In the modern world, an allergic reaction is not uncommon, but rather a common occurrence. The disease manifests itself equally in both children and adults. In each individual case, the pathology may have different symptoms depending on the characteristics of the patient's body and on its genetic predisposition. We will study in our article the causes, signs and methods of treatment using the example of an allergy to seeds.
The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on whether the negatively influencing factors due to which the disease develops are correctly identified. Strong irritants are substances that are part of the seeds of food cereals, that is, allergies to seeds cause globulin and albumin. Once in the human body, they provoke strong negative reactions that occur as an immune response to dangerous substances.

Risk factors
In addition, the development of seed allergy is directly influenced by a person's genetic predisposition, that is, if certain genes are present, the likelihood of hypersensitivity increases significantly. At risk are those people who suffer from the following pathologies:
- Respiratory tract diseases of an infectious nature (the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the respiratory system, which weakens the immune system).
- Failure of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal inflammation, dysbacteriosis, etc.).
Can I be allergic to sunflower seeds and other crops? At risk are also those who abuse food products that contain a large number of various seeds. The risk of allergies is also quite high when the body is weakened due to bad habits such as smoking and frequent drinking.
All diagnostic tests for seed allergy should only be performed by a qualified allergist. It is forbidden to independently determine the type of allergen, which can only aggravate the condition of the victim.
In the process of diagnosis, the doctor examines the results of blood tests, as well as the individual reactions of the patient's body. Please note that the effectiveness of the treatment of the disease directly depends on a well-executed diagnosis and the correct diagnosis.
Among the variety of laboratory tests, there are several methods for examining adults and children, as a result of which you canaccurately identify the causative agent of the allergy, the group of causative allergens, as well as the irritants that cause a cross-allergic reaction. There are the following types of tests:
- Scratch and prick methods, i.e. skin tests.
- Analysis of specific antibodies Ig E.
- Provocative tests.
- Elimination or removal of the allergen from the diet (diet).

Will there always be allergies?
If an allergy to sunflower seeds, that is, to seed proteins, was previously diagnosed, then the symptoms will almost always appear when eating cereal products. At the same time, situations have been noted when signs do not appear in all cases of contact with the allergen:
- If there is hypersensitivity not to seeds, but to impurities of a chemical nature that got into cereals from fertilized soil.
- During the period of exacerbation, when there are allergic symptoms to many foods. As the process subsides, the negative symptoms disappear.
- Due to cross-allergy, the patient may experience a reaction to the seeds.
Gourds, potatoes, margarine, chamomile, honey, vegetable oil are considered cross irritants. Cross-allergens such as sunflower, dandelion and wormwood pollen can also add to this list.
Can I be allergic to sunflower and pumpkin seeds?
Cereal products are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, and also help to cure helminths. seedspumpkins and sunflowers help to relieve the condition of a person who suffers from a severe allergic reaction to nuts. Natural products are included in many dietary supplements and are also recommended by doctors to improve the condition of the skin and hair. But, despite the high useful and medicinal properties, pumpkin and sunflower seeds cause strong allergic reactions.
Allergy to pumpkin seeds is quite rare. To get rid of the disease, doctors recommend that you stop using this product. In some cases, injections of adrenaline are performed. Without fail, a patient with signs of hypersensitivity to cereals should consult an immunologist and an allergist.

Allergy to sesame seed
According to medical statistics, an allergic reaction to sesame seeds is much more common than to other crops. This can be explained by the fact that such a product is much more often used by mankind in various areas of life (cooking, cosmetology, medicine).
In itself, hypersensitivity to sesame seeds has been observed as an adjunct to nut allergies. This can be explained by the fact that proteins, which are present simultaneously in both nuts and sesame, act as a cross-irritant. Allergy is accompanied by standard symptoms and requires treatment in the form of taking antihistamines.

Cotton seed allergy
Hypersensitivity in allergy sufferers occurs due to contact with furniture upholstery andlining materials, which include processed seeds of coarse-grained varieties of cotton. Technology exists today to clean cottonseed, but the overall positive response to high-carbohydrate protein remains. An interesting fact is that no irritants were found in the seed oil. The clinical picture of allergy to cottonseeds is predominantly respiratory in nature.
Allergy to flax and its seeds
Such a culture as flax is a strong allergen that can provoke severe allergic reactions. This is due to the fact that the polyunsaturated fatty acids of the culture after heat treatment and under the action of direct sunlight are oxidized and converted into peroxides. It is these substances that negatively affect the body and contribute to poisoning. Linseed oil is also an allergic product. Hypersensitivity manifests itself in the form of swelling of the mucous membranes, dizziness and skin rashes, peeling.
How does the disease manifest itself?
Symptoms of allergies to sunflower seeds and other cereals:
- On the part of the intestines, there may be observed - a violation of the stool, nausea, an increase in the formation of gases, in children at a young age, redness in the genital area appears.
- On the part of the skin - dermatitis and eczema, the formation of itchy rashes on the skin, that is, urticaria.
- Respiratory function - lacrimation, cough, copious nasal discharge, shortness of breath, spasmsbronchi.
In severe cases, Quincke's edema may develop, as well as swelling of the oral mucosa, which causes suffocation. With an untimely response to the symptoms of the disease, a fatal outcome is possible.
First Aid
In the case when the first signs of an allergy to seeds are noticed, it is worth quickly rinsing the stomach of the victim. To speed up the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, a cleansing enema is done. It is important to take anti-allergic drugs and sorbents, which will prevent the development of anaphylactic shock and asthma attacks. It is imperative to call an ambulance.

Medicated treatment
Is it possible to take seeds with allergies when taking medications? Irritant foods are not recommended, even if strong antihistamine therapy is being given.
Drugs from the following pharmaceutical groups can be used in drug treatment:
- Of the antihistamines, Cetrin, Tavegil, Zyrtec or Claritin are most often prescribed, which are taken for seven days.
- Topical hormonal ointments are often prescribed, which can quickly eliminate inflammation.
- To strengthen the immune system, patients can use immunomodulators.
- Also, the doctor may recommend cleansing the body with enterosorbents, in case there were malfunctions in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, "Activated charcoal", "Sorbeks".
- If observednegative respiratory symptoms, doctors may prescribe bronchodilators or nasal agents to patients.

Traditional medicine methods
Today, traditional medicine, as an option for a full-fledged treatment, is considered controversial. Before using certain means, it is imperative to consult with your doctor.
Traditional medicine methods cannot be used as the main treatment for allergies, which in some situations can only worsen the patient's condition. However, in the form of adjunctive therapy, traditional methods of healing are considered effective.
According to allergy sufferers, the most effective methods of traditional medicine are:
- Decoction of raspberry roots, which is taken three times a day before meals. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 months.
- Lotions from a decoction of a string, elecampane, oak bark, string, horsetail and hawthorn help relieve itching when treating areas on the skin.
- The shell of white boiled eggs is crushed into powder, after which it is taken with lemon juice. It is allowed to dilute the mixture with purified water.
- A decoction of young spruce cones and buds based on milk is taken 200 ml three times a day.
Store decoctions and infusions in enamelware in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight.
Preventive measures
According to patient feedback, in order to minimize the risk of developing a seed allergy, the symptoms of which can quickly worsen a person's he alth, one shouldlimit the use of products with sunflower, pumpkin, flax, cotton and sesame seeds. With extreme caution, pregnant and lactating women should eat food with seeds, even if they have not previously been diagnosed with hypersensitivity to the listed products.

To strengthen the immune system, you should adhere to proper nutrition, as well as regularly visit the fresh air. Regular intake of vitamin complexes can minimize the likelihood of an allergic reaction.