Allergy to hyaluronic acid: symptoms, treatment methods

Allergy to hyaluronic acid: symptoms, treatment methods
Allergy to hyaluronic acid: symptoms, treatment methods

Can I be allergic to hyaluronic acid? Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the dermis and many other organs. Its presence allows maintaining tissue elasticity at the proper level. Under its influence, the water balance of the tissue is restored: if the skin lacks fluid, hyaluronic acid takes it from the air, but if the surrounding tissues are oversaturated with moisture, the substance absorbs its excess, becoming a gel.

allergy to hyaluronic acid
allergy to hyaluronic acid

Probability of Appearance

Allergy to hyaluronic acid is extremely rare, but it is impossible to completely exclude such a possibility. Previously, the material was extracted from natural tissues, and then it was cleaned from excess substances. Thus, the likelihood of developing intolerance was due to the natural origin of the substance.

Currently hyaluronicthe acid is of synthetic origin, and the resulting biotechnological material is in full accordance with the natural one. As a result, the likelihood of developing allergies is virtually eliminated.

What causes an allergy to hyaluronic acid?

Reason for development

It is important to note that the allergy that develops after the use of fillers does not occur on the hyaluronic acid itself, but on the auxiliary components in the filler. Intolerance, if it occurs, is usually mild. Moderate to severe allergies to hyaluronic acid fillers are extremely rare.

Features of the substance

Hyaluronic acid has a carbohydrate structure, consists of small polysaccharide fragments. Depending on the number of polysaccharide fragments present in it, it can be high molecular weight or low molecular weight.

Acids, depending on their mass, are able to penetrate the skin to different depths. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid is not able to penetrate the epidermis, therefore only substances with a low molecular weight are used in cosmetology. They are able to act on the deep layers of the skin, tighten, restore skin elasticity.

can you be allergic to hyaluronic acid
can you be allergic to hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is the basis of connective tissues, bone matrix, nervous systems. If the content of hyaluronic acid in the body is at a normal level, then the nutrition of tissues and theirmoisturizing is carried out at the proper level, wrinkles do not appear for a long time.

What triggers an allergy to hyaluronic acid?

Probable allergens

Allergenic substances when using hyaluronic acid are the following components:

  1. Synthetic materials.
  2. Means of animal origin.
  3. Allergic manifestations resulting from exposure to other substances.
  4. Immunity to other components that make up the cream with hyaluronic acid.

Symptoms of allergy to hyaluronic acid injections develop extremely rarely due to the perfect composition of the biological material. Currently, substances of animal origin are not used in cosmetology. Previously, acid was obtained from an extract of organic tissue, separating the lipid and protein parts from it. Despite this, the composition did not become monocomponent - it contained residues of other substances. This is what causes the allergenicity of the material.

hyaluronic acid allergy symptoms
hyaluronic acid allergy symptoms

It is important to remember that a person with a predisposition to allergic reactions should be careful when using new food components, cosmetics, chemical compounds. Hyaluronic acid can be dangerous for such people.

In some cases, an injection of hyaluronic acid can cause puffiness, which is often confused with an allergy. In this case, the zygomatic part, the area locatedunder the eyes, lip. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist always warns that redness, bruising, and soreness may appear during the first time after the injection. Such signs of allergy to hyaluronic acid can persist for up to a month.


Hyaluronic acids can be taken by injection or topical. Symptoms in both cases are similar, however, there are still some differences.

An allergic reaction appears as follows:

  1. There is a pronounced burning sensation at the site of application, sometimes unbearable itching.
  2. Redness of the skin develops.
  3. Injection site, application of cream swells.
  4. Skin rash appears.

Hyaluronic acid allergy symptoms should not go unnoticed.

If a low-quality biomaterial is used for injection, then it affects the deeper layers of the skin, which respond, respectively, with more pronounced allergic symptoms. The most rare manifestation is anaphylactic shock. After the introduction of hyaluronic acid, a person develops chills, weakness, dizziness develops. Loss of consciousness is possible.

Is there an allergy to hyaluronic acid?
Is there an allergy to hyaluronic acid?

If the substance is applied externally to the skin, then allergy symptoms develop immediately, that is, immediately after applying the cosmetic product to the skin area. When administered by injection, the development of symptoms of an allergy to hyaluronic acid can occur for quite a long time - up to 3days.


If an injection of hyaluronic acid causes a burning sensation, redness develops, this may indicate a reaction to the injection itself. This phenomenon is considered normal. However, if painful manifestations and swelling persist for two to three days, then we can judge the development of an allergic reaction. It is impossible to eliminate the hyaluronic acid molecules present in the skin, but unpleasant manifestations should be stopped as early as possible.

It is necessary to determine the components that provoked an allergy immediately. This will allow you to prescribe the right therapy. To determine the type of allergen, diagnostics are carried out not only in relation to hyaluron, but to any potentially allergenic substances. They can be chemical additives, preservatives.

hyaluronic acid allergy face
hyaluronic acid allergy face

Lab test

First of all, it is necessary to donate a blood sample for serological tests based on the detection of an antigen-antibody complex. The blood taken from the patient is screened to obtain a serum. Then it is applied to a special tablet, on which antigens were previously applied. The second method can also be used - a part of the serum and potential allergens are mixed on a glass slide. If complexes are formed, they will look like small dots.

Tests, allergy tests

The main method for determining the allergen is to conduct allergy tests. This technique consists in applying a slight scratch to the skin, on which thendripping with a variety of allergenic substances. If redness occurs, then it can be judged that a person is allergic to this particular substance.

How to get rid of allergies after hyaluronic acid?

Therapy of allergic manifestations

In many ways, the treatment of allergic manifestations depends on the allergen that provoked them. The first method of treatment is the elimination of the substance that provokes an adverse reaction. The second method is the use of medications that help eliminate symptoms. Each cosmetology office should have a first aid kit that will provide emergency assistance in the event of a critical condition with an allergy to hyaluronic acid. Photo does not show all symptoms.


This technique is based on eliminating the causes of allergies. If the cause of the allergy is a cream, then you should remove it from the skin, use an external hormonal ointment and take antihistamines. If signs of a reaction appear during the injection, the injection should be discontinued and medications to block the allergen should be taken.

allergy to hyaluronic acid injections
allergy to hyaluronic acid injections


Therapy should be carried out using drugs that can block the release of histamine agents. All antihistamines are divided into categories. There are currently four generations of products.

Most often the symptoms are local. Eliminate swelling, itching and redness will allow the use of external formsantihistamines - creams, ointments. It can be both antihistamines and drugs that have corticosteroids in their composition. The activity of allergens, active biological substances is quickly blocked by drugs based on dexamethasone and prednisolone.

However, in some cases, other medications may be required to stop the allergen. With the development of an anaphylactic reaction in parallel with these drugs, it is recommended to take measures aimed at restoring blood flow, which goes into the depot in a state of shock. In such cases, intravenous administration of isotonic and other solutions that promote detoxification is recommended. In order to increase vascular tone, the patient is injected with a solution of epinephrine.

How to prevent the development of an allergy to hyaluronic acid on the face?


Preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of an allergic reaction to the use of hyaluronic acid are reduced to a preliminary sensitivity test to the components of a cosmetic product. If you plan to use a preparation saturated with active ingredients for a tightening, you should apply a small amount of it to the skin area before the procedure.

In addition, you should pay attention to the cost of cosmetics and procedures. Biohyaluron is an expensive pleasure, therefore, a cream based on it cannot be cheap, and cosmetologists also charge quite a lot of money for injections. Saving in this case and looking for cheaper analogues is inappropriate.

It is important to pay attention to the composition of creams, serums. If they contain components that have previously provoked allergic reactions in a particular person, then it is important to refrain from using them. When using injections, you should ask the cosmetologist in detail about the composition of the drug used. If the specialist is not ready to answer questions, refuses to provide documents and certificates for the drug, then there is a high probability that the drug is used counterfeit, low-quality and probably unsafe. The services of such a beauty parlor should also be abandoned.

allergy to hyaluronic acid photo
allergy to hyaluronic acid photo


Thus, hyaluronic acids are a natural component of connective tissue that gives organs and skin elasticity. If wrinkles appear, the skin sags, then the most painless way to eliminate such manifestations will be the use of hyaluronic acid. It effectively eliminates the first signs of skin fatigue. However, the development of an allergic reaction is not excluded. In this case, it is better to refuse the procedure.

Now many people know if there is an allergy to hyaluronic acid.
