The increase in the number of allergic reactions in people is growing every year. This is due to genetic inheritance, environmental pollution, the use of non-natural products, the use of chemical products in everyday life and much more. Doctors fight for the he alth of patients, resorting to 3 types of problem solving:
- Elimination of an allergy provocateur. The patient tries to avoid contact with the allergen. For example, if there is a reaction to dust, then you should clean the apartment daily, wipe the dust with wet wipes.
- Allergen-specific immunotherapy, or ASIT therapy. What it is, you will learn from our article.
- Pharmacology. Use of medications that reduce symptoms.

ASIT therapy. What is it?
Allergy is a word familiar to many. The reason is the individual characteristics of the reactions of our immunity. Thanks to the protection of the immune system, the body is able to fight viruses and bacteria on its own, but with allergies, even seemingly ordinary things can become enemies for he alth at first glance: dust, wool, food. Histamine, which is produced during allergies, causes swelling and spasms.
Many have heard about such a method of treatment as ASIT therapy. What is it?
The method has been used in medicine for over 100 years. During this time, the positive results obtained have firmly established this technique. ASIT works to treat allergies, to identify the cause, and not just the consequences. With this therapy, allergens are administered to a person, gradually increasing the dose. The body gradually produces antibodies to substances that previously provoked an allergic reaction. The real and complete completion of allergies - this is what ASIT therapy is aimed at. The scheme of the method is quite simple.

The system includes 2 systematic steps.
- The stage of introduction of allergens. The initiating phase includes taking doses, the concentration of which gradually increases to the limit.
The second phase lasts a long time. For several years, the patient systematically receives the maximum dose of the allergen, but with long breaks. Usually the treatment period is 3-5 years.
Therapy is divided into 3 types
- Year-round. This scheme is used for chronic manifestations, such as allergies to wool or dust.
- Preseason. It is characterized by seasonal allergic reactions, for example, to the flowering of certain plants.
- Preseason-seasonal.
The allergist-immunologist selects the right choice of therapy regimen.

Allergy symptoms
- Sneeze.
- Cough.
- Teary eyes.
- Skin manifestations.
- Sleep disturbance.
- Chronic fatigue.
- Poor performance.
- Various he alth problems.

What and how is it used?
Preparations for ASIT therapy are based on water-s alt extracts, as well as various forms of therapeutic allergens. In Russia, standardization is based on the number of units of protein nitrogen in the preparation.
Reception Methods
The vaccine can be given in several ways.
- Intradermal administration (injections).
- Drops under the tongue or sublingual way.
- Sucking pills.
Allergists-immunologists tend to believe that the most effective methods are injections and drops under the tongue.
The sublingual method is considered the most convenient for everyone and has many advantages compared to injections.
- Injections should be carried out in a specially equipped sterilized room, under the supervision of a doctor. Not everyone has time to visit the hospital regularly. Drops under the tongue are a very convenient way to treat at home.
- The sublingual method has a minimum of possible side effects compared to others.
- Great for kids who are afraid of injections.

Relationship between ASIT and other branches of medicine
If we analyze the methodology, it becomes clear its partial borrowing from homeopathy and vaccination. Homeopathy offers to treat, as they say, a wedge with a wedge, an allergy - with its own allergens. Small doses of allergens that cause allergies in large doses can improve immunity and create antibodies. From vaccination, ASIT acquired the correct preparation for the introduction of foreign organisms, as well as the correct concentration.
The technique has enough advantages.
- Reduction and disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.
- Protects the patient from complications and the transition of allergies to a more severe level.
- Prevention.
- Reduces the need to use other antiallergic medicines that reduce symptoms.
- Long remission, which often turns into a lifelong one.
- The quality of a person's life improves with the complete disappearance of symptoms.
Not all methods are perfect, including ASIT therapy. Side effects include possible itching and redness at the injection site. It goes away on its own or with the application of ice. Sometimes an allergic reaction occurs to the composition of the administered drug itself: a runny nose, redness of the mucous membranes, urticaria or swelling. To avoid this, you need to carefully select your doctor. An allergist-immunologist monitors the effects of a vaccine for 30 minutes to preventpossible negative consequences.

- Asthma.
- Hay hay fever.
- Allergies to dust, insect bites, plant blooms, etc.
- Allergic rhinitis.
- Presence of cancer.
- Mental disorders.
- Pregnancy at any time.
- Diseases of internal organs.
- Children under 5.
- Immunodeficiency.
- Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
- Infectious diseases.
- Blood diseases.
ASIT can be combined with pharmacological therapy during the acute form of allergy, when the symptoms are most pronounced.
- Entrust all injection manipulations to professionals in medical institutions and stay there for some time after the procedures for examination.
- Talk about all body reactions to your allergist.
- For sublingual and other methods that do not require manipulation by a doctor, follow the instructions and recommendations exactly.
Improvements appear after a few months of treatment. Often, therapy is prescribed by a series of repeated courses to consolidate the result. The consequence of ASIT therapy will be:
- Improve the quality of life and well-being.
- Mild manifestations of symptoms, their complete disappearance.
- Getting off multiple drugs will also please patients.
Complete disappearance of the disease or its weakened forms.
asit therapy reviews
ASIT therapy. Testimonials from doctors and patients
According to patient reviews, you can evaluate all the advantages of such a method of treating allergies as ASIT therapy. What it is and the consequences of the modern method are not known to all people who want to get rid of allergies. Patients are consulted by qualified immunologists (allergists) who work in hospitals every day and bring relief to people with such an unpleasant and uncomfortable disease for life. Some time after the start of therapy, patients already feel the first positive changes in their he alth, allergic symptoms are relieved or disappear completely. From the experience of people who have undergone treatment, it becomes clear that one should not rush into such a matter as ASIT therapy. What does it mean? Complete completion of treatment is required, which can take a considerable amount of time. It is worth being patient and following all the recommendations of the doctor.
Patients are particularly pleased with the possibility of choosing the use of drugs. If earlier therapy was carried out only with the help of injections, now there are other, convenient and painless methods, for example, drops.
Doctors urge their patients not to be afraid of treatment and go through all stages of ASIT therapy. According to doctors, thisan effective assistant in the fight against allergies, not only with its symptoms, but also with the cause itself. This effect will not give conventional drugs, which, in fact, only weaken the manifestations of the disease.
Before, no one could have imagined that someday there would be such a way to treat allergies as ASIT therapy. What it is, they learned in 1911. Since then, ASIT has been successfully used in medicine. Age-old practice has proven the high efficiency of this method. Therapy helps not only to remove severe symptoms, but also to achieve complete remission. Doctors should study in detail the causes of allergies and prescribe appropriate doses, which will be systematically increased during the first phase of treatment. The main thing is the systematic adherence to the rules and doses of the drug prescribed by the attending physician. An allergist-immunologist must have an appropriate higher medical education and experience in this treatment. Patients acting on the above instructions are satisfied with the result and forget about the problem.