, and above all, a violation of the normal flow of urine. Its advancement along the urinary tract occurs due to the unidirectional contraction of the muscle fibers of the renal pelvis and urethra, which in turn is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. In children, shemay be disturbed, and there is a short-term throwing of urine in the opposite direction. This condition is called reflux. Violation of the natural flow of urine also occurs with congenital anomalies of the kidneys, which, unfortunately, is not rare at all.
Causes of disease
The occurrence of acute pyelonephritis in young children is also facilitated by anatomical features: the lymphatic system of the renal pelvis in children is more closely connected with the intestines than in adults. It is because of this that the spread of infection from the intestines is possible through the lymphatic pathways with the further development of the disease.

Violation of the exchange of s alts and their increased amount in the formed urine can also lead to minor violations of its outflow, as well as to microscopic damage to the kidney tissue, and therefore be the cause of pyelonephritis in children.
An ascending path of infection is still possible. In case of inflammation of the external genital organs, as a result of insufficient strength of protective barriers, the infection can spread to the bladder and kidneys and, accordingly, lead to the development of cystitis and pyelonephritis.
Almost all of the listed factors that provoke the appearance of this disease in children appear with a decrease in the protective function of the immune system. Past illnesses caused by bacterial infections can provoke a decrease in immunity.
Signs of disease
Symptoms of the disease may vary depending on age. In children under one year old, pyelonephritis is characterized by the first, andat first and the only symptom is fever. Usually, with respiratory viral diseases, with its decrease, the condition becomes normal. And with pyelonephritis, the child remains weak, eats poorly, often burps, loses weight, and urinates often. This is typical for sick babies. Anxiety or crying can be a symptom of kidney pyelonephritis in children.
Older children complain of abdominal pain, deterioration in general condition, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite. Urine with pyelonephritis in a child may be cloudy due to the presence of pus and a large number of microbes in it. This visual sign indicates illness.
Acute pyelonephritis in children begins abruptly with chills, fever, lower back pain and frequent urination.
Tests for diagnosis
What kind of examinations a child should be carried out, of course, is determined by the doctor.
First of all, these are clinical tests of urine and blood, which immediately make it possible to determine the diagnosis. According to them, the doctor determines the pathological processes occurring in the body. Changes in urine and blood tests indicate inflammation in the kidneys or urinary tract.
To determine the cause of pyelonephritis in children, urine is cultured for microbial flora. This test should be taken before starting treatment, but if this is not possible, it can be done later, especially if the treatment is not as effective.
Ultrasound and X-ray as diagnostics
An ultrasound examination of the kidneys is mandatory. It reveals or eliminatesdevelopment of organ anomalies and the presence of inflammation of the kidney tissue.
If a congenital pathology is suspected, an x-ray examination will be required with the introduction of a radiopaque substance into the blood or bladder. This analysis will help to more accurately identify violations of the structure of the kidneys, since ultrasound is not always informative enough.

Fight disease
Treatment of pyelonephritis in children is carried out in a general pediatric hospital or in the nephrology department. Inflammation is relieved with medication. The appointment of antibiotics is mandatory, since only with their help it is possible to avoid the transition of the acute stage to chronic pyelonephritis in children. If the drug is chosen correctly, then the temperature, the general condition of the child, changes in urine quickly normalize. But this is not a reason to stop taking them. Usually more than one course of antibiotics is prescribed, and this has to be tolerated. The issue of discharge of the child from the hospital is decided by the parents together with the doctor, taking into account the condition of the baby and the ability of the relatives to create the necessary conditions for treatment and care at home.
Acute pyelonephritis, the occurrence of which is not caused by anomalies in the structure of the kidneys or metabolic disorders, even in severe cases, with proper and timely treatment, in most cases ends in complete recovery.
Additional procedures
Methods such as magnetotherapy, electrophoresis and physiotherapy perfectly complement the effectiveness of traditional treatment and are useful in chronic pyelonephritis forobtaining lasting results. In the presence of other diseases, therapy or medications are needed that can eliminate the damage caused. For example, with concomitant anemia, the doctor prescribes drugs with iron content, with high blood pressure - drugs to lower it. Also, at a temperature, antipyretics are prescribed. In addition, additional medications are prescribed that enhance the effectiveness of the main therapy. Herbal medicine for chronic pyelonephritis is often prescribed. Herbal medicine is not carried out in the acute stage of the disease, and the dosage and frequency of taking decoctions and infusions is calculated only by a specialist. Herbal teas are prescribed in a course of several months, and are also used for preventive purposes.
What depends on the parents?
First of all, don't wait too long to see a doctor if your baby doesn't get better.
Secondly, the exact execution of the specialist's appointments and adherence to the daily routine. Do not forget that the child himself is recovering, doctors only help him in this, and this requires strength. In the treatment of pyelonephritis in children, plenty of fluids and bed rest are prescribed. Hypothermia is not allowed.
Third, as with other diseases, you need to stick to a diet. There are no special restrictions, but it must be age appropriate. Dairy products, juices, diuretics are introduced into the diet.
What is wrong with pyelonephritis?
In addition, the following are excluded from the child's diet:
- all hot spices;
- canned meals;
- chocolate;
- coffee;
- smoked meats;
- s alty cheeses;
- fresh pastries;
- strong broths;
- mushrooms;
- bow;
- garlic;
- legumes;
- mustard;
- citrus.
This diet should be followed after pyelonephritis in a child and elimination of symptoms of the disease for 1 year.
Liquid mode
Water intake is usually increased. This is necessary to remove harmful substances that appear during inflammation and the death of microbes. At the same time, there should be a certain concentration of the antibiotic in the urine of the child, so it is necessary to check with the attending physician how much fluid the child needs to drink per day. Assign cranberry or lingonberry juice, decoction of dried apricots, pears, rosehip infusion.

How to prevent the development of chronic pyelonephritis?
First of all, clearly follow all the doctor's prescriptions, including after discharge from the hospital. This condition is mandatory for this disease.
There is a protocol for the treatment of acute pyelonephritis in children, which describes in sufficient detail the main remedies, according to which it is necessary to treat the child, and the doctor adheres to them.
Another important point is the elimination of factors that provoke the disease. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the body's defenses, adherence to sleep and rest, which is more relevant for older children and adolescents. For children with metabolic disorders, along with the diet, it is very important to adhere to the water regime, to useenough liquid. The issue of eliminating chronic foci of infection is relevant at any age. In the case of congenital diseases that cause stagnation of urine, the issue is resolved individually with each patient.

The child is exempt from physical education in the general group for 6-12 months. These recommendations are rather conditional, as they depend on the causes of pyelonephritis, and on its course or the results of treatment. Preventive vaccinations are temporarily postponed - for at least 6 months, then the issue is resolved with the involvement of specialist doctors.
Use of herbal medicine
Herbs are widely used for kidney diseases. But one should not overestimate their importance and, of course, one should not take them as a replacement for prescribed antibiotics and other medicines. In chronic pyelonephritis, in the absence of an exacerbation of the disease, their use is fully justified. Now there are countless herbal preparations, but, as before, herbal preparations provide significant assistance in the treatment of both adults and children. It is better to buy herbs in a pharmacy - this to some extent guarantees their correct collection, preparation and storage.
One of the herbal ingredients - bearberry, popularly referred to as bear ears - contains the substance arbutin, which, when ingested, breaks down into an antiseptic and glucose. To prepare the infusion, take 30 g of bearberry per 0.5 l of boiling water, insist, use 2 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day. This planteffective in the presence of an alkaline environment, and you need to take the remedy together with mineral waters or soda solutions.

Cowberry plant has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. A decoction of the leaves is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. raw materials per 300 ml of water, you should take 2 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day.
He althy fruits and berries
The main goal of the diet during the treatment of pyelonephritis in children is to accelerate the outflow of urine from the kidneys. Abundant fluid intake washes the urinary canals, removes harmful substances from the body, and normalizes the water balance. Therefore, it is so important to consume vegetables, berries and fruits that saturate the children's body with vitamins and microelements and have diuretic properties:
- Gooseberries. Berry compote is used to increase urination.
- Cranberries. Juice and fruit drink from this berry has a pronounced bactericidal diuretic properties.
- Barberry. All parts of this plant are diuretic and antimicrobial.
- Pear. Fruits, juice and fruit compote are taken to increase urination.
- Melon. Delicious pulp and seeds have diuretic properties.
- Watermelon pulp is eaten fresh, it has a strong diuretic effect, it is recommended for pyelonephritis.
- Cabbage white. Due to the significant amount of potassium s alts contained in it, when eating it, the removal of fluid from the body is accelerated.
- Dill. Use an infusion of the seeds as a diuretic.
- Lettuce is also diureticeffect.
- Strawberry. An infusion of leaf berries has all the listed properties.

Must know
It is important to remember that a feature of kidney disease is that for quite a long time pathological processes in them can occur almost asymptomatically. Signs of pyelonephritis in children can be lethargy, frequent fatigue, lack of appetite, frequent headache. If the child is small, this will alert parents, but in older and adolescence, these symptoms are often explained by high workload at school, non-compliance with the daily routine, or stomach diseases. Often this is the case, but it is better to examine the child and consult a doctor in time so as not to miss sluggish kidney diseases. Moreover, even congenital pathology can be detected much later.