In our time, food allergies are becoming more common and on a variety of products. Allergic to milk, gluten, chocolate, and many vegetables and fruits. And if an allergic reaction to vegetables is rare, then fruits, especially those with a high degree of allergenicity, often cause unpleasant symptoms.
Medicine has long been studying the factors that cause the body's sensitivity to certain products. Alas, these factors are still not fully understood. But doctors are sure that the basis of the allergic reaction is a genetic predisposition.
Causes of food allergies

So, which fruits cause allergies? An allergic reaction manifests itself in the following cases.
- The body does not like some component of the chemical composition of a fruit or vegetable - a specific fruit acid, carbohydrates or even vitamins.
- Today it is known that fruits that cause allergies are most often red or orange. Probably, the body reacts to the pigment that colors the fetus inred. It happens that with this type of allergy, not only fruits of these shades, but also harmless for most tomatoes or carrots, are impossible. It happens that when peeling the skin, an allergic person can safely consume the product inside.
- There is a reaction to stone fruits - these can be apricots, peaches, plums, etc.
- People suffering from hay fever (seasonal allergy to pollination) are more susceptible to negative reactions to fruits, because pollination is the beginning of fruit ripening. So, allergy sufferers who are tormented by allergies during the ripening period of apples also cannot tolerate apples themselves.
- The body's negative reaction to fruits grown in other countries is also not uncommon. That is why when visiting tropical countries, you need to use local fruits with extreme caution. In this case, there are several reasons for causing allergies - either the body did not like the composition of the tropical fruit, or the chemical treatment that it underwent.
- The so-called pseudo-allergic reaction occurs when the product is simply overeaten. In this case, in small quantities, it is now allowed to eat it. The main thing is not to overeat.
- In addition, there is also a version that an allergic reaction is a sign of infection with helminths, destroying which, you can eliminate food intolerance.
Food allergies in babies

During breastfeeding, any fruits that a nursing mother consumes can cause allergies in the baby. Riskincreases if one of the parents suffers from a similar type of ailment. But usually these are fruits of red and orange colors. Also, chemical additives often cause a reaction, so you should choose fruits with extreme caution.
A child is allergic to fruits to citrus fruits, red fruits and even apples. The reaction usually occurs on the red pigment or on the ascorbic acid that they contain. But since apples themselves are a very he althy product, try giving your child yellow or green varieties (they are hypoallergenic) or baking them, making compotes from them - heat treatment reduces the allergenicity of fruits.
Bananas are another fruit that babies start feeding at an early age. Despite their popularity, bananas should be given to a child very carefully. Not only are they among the fruits that cause allergies in children, but they are also hard on the intestines, especially such a small one.

Attention! Bananas have long been known to be treated with chemicals, so it's a good idea to wash them before use.
Allergenic fruits
The diet of growing children and adults is much wider than that of babies. This section contains berries, vegetables and fruits that most often cause food allergies. The following foods can cause allergic reactions in both children and adults:
- Yellow and orange fruits - peaches, apricots, all kinds of citrus fruits (especially lemon), which also irritate the stomach lining, pears.
- Purple fruitsand berries - plums, black grapes, currants, blackberries, blueberries, chokeberry.
- Red fruits and berries, as mentioned above - watermelon, cranberry, pomegranate, cherry, etc. According to the degree of allergenicity, strawberries and wild strawberries are in the lead. Compotes and juices based on them are also allergens.
- Dried fruits - dates, figs, raisins, dried apricots.
- Fruits that are not typical for our area - pineapple, mango, persimmon, papaya, kiwi, melon, to which the body may respond inadequately.
Attention! It has been proven that overripe fruits cause more allergic reactions - not only do they have more fruit acids, they can already be affected by mold fungi.
Food Allergy Symptoms
Immediately after using the product, swelling, itching and redness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, and later other parts of the body, may occur, since, once in the general bloodstream, the allergen begins to irritate the nerve endings. Allergies are manifested by rashes, and sometimes by rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and digestive disorders. The most dangerous allergic reaction is angioedema.

As medical practice shows, often an allergy to fruits is manifested either by skin diseases (the main symptom is rashes on the epidermis, redness and itching) or dyspeptic disorders.
Vegetables and food allergies
Allergies to fruits and vegetables are usually selective. In case of an allergic reaction, doctors advise eating boiled vegetables more often than raw ones. For example, rawcarrots can easily cause allergies, and boiled carrots - only in exceptional cases.
Potatoes are another beloved vegetable that sometimes causes allergies due to their high starch content. That is why it is advised to soak it in water for several hours before cooking. During this time, almost all starch will go into the water. In case of intolerance to potatoes, doctors recommend replacing it with sweet potato (sweet potato) or mashed banana. In fact, if you are allergic to some vegetables, you can easily replace them with others that are no less he althy.
The most allergenic vegetables include: tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, sorrel, celery, eggplant, red pepper, beets, radishes, horseradish, sauerkraut. Pickled cucumbers and other vegetables in jars are also included.
Interesting fact! Allergies are significantly less affected by people who limit the use of alcohol and sugar.
Vegetables and fruits are hypoallergenic

What fruits can you eat with allergies? The human body is so unique that negative reactions occur even to the most harmless gifts of nature.
But the hypoallergenic products most often include apples of green and yellow varieties, pears. The main thing is to ensure that they are not imported. In general, buying large, beautiful fruits that are ideal in appearance is not worth it, since they are most likely stuffed with chemicals.
From hypoallergenic berries - white varieties of cherries and plums, white and red currants, blueberries,gooseberry.
The least allergenic vegetables are zucchini, cucumbers, parsley, potatoes, young green peas, light pumpkin, all types of cabbage.
Dried fruits with a low level of allergenicity - prunes (even if you are allergic to plums, it may be safe), apples and dried pears.
Food allergy treatment
If allergy symptoms begin to appear, identify and rule out the allergen. Usually this is quite simple to do, but in extreme cases there are laboratories where you can donate blood to detect antibodies to a huge range of products. Alas, there is no cure for food allergies. If there is a genetic predisposition to it, you will have to permanently, completely or partially, exclude the allergen from the diet, and if it is acquired (for example, a consequence of an intestinal infection), then it will go away with age.
Doctors usually prescribe two types of drugs - enterosorbents and antihistamines.
Enterosorbents cleanse the body and remove toxic substances. This can be either ordinary activated carbon, which is still popular due to its cheapness and efficiency, or more advanced products - Smekta, Enterosgel, Polysorb, Atoxil, etc.
Especially popular is "Enterosgel" in the form of a paste.

Antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs - Suprastin (allowed from the first year of life), Tavegil, Diazolin, Fenistil, Loratadin. Usually, long-term medication is not required, because the main thing is to remove it in time.allergen from the diet.
Ointments are used to treat external manifestations of allergies in children. They soothe the skin, eliminate rashes and itching.
Folk methods
Several effective recipes that alternative medicine offers for allergy sufferers.
Mummy is a truly universal remedy. It is also used for allergic reactions. Natural mummy in the amount of 0.5 g should be dissolved in 0.5 l of boiled water. Take 100 ml of solution in the morning, on an empty stomach for 20 days. If the allergic reaction is very strong, drink 50 ml of mummy in the morning, and half before dinner. Shilajit is contraindicated for children under 12 years old.

Rosehip infusion is prepared as follows - 100 g of berries are washed and poured into 1 liter of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 12 hours. Take, including children, 100 ml half an hour before meals.
Chamomile is indicated for external use in the form of baths and lotions. It relieves itching and inflammation on the skin, has antibacterial properties.
In closing
Allergy to fruits is quite common these days. But usually children "outgrow" it by puberty and in adulthood they either forget about it altogether, or it bothers them much less often.