Allergy to mosquito bites can occur not only in young children who have not yet developed immunity, but also in adults. This reaction is caused by the substance that the insect releases through the proboscis at the time of the bite. What is it for? So that the human blood does not clot very quickly, and the mosquito can fully satisfy its appetite. Allergy after a mosquito bite is a familiar clinical picture - in quite he althy people it is only reddening of the skin and slight itching, but in allergic people it can cause completely different reactions.
The percentage of adults who experience an allergic reaction is small, but the suffering it causes is simply not insignificant. Approximate symptoms that occur when there is an allergy to mosquito bites: redness and itching, hives, swelling, nausea, fever and blood pressure, and even suffocation. If any of these symptoms appear, take immediate action. To those people whoknow that they have a similar reaction, you need to go for evening walks and outdoor recreation with extreme caution and fully armed in the warm season.

Allergy to mosquito bites in children manifests itself much faster and brighter. If an adult organism is able to fight on its own and even acquire immunity over time, then the child’s still unadapted organism reacts in a completely different way. After a couple of hours, swelling around the bite site, drowsiness, apathy, loss of appetite, redness and serious itching may appear, which the child is simply unable to fight. In the case of combing the wound, he can bring an infection there, and the situation will worsen several times. Therefore, at the first symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. An allergy to mosquito bites, the photo manifestations of which are presented, must be diagnosed by a professional, and taking medication without a preliminary examination is extremely imprudent. If the diagnosis is confirmed, do not forget to always have with you the necessary drugs that should repel mosquitoes, as well as those that should be taken in the first few hours after the bite, if it was not possible to protect yourself.

Self-treatment in this case is not an option, however, with mild manifestations of the body's reaction to insect bites, first aid can be provided, which will not bring any harm unambiguously. If the wound turns red and unbearable itching appears, treat the bite site with ointments such as,for example, "Rescuer", "Fenistil-gel" and others. There are also preventive measures that should be carried out a few months before the onset of the season. Talk to your doctor and he will prescribe you the necessary drugs. Most often they use "Tavegil", "Suprastin" or "Diazolin", which greatly alleviate the symptoms of an allergic reaction in the summer. It is necessary to always have with you those drugs that can save you from the manifestation of anaphylaxis - adrenaline or epinephrine.
Allergy to mosquito bites is a very unpleasant phenomenon that can ruin not just a vacation in the warm season, but the whole life. However, with a competent approach and compliance with all the doctor's prescriptions, negative consequences can be easily avoided, and later completely nullified. Stay he althy!