Why does the body need zinc? Why is zinc needed in the body of a man and a woman?

Why does the body need zinc? Why is zinc needed in the body of a man and a woman?
Why does the body need zinc? Why is zinc needed in the body of a man and a woman?

The beneficial effects of zinc on the body are obvious. It keeps hair and skin looking he althy and attractive. The microelement is contained in all cells of the body, therefore, when it is deficient, the work of vital systems is disrupted, diseases appear. Why does the body need zinc is an important and necessary question, the answer to which can be found in this article.

Why does the body need zinc?
Why does the body need zinc?

Role in the human body

A person contains only 2-3 grams of a trace element, most of it is localized in the skeleton and muscles (about 60%), the remaining 40% are in blood cells, skin and sperm in men. The main processes in which zinc takes an active part:

  • improves skin condition by regulating sebaceous glands, stimulating hormone production and cell regeneration;
  • prevents inflammation, speeds up wound healing;
  • keeps bones and teeth strong;
  • participates in the absorption of vitamin A;
  • stimulates the production of prostate hormones;
  • participates in the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • normalizes the work of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, ovaries and testes;
  • improves the human immune system, promotes the production of antibodies, leukocytes and various hormones;
  • improves brain activity and strengthens the nervous system.

Pregnant women especially need zinc. It ensures the correct division of cells, the full formation of all organs, tissues and bones in the fetus. In addition, zinc has a great influence on the formation and functioning of the sense organs, in particular, vision and taste. Knowing why the body needs zinc, you can understand how it affects the functioning of vital systems. It will also help to detect micronutrient deficiencies in a timely manner.

Zinc Food List

Saturation of the body with elements occurs through the use of certain foods. Knowing how much a trace element is contained in foods, you can think over your diet to avoid its deficiency.

what does the body need zinc for
what does the body need zinc for

Why does the body need zinc? It affects the reproductive function in women and men, which is why it is recommended to follow a diet and consume a large amount of the trace element in food before conception.

The largest amount of the substance is found in algae and marine products. In vegetables and fruits, it was found in a minimal amount. Leaders in contentzinc can be considered oysters and wheat bran. It is also found in high concentrations in legumes and meat products.

Zinc: what does the body need this trace element for, daily intake for an adult

For normal functioning, a person should receive 15 mg of the specified substance with food daily. Of this amount, 11-12 mg of the microelement is excreted from the body, therefore, as a result, only 2-3 mg are supplied with food.

The conclusion about the sufficiency of the microelement can be made by the condition of the hair, skin and nails, since it is from them that zinc is excreted last. The trace element is most quickly washed out of muscles, bones and blood plasma.

It is important to note that during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, a woman's body needs a double and even triple dosage of zinc, as it affects many important processes and ensures proper cell division.

Deficiency symptoms

Due to the strong influence of the trace element on all processes in the body, when it is deficient, specific symptoms immediately appear:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • irritability, apathy;
  • decrease in visual acuity;
  • taste distortion;
  • hair loss;
  • trembling fingers;
  • weakening of the body's immune defenses;
  • discoordination;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent dermatitis.

Why does the body need zinc? Since it promotes the production of lymphocytes and phagocytes, with its deficiency, tumor cells begin to develop in the body.processes. In addition, a microelement deficiency leads to disruption of the functioning of the reproductive system, slows down the process of growth and cell division, and the appearance worsens (hair falls out, nails exfoliate and break, and inflammation appears on the skin).

what is zinc needed for in a woman's body
what is zinc needed for in a woman's body

If you find these symptoms in yourself, you need to see a doctor, normalize your diet (follow a diet with a lot of zinc) and take vitamin complexes that improve the functioning of the body and restore it.

Consequences of micronutrient deficiency

Micronutrient deficiency in the human body can lead to:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • memory problems;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • gynecological diseases, including infertility.

With zinc deficiency in the liver, the absorption of vitamin A is disrupted, the body is oversaturated with alcohol, phosphates, anabolics. For women seeking to maintain their youth and beauty, this substance is the most important trace element.

Knowing why zinc is needed in the human body, we can conclude that with its deficiency, skin aging occurs quickly, hair falls out, nails exfoliate, rashes appear on the face.

Why does the body need zinc?
Why does the body need zinc?

What is the danger of excess

The best option is to compensate for the lack of a trace element by following a balanced diet, since no nutritional supplements can replace natural compoundszinc. But vitamin complexes are also an option.

Important! The main thing is to observe the measure in everything. This is especially true when taking vitamin complexes. In excess, severe poisoning can occur, in some cases death occurs.

Zinc: what does a man's body need

The element directly affects the sexual viability of a man, as it provides sufficient testosterone production. This male hormone is responsible for sexual desire, strength and strength of the body. With its deficiency, prostate adenoma and other diseases develop.

Why does the body need zinc?
Why does the body need zinc?

After the age of forty, a man's testosterone production decreases, so during this period it is necessary to consume as many foods containing zinc as possible. This will prevent the development of age-related diseases, stay strong longer. This is exactly what a man needs zinc for.

When a family plans to replenish, a man needs to undergo a follow-up examination. And also increase the intake of foods containing zinc. This will improve the quality of the seminal fluid, increase the chances of a successful conception and prevent the occurrence of abnormalities in the development of the fetus. After all, it is zinc that is responsible for the proper division of cells and the formation of all organs in the unborn child.

In diabetes, the daily dose is necessary, it normalizes blood glucose levels. In addition, the trace element is involved in the formation of lymphocytes and antibodies, improving the body's defenses.

The effect of zinc on the female body

Fair sexactively reacts to the lack of an element, therefore it is very simple to determine this condition: irritability and fatigue increase, visual acuity decreases, there is a sharp weight loss, skin defects appear and the frequency of colds increases. Zinc affects a woman's hormonal background, ensuring the absence of PMS, painful periods and mood swings.

Why is zinc needed in the human body?
Why is zinc needed in the human body?

With a trace element deficiency, depression develops, nervous breakdowns occur, and apathy sets in. Since this substance is actively involved in the production of the hormone of happiness - serotonin, it greatly affects the mental he alth of a woman. This fact gives a clear answer to the question of why zinc is needed in a woman's body.

With a trace element deficiency, scratches heal for a long time, the postoperative period is difficult and often with complications. That is why it is especially important for pregnant women to regularly monitor the balance of microelements in the body in order to effectively recover after childbirth or cesarean section.

How to saturate the body with zinc

To eliminate the deficiency, you need to follow a certain diet. Specialists also often prescribe certain drugs with zinc compounds. They are not suitable for everyone and can cause digestive disorders.

Knowing what zinc is, why the body needs it, you can prevent micronutrient deficiency by eating daily:

  • beef - meat contains a large number of various substances that are necessary for a fullfunctioning of all organs and systems of the body;
  • boiled egg yolks;
  • legumes;
  • seafood;
  • cheese;
  • blackcurrant;
  • nuts - almonds are especially useful (nuts should be consumed in small quantities, as they affect the functioning of the stomach);
  • honey;
  • raspberries;
  • dates;
  • apples;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • bran;
  • sprouted wheat.
Why do men need zinc?
Why do men need zinc?

Following a diet is easy enough, since everyone can afford to buy these products. Following the rules of rational nutrition, you can prevent the imbalance of microelements and always maintain the state of your body at the highest level. Thanks to this, questions will not arise about why the body needs zinc, how to make up for its deficiency.
