How do adults and children treat allergies at home?

How do adults and children treat allergies at home?
How do adults and children treat allergies at home?

Almost every second person knows from his own experience what an allergy is, how its manifestations are treated at home, and when one cannot do without medical help. The main difficulty of an allergic reaction is the problem of finding a factor that provokes such a response of the body. The most effective method of eliminating the reaction is to completely eliminate the allergen from your daily routine. True, this is not always possible, especially if you are allergic to dust or, say, poplar fluff, plant pollen. When nature blooms and smells, many have to urgently look for ways to cure allergies.

Where did the trouble come from?

Before you figure out how allergies are treated, it is worth delving into the very essence of this phenomenon. The term is used to denote the features of the human body, manifested in too high sensitivity to a certain compound, substance. Not always the source of the allergen is an external factor, there is a risk of formation of those inside our body. An allergen is the main cause of an allergy. Most often, the pathological condition is provoked by:

  • pollen;
  • productsfood;
  • wool;
  • dust;
  • medicines;
  • chemical compounds;
  • cold;
  • rays of the sun;
  • infectious pathological agents.

Higher risk of developing an allergic reaction if there are allergic people among the next of kin. Other risk factors include:

  • weakened immune system;
  • frequent exposure to chemicals;
  • use of antimicrobials.

How to notice?

It's time to figure out how allergies are treated if you are concerned about the symptoms characteristic of this condition. All of them are divided into several classes, depending on the form of the body's reaction to the allergen. Highlight:

  • breathing;
  • dermal;
  • eye;
  • enteropathy;
  • anaphylactic shock.

The first group includes sneezing, runny nose and wheezing, an allergic person has an itchy nose, lack of air, and a cough. This form is most common.

Skin reactions are manifested by dryness and swelling of certain areas, red spots, scaly lesions and blisters. On the part of the eyes, allergy is manifested by burning, active release of tears, swelling of the area.

Enteropathy is a group of reactions that includes vomiting and nausea, stool disorders, swelling of the pharynx and tongue. Finally, anaphylactic shock includes shortness of breath, uncontrolled bowel and bladder emptying, vomiting, convulsions, rash. The patient loses consciousness.

how are allergies treated
how are allergies treated

What to do?

The best way to tell how allergies are treated, doctor. Self-medication can lead to adverse effects and deterioration of the general condition, as well as cause an allergic reaction to new products, compounds. The most reasonable approach is to visit the clinic, where at the reception the patient will tell the doctor all the disturbing symptoms. The doctor will explain where they came from, send them for tests and prescribe a treatment program. And now you can practice it at home. In addition, the doctor will explain how to behave with a new exacerbation, when you can get by with the usual remedies for allergies, and when urgent qualified help is needed.

Understanding how to treat allergies, you can try traditional medicine and the traditional approach. Both the first and second are recommended only after agreement with the attending physician. The doctor will explain what will help, how you can harm yourself, when what measures are effective. You should not replace the programs prescribed by a specialist with folk recipes on your own - this can lead to a worsening of the allergy sufferer's condition.

Most effective sequence on how to treat allergies:

  1. Allergen detection.
  2. Reduce the risk of exacerbations.
  3. Relief of symptoms.

Doctors, explaining to patients how to treat allergies, draw attention to the need for a combination of medications and therapy to maintain immunity. Only an integrated approach will give a really good, pronounced result.

Where to start?

Understanding how to treat allergies at home, you should study the listthe safest and most effective antihistamines. They are available in any modern pharmacy, many are sold without a prescription, so purchasing the product is not particularly difficult. Thanks to antihistamine compounds in the body, the amount of histamine, a specific substance produced by the immune system, which recognizes a certain compound as an allergen, decreases (this is reflected in the name).

The second group of drugs that are indispensable for allergies are decongestants. These are medicines with which you can weaken the response of the body. Different decongestants are suitable for different situations: the answers to the questions of how to treat red spots for allergies and how to deal with lacrimation will be completely different.

In some cases, agents that inhibit the activity of leukotrienes help. These are drugs that eliminate the swelling of the throat, different parts of the respiratory system. If the allergic response is manifested by inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity, hormonal preparations can be used - there are quite a lot of steroid aerosols in pharmacies.

how to treat allergies
how to treat allergies

Choosing how and how to treat an allergy in a child or an adult, you will have to look at immunotherapy. The idea of such a program is the introduction of an aggressive agent into the body in order to form the correct reaction, to reduce sensitivity.

The optimal treatment program will be compiled by a doctor, so if you have signs of an allergy, you need to make an appointment. The doctor will tell you which folk remedies will help in a particular case, how to combine them with traditional methods,so as not to harm yourself.

Simple and safe

How to treat spots on the face with allergies? A fairly popular and reliable method is the use of a bay leaf. A decoction, oil, tincture are made on the product. Any of the options is used externally: the manifestations of an allergic reaction on the skin are lubricated with a liquid. It is believed that the use of the liquid on the bay leaf in food will also be beneficial. Many collections of folk recipes contain recommendations for taking baths with a decoction of bay leaves. This is especially true if the manifestations are not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body.

Choosing how to treat an allergy on the hands, you should pay attention to the kostokovik. The recipe is simple: take two glasses of clean water for 4 teaspoons, boil them and pour the plant, then decant the liquid. Ready broth should be used in half a glass daily. This will help against the manifestations of allergies not only on the hands, but also on other parts of the body, as well as internal reactions (swelling, inflammation).

Folk compositions: many options

When choosing how to treat an allergy in a baby, you should look at the safest, most reliable options that will definitely not become a source of harm to the child. Collections of folk recipes contain advice on the use of eggshells against allergic skin rashes. The shell is thoroughly washed, dried, powder is prepared from it and mixed with lemon juice. Ready gruel must be treated with affected skin areas.

There are a huge variety of different options for funds. Choose how to treat allergies in adults,children, is not easy - it is not always clear what exactly will be really effective. A fairly reliable option is a mixture of string, violet leaves and nightshade. All products are mixed in equal proportions and poured with hot water in the ratio: a glass per tablespoon of dry matter. Let the liquid brew, then use it as food. Frequency - four times daily. The dose is a tablespoon.

mummy from Altai
mummy from Altai

Choosing how to treat red spots from allergies on the face, you should take a closer look at the mummy. This substance is mixed with honey, milk and used every day twice: lubricate the mucous membranes of the nasal, oral cavity, throat. Another option is a mummy solution. A gram of the product is taken per liter of pure water, the resulting liquid is used for food every day once. For external treatment of skin lesions, a solution can be made in the following ratio: 1 g of the product - 100 ml of liquid. The affected areas are lubricated with the finished solution.

What to try and how to treat?

Allergies on the face, on the arms and legs, and sometimes all over the body - that's another nuisance. To cope with it, blackcurrant will come to the rescue. For 10 g of fresh foliage, take a glass of freshly boiled water, let the mixture brew for at least 30 minutes and use it for food. You should drink such a drink instead of tea at least three times a day. The systemic action of the active components of the currant will stop the allergic reaction.

When considering recipes that tell how to treat allergies in a child, it is worth paying attention to a mixture of juices. Apple, carrot, parsley work well togetherand cauliflower. Mixed juice is prepared from the products, which is recommended to be used for food at least three times daily. The best effect is achieved if the product is taken 30 minutes before a meal.

You can prepare homemade medicine on dill: dilute the grass juice with water (water - twice as much juice), apply gauze soaked in the medicine to the affected skin. Another option with dill is to drop a drop of oil extracted from the plant onto a piece of sugar. Such a remedy is intended to be eaten half an hour before a meal at least three times daily.

Food and drink

When choosing how to treat an allergy on the face, you need to remember that an integrated approach, including a change in diet, gives efficiency. To weaken the body's reaction to the allergen, you need to include baked potatoes in the menu. But spicy, fatty, smoked will have to be completely abandoned. It will not be superfluous and a drink prepared on nettle flowers. Three tablespoons take half a liter of water, insist for several hours, then filter the liquid. Ready infusion is used daily up to five times. Dosage - half a glass.

An effective infusion, which healers are sure to advise when explaining how to treat skin allergies, is prepared on an ordinary onion. For four root crops take a liter of water. The product is carefully crushed, allowed to brew overnight, then they drink all the liquid during the day. An infusion prepared on horsetail will bring no less benefit. For 20 g of the plant, a glass of boiling water is needed. The mixture is allowed to brew for half an hour, then the liquid is decanted and used.into food. It is better to take the medicine shortly before a meal. The optimal dosage is half a glass.

You can cook a good remedy on a birch. For three grams of kidneys and twice as many leaves, they take half a liter of boiling water, boil for about 15 minutes, then let it brew (at least a couple of hours). The finished product should be eaten four times daily for half a glass.

Herbs and fruits for human he alth

Let's consider how to treat allergies. Photos of some remedies that are effective for allergies are presented in this material. Natural medicines, as folk healers say, are everywhere and everywhere. For example, rose hips are familiar to everyone - and its fruits are very effective in alleviating the manifestations of an allergic reaction. Berries are mixed with dandelion rhizome (in equal proportions), both products must be crushed. A glass of boiling water is taken on a tablespoon of the finished powder and insisted overnight in a thermos. Then the liquid is filtered and used as food shortly before the meal. The optimal dose is a third of a glass.

You can treat allergies by using half a glass three times a day infusion of dill seeds. To prepare it, one and a half glasses of water are taken per teaspoon of seeds.

allergy on the face red spots than to treat
allergy on the face red spots than to treat

A variety of juices are useful for allergies. You can, for example, squeeze the liquid out of celery and eat it three times a day 30 minutes before a meal. Dose - a tablespoon. An alternative option is an infusion of celandine. Take two glasses of water per tablespoon and let it brew for at least four hours. Liquiduse half a glass twice a day (in the evening, in the morning). The drink can also be prepared on the line. This plant is suitable as a base for brewing herbal tea. Grass is poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 20 minutes. Use ready-made tea instead of other drinks throughout the day.

Causes and consequences

Understanding how to treat food allergies, you will have to visit a doctor - only folk recipes will not help here. First, it will be necessary to identify what exactly the answer has evolved to, and this is frankly not easy. The doctor will advise you to keep a special food diary, where the patient will need to enter all, without exception, the products used for food, even if they are in meager amounts. Track how the state changes. When the allergy symptoms disappear, a complete list of components excluded from the diet is summed up. Then they gradually begin to introduce them again, controlling what exactly will cause a negative answer.

This procedure is quite lengthy, because the reaction does not always develop instantly, and sometimes the manifestations are blurred. In addition, any chemical compound that is present in store products in a minimum concentration may turn out to be an allergen, which means that keeping a diary in order to identify it must be extremely meticulous. It's difficult enough. This procedure is especially difficult for people who are always in a hurry, forced to live in conditions of stress, lack of time, heavy workload at work and at home.

No problem

How to treat cold allergy? How to get rid of an allergy to antibiotics? How to deal with the answerbody on citrus fruits? The most reliable option is to eliminate the allergen from your life. Of course, with the cold it is not so easy, but the doctor will tell you which creams will help alleviate the external manifestations of the allergic response. The person himself will have to reconsider the rhythm and lifestyle so that there are he alth benefits.

In general, identifying the allergen and eliminating it from your daily routine is a much more effective option than, for example, the constant use of antihistamines that stop unpleasant manifestations. Drugs, even the safest, have some toxic effect, and the very reaction of the body undermines he alth. The fewer factors in life that provoke it, the better for a person. In addition, some allergens cause an extremely undesirable response, and therapy may suddenly turn out to be inappropriate if, for example, you need to choose how to treat allergies in the eyes - the area is tender, there are simply no universal answers, suitable for one may become a source of harm for another. But the detection and elimination of the allergen is the most reliable method of preventing any negative consequences.

Folk allergy medications: effective, although not always fast

Many healers recommend using fire embers to treat an allergic reaction. The procedure for use is quite simple: for 100 g of coals take half a liter of milk, boil for a quarter of an hour and let it brew at night, after which they use half a glass for food, taking half-hour breaks between servings.

allergy on the face than to treat
allergy on the face than to treat

You can try at home to apply burdock, dandelion against allergies. The rhizomes of plants are mixed and crushed, poured with water (calculation: for a couple of tablespoons - 600 ml). In the morning, the mixture is boiled for 10 minutes, insisted for the same amount of time, and then used for food in half a glass. The drug can be consumed five times a day.

On a tablespoon of spirea inflorescences, you can take half a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, then drain the liquid and use the optimal format for food - four times daily in a large spoon. Another good "floral" option is to use calendula. The petals are steeped in boiling water and allowed to infuse for several hours, then a large spoonful is used three times daily until the manifestations subside.

Available to all

With severe itching in the ears of an allergic reaction to antimicrobial drugs, folk healers recommend using a mixture of propolis tincture and walnut tincture. Another good option is valerian (tincture from a pharmacy), mixed with hawthorn infusion in equal proportions. Such a medicine is taken in the amount of 30 drops per glass of water, used for food shortly before going to bed. Another remedy that simultaneously fights allergies and calms in general is mint infusion. For 10 g of leaves, take a glass of boiling water and let it brew for at least half an hour, then use the liquid for food three times a day for a large spoon.

You can prepare infusions on a variety of products. Popular Recipes:

  • a tablespoon of chamomile inflorescences and a glass of boiling water (leave for 30 minutes, drink 4 timesper day for a tablespoon);
  • a teaspoon of wormwood and 100 ml of water (to infuse for several hours, consume 3 times a day 30 minutes before a meal, 25 ml each);
  • ephedra (20 g) is boiled in 600 ml of water until half of the liquid has evaporated, then the infusion is decanted and drunk three times a day for a tablespoon;
  • a teaspoon of rosemary and 400 ml of water (leak for 30 minutes, drink three times a day for a large spoon);
  • tablespoon of duckweed in a glass of water (dosage - 30 drops, frequency - 3 times a day).

Recommended for allergy sufferers and violet baths - a liter of infusion is taken for one procedure. Rosemary can be used in the same way.

how to treat allergies in adults
how to treat allergies in adults

How to warn?

Preventive measures are entirely dependent on the characteristics of a particular allergic reaction. To understand what exactly provokes the body's response, it is better to consult a doctor - even cases that seem obvious to the layman can be much more complicated. The doctor will tell you how to effectively eliminate contact with a hazardous substance. Additionally, the patient will be prescribed a he althy diet to improve the general condition of the body. To prevent relapses, you will have to enter into habits:

  • regular thorough cleaning;
  • rejection of woolen items;
  • hygiene;
  • fight against mold, dust.

Allergy sufferers are contraindicated in contact with animals, even in the case when the reaction is not formed on wool. Be aware of the danger of mites living in carpets. It is better to avoid suchitems or regularly deep clean and disinfect the living space.

Knowing the tendency to allergies, before using cosmetic products, chemicals, you must first do a sensitivity test.

It is unacceptable to use drugs that have expired, even if "everyone does it." This greatly increases the risk of relapse. If the reaction is observed against the background of infection, it is necessary to begin treatment of the underlying cause as soon as possible.

The lack of adequate therapy can lead to serious consequences - even death. To minimize the risk, you should consult a doctor, determine the allergen, take measures to exclude it from everyday life, and also practice ways to eliminate symptoms that are as reliable and effective as possible, having previously specified the possibility of their use with a doctor.

allergy spots on the face than to treat
allergy spots on the face than to treat

Neti pot: getting rid of allergies at home

If an allergic reaction manifests itself as difficulty in breathing, neti pot can be used to alleviate the condition. This is such an unusual kettle designed for washing the nasal cavity with saline solutions. It helps not only with allergies, but also with sinusitis of a different nature. The device allows you to pour s alted liquid into the nasal cavity, clearing the mucous membranes of allergens and simplifying the discharge of secretions generated by them.

The process of using the device is as easy as shelling pears. First, vasoconstrictors are carefully blown out and dripped into the nose - this eliminates swelling and makesprocedure is more efficient. Warm s alted liquid is poured inside the kettle (you can buy s alt at a pharmacy or use regular iodized coarse s alt). The head is tilted to the side, liquid is poured from the container into the nostril, breathing through the mouth, until the water begins to pour out through the other half of the nose. If everything is done correctly, water will easily flow through the mucosa, washing away allergens. To prevent infection, strictly boiled liquid should be used.
