Head tremor: causes and symptoms. What does head tremor indicate and how to get rid of it?

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Head tremor: causes and symptoms. What does head tremor indicate and how to get rid of it?
Head tremor: causes and symptoms. What does head tremor indicate and how to get rid of it?

Video: Head tremor: causes and symptoms. What does head tremor indicate and how to get rid of it?

Video: Head tremor: causes and symptoms. What does head tremor indicate and how to get rid of it?
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Tremor - rhythmic involuntary movements of certain parts of the body, this condition is manifested by trembling, hesitation or sweeping swaying. Head tremors may indicate a serious neurological condition. The occurrence of such a symptom does not depend on age. This phenomenon can be found in infants and in the elderly. The only difference is what causes the head tremor. Treatment, causes and varieties of this pathology will be described in the article.

Varieties of head tremor

Depending on the state of the body, tremor can be benign or pathological. In the first case, trembling of the head occurs at rest or during vigorous activity and severe stress. Pathological tremor causes serious inconvenience to a person, interferes with normal life and needs special attention and treatment (how to treat head tremor will be described below). Benign tremor is the most common type of motor dysfunction. Distinguish between hereditary, blue and youthful tremor. As a rule, the development of the disease begins in childhood, especially progresses during puberty and in old age.

head tremor causes
head tremor causes


Often a tremor of the head accompanies trembling of the limbs, chin, tongue. Alcohol intake or nervous stress increase the manifestations of this pathology. Especially predisposed to this condition are people who have increased excitability of the nervous system. Any nervous shock in them can cause a strong trembling of the head. Benign tremors are characterized by long periods of remission, brief episodes of manifestation and lack of progressiveness.

Head tremor - causes

Quite often, the cause of benign or pathological tremor is liver, kidney or lung failure. It can also develop as a result of hyperthyroidism - hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. The most common cause of tremor in the elderly and senile age is Parkinson's disease. Not the last place is occupied by Wilson-Konovalsky disease. With this disease, there is an excessive accumulation of copper in the tissues of the liver, brain and blood. In addition, sweeping gross involuntary movements can provoke such a rather severe disorder as cerebellar damage. It is difficult enough to get rid of tremor for those who suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction. The progression of the pathology in this case is affected by the course of the disease. The tremor increases or may become permanent as the patient's condition worsens. It is not excluded the appearancetrembling after chemical poisoning. Multiple sclerosis (in old age) and hereditary factors can also cause head tremors.

head tremor treatment
head tremor treatment

Types of tremor by the nature of manifestations

Depending on the variety of symptoms, parkinsonian, essential, physiological tremors are distinguished.

  • Parkinsonian syndrome (Parkinson's disease) is characterized by head trembling, which increases at rest and disappears during sleep.
  • Essential syndrome (Minor's disease) is a hereditary disease, which is expressed by rhythmic head nodding (up and down) and turns (left and right). At the same time, there is no impairment of intelligence.
  • Manifestations of physiological tremor are invisible to the person himself. It can be caused by various factors: poisoning with chemical acids, alcohol intoxication, strong excitement, excessive consumption of strong coffee.

    head tremor with cervical osteochondrosis
    head tremor with cervical osteochondrosis

Head tremor - treatment

The benign form of this phenomenon does not need enhanced treatment. If there is no progressiveness of the tremor, then sedatives are used for therapy. If the tremor of the head increases, prescribe medications such as Primidon, Propranol. When choosing a method of treatment, many factors should be taken into account that can not only impede recovery, but also cause dangerous complications. If the patient has high blood pressure, he is advised to prescribedrugs with b-blockers. Elderly people should be prescribed Primidone instead of Propranol, since Propranol has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system of an elderly person. This drug is taken once a day at night.

how to treat head tremor
how to treat head tremor

Medication "Propranol" (b-blocker) is prescribed 40-100 mg per day. It is recommended to increase the dose with extreme caution. Since this can cause a number of side effects: hypoglycemia, bronchospasm, bradycardia, arterial hypotension. Be sure to monitor your heart rate and blood pressure. At the risk of bronchospasm, beta-blockers are used instead of Propranol - Atenolol, Metaprol.

Anticonvulsants are also used, usually Clonazepam. Take it 1-2 mg 2 or 3 times a day. Side effects after taking the medicine are manifested by drowsiness and headache. If the above beta-blockers cause side effects, they are replaced with Clonazepam. For the relief of head tremor, this drug is the most effective. It can be taken in conjunction with Propranol. At the same time, the dose of each of the drugs is reduced by 2 times, this will reduce the risk of possible side effects.

how to get rid of head tremor
how to get rid of head tremor

For the treatment of head tremor, Primidon is also used, the maximum dose of which is 75 mg per day. The disadvantage of this tool is increased toxicity. Therefore, people with anydiseases of the internal organs, the drug can cause side effects such as vomiting, dizziness, dyspepsia.

Metabolic preparations, such as vitamin B6, are also used in complex therapy. In the body, it performs a redox function and affects the exchange of serotonin, due to which tremor is eliminated. Assign intramuscularly 5% solution of vitamin B6, 4-8 ml per day. A second course is carried out after 6 months.

In any case, if there is such a pathology as a head tremor, how to get rid of this condition and what treatment is needed will be prompted by an experienced doctor after a thorough examination.

tremor treatment folk remedies
tremor treatment folk remedies

Traditional medicine

The treatment of tremor with folk remedies can be quite effective. There are several effective ways:

  1. It is necessary to take tansy flowers and chew them thoroughly. In this case, it is recommended to swallow only the juice, without oilcake. Within a week you will see a noticeable improvement in your condition.
  2. Effective is herbal infusion. To prepare it, you need to take 3 parts of motherwort, 2 parts of hawthorn fruits and a small amount of valerian roots, you can add a little mint leaves. Mix everything thoroughly, pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture with two cups of boiling water. Put on fire for 15 minutes, then pour into a thermos and leave to infuse for 2 hours. The infusion is taken half an hour before meals three times a day. After a month of treatment, they take a break.
  3. From the peduncleTibetan lofant can also be prepared quite effective infusion. What should be added to 3 tablespoons of herbs 300 ml of hot water. The resulting infusion is taken in half a glass 3 times a day, regardless of the meal.

All of the above recipes are used as an addition to the main treatment, which will be prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the cause of this pathology and the patient's condition. Head tremor with cervical osteochondrosis should be constantly monitored by a doctor, folk methods in this case are powerless.

head tremor
head tremor

Alternative Medicine

In addition to drug therapy, they use a visit to a psychologist and yoga classes. With essential tremor, psychological help is very important, since it is often the result of an inferiority complex, tightness, and insecurity of a person. Yoga classes can help relieve physical tension.


Tremor of any part of the body and in particular the head can indicate a serious illness. Therefore, the first manifestations of such a phenomenon are a reason for consulting a neurologist. In order for the treatment to be prescribed correctly, it is necessary to conduct a number of important examinations: a blood test, the condition of the internal organs, the thyroid gland, MRI and others. This will fully reveal the picture of the disease and carry out a full treatment.
