Very common and familiar to everyone is such a plant as verbena officinalis. Where does it grow? What is it used for? Verbena is found throughout Russia and Europe, from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean coast. It grows along roadsides, next to fields and forest belts, and therefore is considered a weed. But at the same time, it is also considered a remedy for many diseases. In ancient times, healing and magical properties were attributed to her, it was believed that medicinal verbena could heal any disease. It was used as a talisman in battle and to protect the house from evil spirits, it was given to those who wished well, placed on the altar, bringing unbreakable vows. Verbena officinalis, the photo of which you see in the article, has not gone unnoticed in modern medicine.

Description of verbena officinalis
Verbena pharmacy (verbena officinalis, verbena officinalis) - perennial herbaceousplant. The stem is erect, height can reach 80 cm, sometimes branches, has a tetrahedral shape, along the edges it is covered with thin hairs pressed against the stem. The leaves are arranged oppositely (in pairs on opposite sides) along the entire stem, their shape varies depending on the location on the stem.
Vervain inflorescences look like spikelets, located at the ends of branches, and consist of small light purple (rarely purple) flowers. The fruits are dark brown in color and look like small nuts. Verbena blooms in central Russia in July-August, fruiting - in August-September, in other climatic regions these dates may vary.
Roots yellowish, fusiform, branched (fibrous root system).
Dried grass is greenish-gray, with a slight smell (the later the grass is harvested, the weaker the smell, but at the same time the higher the content of nutrients).

Verbena officinalis: scientific research
Studies have shown that different parts of verbena contain various active substances that have a versatile effect on the body, among them:
- Bitterness - substances that stimulate appetite, salivation, increase acidity and the amount of gastric juice.
- Essential oil with a stimulating effect on the nervous system, analgesic, antispasmodic effect, it is also a choleretic, expectorant, diuretic and laxative.
- Sitosterol is a plant analogue of human steroid hormones,has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and resolving effect.
- Carotene, flavonoids, trace elements.
- Glycosides that have a contracting effect on smooth muscles.
Verbena also contains salicylic acid, vitamin C and other vitamins, on which its restorative and tonic effect is based. It has a beneficial effect on the mental state of a person, harmonizing mood, reducing the feeling of fatigue and tension, and improving sleep.

Verbena officinalis: uses
The range of diseases in which preparations of verbena officinalis are used is quite wide:
- Nervous system - relieves headaches, overwork, eases the course of chronic fatigue syndrome, improves sleep with insomnia.
- Gastrointestinal tract - enhances secretion in hypacid gastritis, has a choleretic effect, prevents the formation of stones in cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, enhances intestinal motility in constipation.
- Respiratory system - expectorant effect in colds, laryngitis, bronchitis, slight bronchodilatory effect in chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
- Cardiovascular system - increases blood pressure in hypotension, relieves anemia. Verbena officinalis is effective in atherosclerosis. May sometimes be used as a mild cardiotonic for heart failure.
- Joints - relieves pain and reduces the intensity of inflammation in rheumatism,rheumatoid arthritis, gout, muscle and joint pain of various origins.
- Immune system - has an anti-allergic effect.
- Kidneys and urinary system - diuretic effect in urolithiasis. The plant prevents the formation of stones. Verbena medicinal treat cystitis, urethritis.
- Skin - relieves the condition with furunculosis, relieves irritation and itching with neurodermatitis, promotes the speedy healing of bruises, cuts, abrasions and bruises.
Also verbena officinalis has a positive effect on male sexual function and enhances lactation in women. But at the same time, it should be remembered that verbena should be used with caution during breastfeeding. Traditional medicine recommends lotions from this plant for psoriasis, erysipelas, and also as an antitumor agent.
It is important to clarify that treatment with verbena medicinal will bring a positive effect only in complex therapy in combination with other, stronger drugs. Attempts to treat exclusively folk methods for such serious diseases as erysipelas, heart failure, and especially tumors, are dangerous to he alth and are categorically unacceptable.

Dose forms
Decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures and extracts are obtained from verbena officinalis. Essential oils obtained from it can be used orally, externally as lotions, included in tablets, cough drops, sprays for sore throats and other throat diseases,ointments, creams, eye drops. They are also used for inhalation using a special inhaler or aroma lamp.
Recipes of folk remedies based on verbena
Verbena tea. They take 12, 0-15, 0 g of dried grass, pour them 180, 0-200, 0 g of boiling water. Take 1 tablespoon every hour for a month with arteriosclerosis and thrombosis.
Lotions with verbena officinalis for skin diseases. The following mixture is brewed: verbena - 10.0g, chamomile - 5.0g, rose petals - 10.0g, oak bark - 10.0g, sage leaves - 5.0g. and horsetail herbs - 10.0 g. Used twice daily to reduce inflammation and relieve skin conditions.
Infusion for thrombosis and atherosclerosis. Pour 2-3 teaspoons of verbena herb with a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon every hour. The same infusion helps with clogged veins.

Despite its anti-allergic effect, officinalis verbena itself can be quite a strong allergen. When using ointments and lotions, which include the oil of this plant, redness and itching of the skin, the formation of blisters are possible.
Also, verbena categorically cannot be used for hyperacid gastritis, hypertension.
Intake of preparations containing this medicinal plant by mouth can irritate the intestinal mucosa and cause enteritis, sometimes severe.
Pregnant women should use verbena withcaution.
If there are signs of allergy, you should immediately stop using drugs based on it, in case of severe pathology, consult a doctor.
Remember, before starting treatment with any drug, even an ordinary medicinal plant, you need to consult a doctor, as neglecting to go to a specialist, we can seriously harm our he alth!
Non-medical uses of verbena
Verbena officinalis is not only treated. The roots of the plant are used in cooking - they are part of pickles and marinades, giving them a characteristic tart and spicy taste. The aerial part, harvested during flowering, is added to tea or brewed on its own as a substitute.
There are many ornamental varieties of verbena used to decorate gardens, flower beds and lawns.

Collection and storage
Verbena is harvested during its flowering in July-September. Cut off the upper part of the shoot with leaves and inflorescences and the lower leaves, which are collected separately. The harvested grass is dried outdoors in the shade or at around 30º if artificial heat is used.
Vervain roots are harvested in spring and autumn, before or after flowering.
It is recommended to store dried grass and roots in a glass container with a lid, in a dry and warm place, without direct sunlight.
Use of individual parts of officinalis verbena
Inflorescences, leaves and grass are most often used for medical purposesvervain, from which an essential oil is obtained, which is part of ointments for external use, tablets and lozenges, and infusions, tinctures and decoctions are also made from it, which are taken orally.
The roots are mainly used in cooking to add to marinades - they give the preparations a characteristic spicy taste.
Vervain fruits are poisonous.
Vervain seeds are used for its cultivation. They have a dense shell and, to increase germination, are placed in the refrigerator for 4-5 days before planting in the ground (seed stratification).

Growing verbena
Verbena is an unpretentious plant that can be grown in the garden. Most often, it is planted for decorative purposes, but it retains its medicinal properties to the full.
How is verbena officinalis seated? Seeds, having previously been subjected to cold treatment, are planted in the ground in early spring, seedlings - only after warm weather is established.
Verbena is undemanding to the soil, but it is best to plant it in fertile loam. It grows well in brightly lit open areas. It tolerates drought easily, but badly - overwatering.
Ornamental species of verbena are grown as annual flowers, and shoots are destroyed in autumn. Collecting seeds for the purpose of sowing the next year is not recommended - they do not retain the varietal characteristics of the mother plant.