
How cat allergy manifests in babies: signs, symptoms, redness, rash, pediatrician consultation and treatment

How cat allergy manifests in babies: signs, symptoms, redness, rash, pediatrician consultation and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Almost every home has pets, mostly cats. What to do if a newborn child has a rash, redness of the skin and other symptoms after contact with an animal? How is an allergy to cats manifested in infants? The article will discuss the symptoms, signs of the disease and how to treat this condition

Meat Allergy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Meat Allergy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Modern man is hardly surprised by the diagnosis of "allergy". The disease is widespread throughout the world. It affects people of all ages and genders. Allergists are sounding the alarm about the fact that only every tenth allergy sufferer seeks qualified help from specialists. Many naively believe that the disease is manifested only by a small rash on the skin. It's a delusion. Is it possible to be allergic to meat? We will try to answer this question in this article

Do they take in the army with allergies? When is a delay due?

Do they take in the army with allergies? When is a delay due?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

For allergic reactions in the form of watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose or cough, you can improve your well-being with the help of antihistamines. But if there is suffocation or bronchial asthma, then urgent medical attention is needed. For young guys of military age who suffer from allergies, the question arises: are they taken into the army with allergies? And for what kind of allergies do they take it, and for what kind of deferral from military service is possible?

Allergy to lemon: symptoms in adults, photo

Allergy to lemon: symptoms in adults, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Allergy to lemon is a very common occurrence that can occur not only in children but also in adults. Such a negative reaction of the human body to this citrus can be false and true. As a rule, an allergy to lemon proceeds brightly, and when the first symptoms of an allergic reaction appear, you should seek help from a specialist in a medical institution

Allergy to seeds: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Allergy to seeds: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In today's world, an allergic reaction is not uncommon, but common. The disease manifests itself equally in both children and adults. In each individual case, the pathology may have different symptoms depending on the characteristics of the patient's body and on its genetic predisposition. We will study in our article the causes, signs and methods of treatment using the example of an allergy to seeds

How does alcohol allergy manifest itself? Symptoms and treatment

How does alcohol allergy manifest itself? Symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

An article about the possible causes of an allergic reaction to alcohol. Consider why vodka, wine, champagne or cognac can cause a rash and other consequences

Food Allergy: Photos, Symptoms and Treatment

Food Allergy: Photos, Symptoms and Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Food allergies are any allergic manifestations of the body to ordinary foods. Such processes provoke the body to produce antibodies in excess of the norm. As a result of this exposure, the immune system perceives even a harmless protein as if it were a deadly infectious agent

Allergenic foods: a list. What foods are considered allergenic

Allergenic foods: a list. What foods are considered allergenic

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

More than a third of the world's population suffers from various allergic manifestations. The main reason for the development of such symptoms are allergenic foods. The food that we consume daily contains thousands of not always useful additives. For this we pay with all sorts of skin rashes, swelling, asthmatic attacks and other undesirable manifestations

Allergy to cold: treatment, causes, symptoms and prevention

Allergy to cold: treatment, causes, symptoms and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

As you know, any allergy is a response of the immune system to the impact of a particular factor. And sometimes the body reacts inadequately to the influence of low temperatures. Treatment of allergy to cold is fraught with difficulties, especially when it comes to the winter period of the year, when it is almost impossible to eliminate contact with the allergen

Allergy to vitamins: how it manifests itself and what to do

Allergy to vitamins: how it manifests itself and what to do

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Allergy to vitamins can manifest itself in everyone. The reason for this may be hypersensitivity or intolerance to a certain component by the body. So what do you do if you or your loved one has a vitamin allergy? We will cover this in detail in this article

Allergic reactions: stages, types, classification, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Allergic reactions: stages, types, classification, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Allergy is one of the most common phenomena of our time. It consists in disruption of the immune system due to the increased sensitivity of the body and includes many diseases

Allergy on the stomach: signs and treatment

Allergy on the stomach: signs and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Each of us has experienced allergic rashes at least once in our lives. Especially often they occur in young children, whose body is just getting acquainted with the outside world. Today we will talk about the causes and treatment

Allergy on the head: symptoms, causes, treatment methods and prevention

Allergy on the head: symptoms, causes, treatment methods and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Allergic diseases are among the most common. These symptoms appear in different parts of the body with different levels of severity. There is an allergy on the head. This disease is called allergic contact dermatitis. The causes and treatment are described in the article

Yeast Allergy: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Yeast Allergy: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Despite the fact that yeast is a fairly he althy natural product, in some cases it is better to reduce their use. There are a number of reasons for this. One of the contraindications is an allergy to yeast. Also, their consumption should be reduced in patients with pathologies of the endocrine system and kidneys

Allergy nose filter: reviews, which one to choose?

Allergy nose filter: reviews, which one to choose?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Nasal filters, or ste alth respirators as they are called, are miniature designs inserted into the nasal passages. The device is designed to filter the air, it is completely invisible to others, it is easy to insert and remove without assistance

Atopic Allergy: Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Atopic Allergy: Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

According to WHO statistics, in recent years in all countries there has been an increase in the number of patients who develop certain allergic reactions. This is due to the inexorable technological progress and its logical consequence - the emergence of industries using new chemicals and their compounds that are released into the atmosphere, fall into the ground, into food, are present in clothing fabrics

Swelling of the throat with allergies - possible causes and features of treatment

Swelling of the throat with allergies - possible causes and features of treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

When a person suffers from allergies, many unpleasant symptoms, one of them is swelling of the throat. This sign is considered dangerous, as it threatens human life. This phenomenon occurs when the body is exposed to an allergic substance. The causes and treatment of swelling of the throat with allergies are described in the article

Seafood allergy: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Seafood allergy: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Fish and seafood have always been an integral part of our diet. Today, you can easily find mussels, shrimp, squid, lobsters, oysters in stores. Therefore, allergy to seafood for many is quite an urgent problem

Wheat flour allergy: symptoms, treatment, diet

Wheat flour allergy: symptoms, treatment, diet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Allergic reaction to food is most often manifested by the organs of the digestive tract and skin. But this is expressed somewhat differently than with other types of allergies. The symptoms of the patient may be different, it all depends on the causes that provoked the disease

The Best Allergy Medicines for Children One and Older

The Best Allergy Medicines for Children One and Older

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Among children, various types of allergies are now common. Medications help to fight the characteristic symptoms. How to choose the right allergy medication? For children from one year old and older babies, specialists usually prescribe safe antihistamine drugs with a minimum of side effects

Seasonal allergies: symptoms, treatment, drugs

Seasonal allergies: symptoms, treatment, drugs

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Seasonal allergy is a reaction of the human immune system to environmental stimuli that come into contact with the body at certain times of the year

Why do allergies occur? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Why do allergies occur? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The body regards the ingress of antigens as a viral or infectious attack and produces a number of symptoms similar to SARS or influenza. In some cases, the development of an allergic reaction can threaten the patient's life. Sometimes the manifestations of the disease are quite harmless. Why do adults develop allergies? The most common causes are described in this article

How do adults and children treat allergies at home?

How do adults and children treat allergies at home?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Almost every second person knows from his own experience what an allergy is, how its manifestations are treated at home, and when one cannot do without medical help. The main difficulty of an allergic reaction is the problem of finding a factor provoking such an organism response

Fruit allergy in children and adults

Fruit allergy in children and adults

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In our time, food allergies are becoming more common and on a variety of products. Allergy to milk, gluten, chocolate, as well as vegetables and fruits. And if an allergic reaction to vegetables is rare, then fruits, especially with a high degree of allergenicity, quite often cause unpleasant symptoms

Silver allergy: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Silver allergy: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Silver is a precious metal. Already in ancient times, jewelry, coins were cast from it, and expensive dishes were made. The metal is said to have antibacterial properties and can be used to purify water

Human allergy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Human allergy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

A lot of people have heard about an allergy to oranges or milk, but few people know that an allergy can be on a person. What is this phenomenon and what to do in this case? And if this happened to you, is it necessary to lock yourself at home and avoid any contact with people? After all, you need and want to contact people often, do not go into the forest

Allergy to dust mites in a child

Allergy to dust mites in a child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Allergy to a dust mite can provoke a variety of negative manifestations and diseases, which is why it is important to recognize its course and treat it in a timely manner

Allergy to hyaluronic acid: symptoms, treatment methods

Allergy to hyaluronic acid: symptoms, treatment methods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the dermis and many other organs. Its presence allows maintaining tissue elasticity at the proper level. Under its influence, the water balance of the tissue is restored: if the skin lacks fluid, hyaluronic acid takes it from the air, but if the surrounding tissues are oversaturated with moisture, the substance absorbs its excess, becoming a gel

Allergy to casein: symptoms, treatment methods, how does it manifest itself?

Allergy to casein: symptoms, treatment methods, how does it manifest itself?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Casein is found in many dairy products. So, if after eating such products, bloating, vomiting, rash are observed, then you may be allergic to casein. This means that the body has developed an abnormal immune system response, is common in breastfed children and remains into adulthood

Allergy to solarium: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Allergy to solarium: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Every woman wants to be beautiful with flawless, tanned skin. Bronze tan is attractiveness, youth, beauty and sexuality. But in winter, when there is not enough sun, it is difficult to be irresistible. A pale body can hardly become a standard of beauty. So the solarium comes to the rescue

How to choose the right antiallergic drugs

How to choose the right antiallergic drugs

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

If you know firsthand what an allergy is, then the problem of selecting special products is most likely familiar to you. It is often difficult to decide what to buy: some anti-allergic drugs can cause side effects, while others are too expensive

How does honey allergy manifest itself? Symptoms and treatment

How does honey allergy manifest itself? Symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Bees have been living alongside humans since prehistoric times. People have always used the products of their vital activity both as the main medicine for various diseases, and in the form of a delicious treat. And no one has ever thought about whether there is an allergy to honey. Today the situation has changed somewhat. Today it has been proven that honey is one of the most allergenic products that can cause serious conditions in the body

Allergy to apples in children and adults

Allergy to apples in children and adults

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Apples are the most affordable source of vitamins and minerals. They are sold all year round in grocery stores, and their cost does not greatly affect the family budget. However, the life of any person can be overshadowed by allergies. Red apples are most often the cause of the disease. From this article you will find out what symptoms it is accompanied by, and whether it is possible to get rid of it forever

Dust allergy in children: symptoms, treatment, prevention, complications

Dust allergy in children: symptoms, treatment, prevention, complications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Literally two centuries ago, no one in the world even knew such a word as "allergy", and there is no need to talk about the disease at all. Allergic reactions of the human body were first noted only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Currently, almost every third child is faced with one or another type of allergy. How dust allergy manifests itself in children, we will consider in this article

Alcohol allergy: causes, treatment, diagnosis and treatment

Alcohol allergy: causes, treatment, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Allergy to alcohol is a very serious immunopathological process that can be fraught with various negative consequences. Therefore, faced with it, you need to go to the hospital for quality treatment. In general, in order to never encounter this problem, doctors advise to adhere to a sense of proportion and not to abuse alcohol

Allergy to mosquito bites - symptoms and treatment

Allergy to mosquito bites - symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Not everyone knows that allergy to mosquito bites occurs not only in children, but also in adults, although with a small probability. What are the reasons for such a reaction? How to self-diagnose allergies? How to treat it? You will find the answers to these questions in the article

Manifestation of an allergy to the pope in children

Manifestation of an allergy to the pope in children

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Delicate baby skin is distinguished by increased susceptibility to adverse factors and susceptibility to attacks of various viruses and microbes. The most common reaction is an allergy to a child's buttocks, which can manifest as swelling, blisters, or pimples on the skin. These manifestations cause a lot of problems and make mothers worry about the he alth of the baby. In this article, we will learn what an allergy is, what causes it, and how to get rid of it?

ASIT therapy - what is it? Principle of operation, scheme, side effects, reviews

ASIT therapy - what is it? Principle of operation, scheme, side effects, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The increase in the number of allergic reactions in people is growing every year. This is due to genetic inheritance, environmental pollution, the use of non-natural products, the use of chemical products in everyday life and much more

The best ointments for allergies: a list of drugs, reviews

The best ointments for allergies: a list of drugs, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Today, many people are faced with skin allergies. It manifests itself mainly in the form of redness and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. This applies not only to aesthetic discomfort, but also physiological, because the main manifestation of allergy is severe itching. It cannot be removed by any folk remedies or medicines from a home first aid kit. But the right allergy ointment can help

When does the ragweed bloom? Remedies for flowering allergies: reviews

When does the ragweed bloom? Remedies for flowering allergies: reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Ambrosia… This word alone makes most of the people living in the civilized world shudder. Residents of many European countries have declared war on this plant, but so far they are losing in it. Allergy sufferers are especially affected at a time when ambrosia blooms. What is the danger of plant pollen, and how to fight against it - this is our article