Allergy to vitamins: how it manifests itself and what to do

Allergy to vitamins: how it manifests itself and what to do
Allergy to vitamins: how it manifests itself and what to do

Allergy to vitamins can manifest itself in everyone. The reason for this may be hypersensitivity or intolerance to a certain component by the body. So what do you do if you or your loved one has a vitamin allergy? We will talk about this in detail in the presented article.

allergy to vitamins
allergy to vitamins

General information

Surely you know that various drugs, as well as food, can easily cause an allergic reaction. But at the same time, few people realize that they have intolerance to only one specific component, which is contained in the drug taken or the dish consumed. To identify the true cause of the appearance of such an ailment, you should consult a doctor. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the hospital, then we suggest that you consider some signs that indicate an allergy.

Common symptoms of an allergic reaction in children

Vitamin allergies almost always resemble the signs of a food allergy.

Little children have suchdeviations can occur with completely different manifestations, namely:

  • Appearance of diaper rash, regular regurgitation, digestive disorders and weeping diathesis.
  • Skin reactions in the form of eczema, itching, rashes and redness.
  • Severe manifestations in the form of Quincke's edema, asthma attack, allergic cough and runny nose.

Allergy to vitamins in infants can manifest itself both in small doses and as a result of an overdose. Moreover, they do not have to be taken by the child himself. It is enough just to eat a vitamin for a nursing mother.

allergy to vitamin d
allergy to vitamin d

Common signs of an allergic reaction in adults

Many believe that allergy after vitamins is manifested only in children. But this is an erroneous opinion. After all, despite the formed body and a strong immune system, an adult can also face such a problem.

Common symptoms of an allergic reaction to vitamins are asthma, runny nose, fatigue, itching, as well as difficulty breathing and headaches. One of the first places, the lesions of which indicate intolerance to a particular substance, is the nasal cavity. At the same time, with an increase in blood flow, the sinuses swell, and subsequently deprive the allergic person of the ability to breathe normally.

Problems with the digestive tract often indicate that a person is allergic to vitamin D, B, C, and so on. At the same time, the patient begins to feel very sick, vomit, he has bloating and abdominal cramps, as well as diarrhea.

Due to nasal congestion (due to sinus pressure,as well as their infection) an adult patient may experience severe headaches. Skin reactions in the form of rashes and eczema are also the body's response to unwanted components.

allergy to b vitamins
allergy to b vitamins

What other signs indicate a vitamin allergy?

If you suddenly have a swollen face, then we can safely say that this is an abnormal reaction of the body to any vitamin. That is why you should take new and unfamiliar complexes carefully and in small quantities. If after this you begin to feel that your tongue and face are swollen, then the supplementation should be stopped immediately. In such situations, it is recommended to call an ambulance, as well as take an antihistamine.

How to get rid of?

The manifested allergy to vitamins does not mean that you should completely abandon all the beneficial substances that are in the complex taken. In such cases, you should only choose the right drug for yourself, which does not include that specific component that causes unwanted reactions in you.

As for babies, various supplements, as well as vitamin complexes, should be given to a child only after consulting a pediatrician. If after that allergic reactions appear, then the drug should be discontinued, and if possible, replaced with another one.

Allergy to B vitamins

Allergic reactions can occur to any B vitamins. However, most often the body does not perceive exactly B1. Overdose of this substancesignificantly increases the activity of acetylcholine, which plays an important role in allergic pathogenesis. It should also be noted that excessive consumption of the presented vitamin can adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

allergy to vitamins in infants
allergy to vitamins in infants

As for substance B6, adverse reactions to it are very rare. Although an overdose of them can easily lead to circulatory disorders. If your body does not take vitamin B12 well, then you risk only a slight skin rash.

Allergy to vitamin D

Sometimes an allergic reaction in people also manifests itself in vitamin D. As a rule, this is due to the fact that a person has become addicted to the consumption of pharmacy supplements or has gone too far with eating caviar or eggs. However, it should be noted that people rarely encounter such a nuisance. Vitamin D is essential for our body. Moreover, it enters the human body not only through the consumption of certain foods (for example, fish roe, dairy products, eggs, sunflower seeds, mushrooms and parsley), but is also synthesized as a result of exposure to the sun on the skin.

To avoid allergic manifestations after taking vitamin D, it is not recommended to exceed its dose, which is 10-25 micrograms per day.

What happens if you consume a large amount of vitamin D3? Allergy to this component is manifested in the following:

  • swelling of throat and lips;
  • skin reactions in the form of itching, eczema, redness and rash;
  • cough and allergic rhinitis;
  • nausea and severe vomiting;
  • asthma attacks;
  • shortness of breath;
  • loss of appetite and constant thirst.
  • allergies after vitamins
    allergies after vitamins

If you or your loved ones experience such reactions, you should immediately consult a doctor, as well as stop taking the drug for a while. It is also impossible to permanently refuse this component (especially for pregnant and lactating mothers). After all, vitamin D is actively involved in the construction of human bone tissue.

What is the risk of an overdose of vitamin E?

Usually, an allergy to vitamin E manifests itself in the fact that a person begins to notice disturbances in his digestive system. As a rule, this happens very rarely. Indeed, in large doses, this component is not toxic. However, vitamin E should be taken with extreme caution in diabetics.

Allergic reactions to vitamin C

Perhaps, most often people are allergic to vitamin C. If you regularly consume ascorbic acid, and citrus fruits are always on your table, then you do not have an allergy to vitamin C. After all, people with such a deviation are required to follow a diet, as well as read all the instructions for medications and the composition of food.

It should be noted that in its pure form, such a disease is quite rare. So, if after eating citrus fruits you have an allergy, then you should not immediately complain about vitamin C. After all, an undesirable reaction can also be caused by those substances that are used forfruit processing. A true allergy to vitamin C occurs only in those people whose body lacks such an enzyme as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

vitamin e allergy
vitamin e allergy

So, what are the symptoms of rejection of said substance? Typically, signs of a vitamin C allergy are:

  • skin redness, swelling, blisters and itching;
  • thick rash of various localization;
  • cough and allergic rhinitis;
  • anaphylactic shock and angioedema.


The most effective way to treat a vitamin allergy is to completely eliminate (may be temporary) the "irritant".

It should be noted that such reactions appear in people individually. And if you want to feel good, then you have to take responsibility for it. So, it is recommended to make some changes in your habitual lifestyle. A good prevention for an allergic reaction is to follow a special diet. The selected diet will exclude the “penetration” of unwanted components or even a group of substances into your body.

Medicines and various supplements can also help you cope with the signs of an allergy. Some of them are recommended to be used before direct contact with the allergen. They usually work by preventing the release of histamine as well as other chemicals that initiate and promote unwanted reactions.

vitamin d3 allergy
vitamin d3 allergy

Some drugs(such as "Suprastin" or activated charcoal) well help to suppress the already manifested symptoms of the disease. But before you start taking them, it is recommended to visit an allergist.
