This article does not encourage you to follow the advice of a dubious doctor.
The biography of Professor Stoleshnikov remains a mystery to everyone. On the Internet, there is practically no information about his life. Professor Stoleshnikov's website "abroad" does not disclose any details of his biography. It is known that the doctor has been practicing his technique in Russia for more than 25 years, in the USA they also issued a license for medical practice. The rather peculiar methods of treatment of Professor Stoleshnikov completely contradict the logic and traditional methods of treatment, which casts doubt on his qualifications and personality in general.
Since nothing is known about him, no one can guarantee that he actually exists. Outstanding people are always heard, no matter how hard they try to hide their personal lives. This suggests the idea that Professor Stoleshnikov is notexist. It is as if a completely different person writes under this name, or it is a fictional non-existent character, and all reviews of his activities are a simple staging. But these are all arguments, doubts, fabrications.
"Scientific" works
He wrote several books in which he categorically denies the achievements of modern medicine. Professor Stoleshnikov's methods are based on the use of folk remedies in treatment. The books published by the doctor gained great popularity - interest in the panacea for all diseases and the "miraculous recovery" increased. One of them is How to Come Back to Life. Professor Stoleshnikov, according to rumors (again, there is no exact information), intended to release the book in two parts. In the first, the author talks about therapeutic fasting, its ability to cleanse the body of poisons and toxins.
It is worth noting that with the help of water fasting, according to Professor Stoleshnikov, cancer treatment from an impossible task can be turned into a pleasant procedure. The author writes in his book that cancer occurs as a result of self-intoxication of the body. Without denying the genetic predisposition to the disease, the professor points to the historical data of this disease. Say, many years ago the air was not so polluted, the human body was minimally susceptible to poisoning, respectively, people got cancer less often than now.
Comparing the lesions of the digestive system in people from Russia and the United States, Stoleshnikov came to the conclusion that in the federation the most common cancer is at the entrance to the digestive system, and in the states - at the exit. First of all, it may be relatedwith malnutrition, with its features. Russia is characterized by alcohol, a lot of food containing starch: potatoes and flour products, sausages, the composition of which is teeming with malignant components.

As for the US, everyone knows how much they love food from hormonal meat and dairy products - these are convenience foods, fast food. Harmful substances do not just accumulate in the human body. They hit him from the inside. Summing up, the professor encourages people to cleanse their body of toxins and toxins in order to reduce the risk of cancer. According to Stoleshnikov, the treatment of this deadly disease, as well as a means of cleansing the body, is possible with therapeutic fasting.
The essence of the diet
The essence of fasting is the complete rejection of food. You only need to drink water, but not any will do. The professor prefers distilled or "live": well and spring. It is highly undesirable to drink water from the tap. Stoleshnikov advises to refrain from heavy physical exertion, and indeed from work in general, since the body begins to perform functions much more slowly. The author considers the effective period of such fasting from 21 to 28 days. Moreover, the first 3 days of fasting as such are not considered. They are unloading for the body.
Professor emphasizes that these 3 days will have a beneficial effect on the heart. It's all about the ketone molecules formed in the absence of glucose as a result of burning fat for energy. As a result of such starvation, the brain suffers: reactions slow down, a person begins to think badly. HoweverStoleshnikov assures that this will not cause harm. On the contrary, due to such starvation of the brain, bad thoughts leave.
With therapeutic water fasting, a person does not feel the best way: dizziness, unpleasant taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting. Fainting is not ruled out. The professor explains this by the beginning of the removal of toxins from the body. Removal of harmful substances occurs in all possible ways, including through the skin. In this case, the author advises bathing in warm water for several days in order to wash away the poisons that come out. He compares bad he alth with sins that just don’t go away, they must be begged (in our case, by starvation).

In the book "How to return to life" Professor Stoleshnikov believes that the natural removal of toxins from the body is not enough. To cleanse the intestines of harmful substances that enter there as a result of the release of toxic bile (due to blood filtration by the liver), it is necessary to do cleansing enemas every 4-5 days. It should be noted that enemas are made with plain warm water, without any additives. Such cleansing contributes to the restoration of all bowel functions. Professor Stoleshnikov also gives advice on the treatment of hemorrhoids by fasting on water.
Raw food
With therapeutic fasting, everything is clear. The body has been cleansed of toxins and toxins, ready to eat new food. After a month of fasting, even a piece of bread will seem divinely delicious. So what do you fill your body with now? The professor talks about this in another book, which is called:"What to fill the body?". On its pages, the author talks in detail about the benefits of a raw food diet.
Food should be consumed in its natural form. An exception will be cereals, it is simply impossible to eat them raw. Stoleshnikov attributes the use of unboiled meat only to predators. The professor believes that the consumption of meat, raw or cooked, is laid down at the level of genetics. You cannot suggest to a person that he is a vegetarian if he was a predator "in a past life".

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates
Starch plays an important role in our diet. The author talks about the pros and cons of this carbohydrate, more inclined towards negative qualities. It is hard to imagine a dinner table familiar to us without bread, pasta, grains and root crops. They contain large amounts of starch. Stoleshnikov believes that he is able to "glue" the joints of a person. After all, it was starch that was previously used in the manufacture of wallpaper paste. Professor Stoleshnikov proposes to treat impotence with the same microelement. I wonder if there are grateful patients who have succeeded?
Very unexpected arguments are made by the professor regarding milk. Surely, many people know the phrase: “Children drink milk - you will be he althy!”. Stoleshnikov agrees with this statement. Children need to drink milk. And only in the first year of life. It is during this period that the child's stomach contains enzymes that can break down casein, the main component of milk. Over the years, these enzymes disappear, and the human bodyunable to absorb this liquid. Stoleshnikov considers cottage cheese, rich in useful trace elements, to be a bad, indigestible product.
Wild herbs

In addition, in his book, Professor Stoleshnikov talks about the benefits of plant foods. He refers to it not only fruits and greens, such as parsley, dill, green onions, sorrel, cilantro, but also wild plants. The author advises to start eating grass growing in the meadows, in the garden, in the kitchen garden. Wash well beforehand. In a word, the professor suggests that humanity become herbivores.
Stoleshnikov establishes a direct relationship between the quality of sleep and the quality of nutrition. If the body is he althy, cleansed of poisons and receives only useful substances, he will see colorful, happy dreams, flights in dreams are not excluded. If a sleeping person sees the dead, darkness - this indicates a sick body. No other interpretations are relevant here. The professor considers insomnia to be especially dangerous. Stoleshnikov speaks about this confidently, since he himself went through all this.
In addition to the "miraculous" therapeutic fasting, the author reveals the secret of easy healing with three simple and affordable herbs: red cayenne pepper, plantain and garlic. In one of the books, Professor Stoleshnikov advises to wash the eyes with a weak solution of red pepper for the purpose of prevention. According to him, this procedure helps to restore blood circulation in the eye. Professor Stoleshnikov offers red pepper for cataracts.

It's wild to hear such speeches, because everyone knows that pepper irritates the mucous membrane of the eye, it is not in vain that it is used as a means of self-defense. In his book, Professor Stoleshnikov A. P. convinces readers about the harmlessness of this wonderful plant. It's all about concentration. Here the author shares his personal experience of using pepper tincture for eyewash.
Everyone knows that when eye diseases occur, one of the reasons is impaired blood circulation (inflammation of blood vessels). His motto is "Only blood heals!" Pepper is able to provide blood flow to the affected area. Accordingly, an improvement in well-being is guaranteed. Lost vision cannot be regained. However, Professor Stoleshnikov believes that red pepper can work wonders for cataracts.
Any sane person would think that the doctor is confusing something. Perhaps only Stoleshnikov's like-minded people do not think so. Moreover, the professor advises using red pepper to stop bleeding and decontaminate an open wound. I wonder if he would test the pepper on himself if, for example, he lost his arm? Sounds funny, doctor contradicts himself. In addition, he believes that red pepper is able to normalize the pressure, regardless of whether it is high or low.
This herb has been familiar to us since childhood, when they hurried to apply a plantain leaf to a broken knee to heal faster. The professor considers it the strongest antibiotic that can prevent blood poisoning when bitten by a gyurza or bees. Real miraclewill create plantain when, in case of accidental loss of a finger or other part of the body, cover the wound with red pepper, attach the missing part of the body and overlay this herb.
Of course, everyone knows about the healing properties of garlic. Professor Stoleshnikov in one of his books reveals to us new, unusual healing properties of this vegetable. He believes garlic is great for fighting fungal infections in both women and men. No, women still should not believe the professor, because after using garlic for the treatment of gynecological diseases, it will take a long time to restore the burnt mucous membrane.
Iverology of Professor Stoleshnikov
Not everyone knows this concept. In simple terms, this is a science that studies the impact on humanity of cosmic or other extraneous forces. It should be noted that Iverology belongs to the category of pseudoscience. Why is she dangerous? Pseudoscience tries to be on a par with the natural sciences. Individuals who promote such teachings inspire people with their fantasies, passing them off as truth. While putting forward hypotheses, presenting imaginary evidence.

On his foreign website, Professor Stoleshnikov reveals in detail the whole essence of iverology and more. All his scientific activity is reflected on its pages. The professor is engaged in the promotion of Iverology, being the head of the department. In his teachings, the author hates the Jews and the so-called goyim (mainly the Slavic race).
Management of humanity
According to pseudoscience, Professor Stoleshnikov believes that the entire civilization on Earthis under the control of a certain space race Yegi. It was this race that divided humanity into the elect and the goyim. The chosen ones are destined to govern the goyim, who are considered the dregs of society. Goyim, according to the professor, are not ways to think, to analyze. The Ivers, who are also the chosen ones, mixed with the goyim to form states. Here we can assume that people are controlled from space. However, the professor claims that their messengers exist on Earth. The US is acting as representatives.
Stoleshnikov explains this by the presence of special signs on the coat of arms of the country: the Iberian pyramid and the eye. Allegedly, the US policy is the result of the impact on them of the same space race. It is she who drives America in the organization of wars, attacks on other countries, thus trying to conquer the whole world.
In fact, there is a struggle between iverology and religion. Today, Jehovah's Witnesses are trying to impress others with their truth not only with the help of weapons. They are campaigning to visit special houses of prayer where a kind of hypnosis is already taking place. Stoleshnikov believes that the highest cosmic race enslaved earthlings. And again a paradox. The professor begins to contradict himself once again. He considers himself the same goy whom he so hatefully condemns in one of his articles. Stoleshnikov is turning against the Ivers and the entire space race. How to understand this person? Mystery. One can only speculate about his peculiar mindset.
Professor's personality
He wins the love of his readers and faith in himself with beautiful speeches that look like the truth. Indeed, if a personfar from medicine, it is quite possible to "powder" his brains, to inspire the very arguments that the author brings to us. It just won't get any he althier. Probably, Stoleshnikov's teachings are aimed at this - the extermination of the Slavic race. In his revelations about killer medicine, Professor Stoleshnikov once again criticizes traditional methods of treatment that have been used for many years.
For example, if you treat chronic anemia with drugs based on iron s alts, this will not only not bring any benefit, but will also greatly aggravate the situation. Such a "treatment" can cause a dangerous disease, such as AIDS. According to Stoleshnikov, the whole point is that iron is not absorbed by the body. Moreover, it is not derived from a person. The body begins to fight with the "foreign" body. Gradually, the forces dry up, white blood cells disappear. The result is immunodeficiency. It should be noted that Stoleshnikov does not offer the safest alternative to iron. Is it red pepper again?
Very common bronchial disease among adults and children. The reason is not only a genetic predisposition, but also unfavorable working conditions, polluted air. The professor believes that only fresh air can cure asthma, for example, in the countryside. One can certainly agree with this. However, not everyone has this opportunity. Recall that with such a disease, attacks periodically occur, which are suppressed by instant-acting drugs.
Stoleshnikov considers all medicines to be toxic, capable of further aggravatingsituation. Such drugs can only expand the bronchi during a crisis. They are not capable of anything else, except to poison the body. The professor's forecasts in this case are disappointing. How to be? Again, there is no alternative. Fresh air won't stop an attack.

Stoleshnikov A. P. condemns the treatment of asthma with hormones. According to him, the latter do not help at all, they only contribute to the complication of a mild form of the disease into a more severe one. The author believes that this method of treatment originated in the West, from where it came to Russia. Allegedly, the Iver, under the guidance of the cosmic forces, created a similar instruction. The purpose of the elect is clear. So what do they teach in medical school? Do they teach at all?
From the professor's point of view, medical schools are organizations where the elite recruit young "specialists". Stoleshnikov himself is trying to convey to the people the whole essence of such a “treatment”, to reveal the secret of the actions of the Iberians, urging people not to succumb to such provocations.
Having considered Stoleshnikov's preferences in the treatment of oncological diseases, we ask ourselves: how does the professor feel about traditional methods of treating an often fatal disease? Everyone knows the actions of doctors when a patient receives a positive result during an examination for oncology. He is hospitalized and given chemotherapy. The essence of therapy is the introduction of poisons into the human body that can kill tumors and metastases.
Stoleshnikov believes that chemotherapy causes great damage not only to cancer cells, but to the entire body inin general. Basically, he is right. Initially, chemotherapy was practiced only on cancer patients, who "didn't care" whether it worked or not, i.e., in any case, they would have died. A new wave of criticism from Stoleshnikov was caused by the use of therapy in the absence of oncology. For example, he notices that in the treatment of the same asthma, a certain drug "Methotrexate" is used. It is also used in chemotherapy for oncology, for abortion. The professor considers this a banal killing of the entire immunity as a whole, that is, a person becomes "AIDS".
Like all drugs, chemotherapy has side effects. These include nausea, vomiting, hair loss, anemia, dermatitis, hepatitis, and pulmonary fibrosis. That is, the procedure can entail the listed side effects. Well, if the hospital will warn about it. Often this does not happen. The professor considers the key moment in chemotherapy to be sent to the next world for money.
Condemnation of scientific treatments
He divides the whole essence of modern medicine into 3 stages:
- treatment with symptom-relieving drugs;
- treatment with hormones if the first do not help;
- chemotherapy: a dead end, the end of the competence of doctors, a toll road to heaven.
In his revelations, Stoleshnikov is trying to prove to others that modern medicine has "puffed up the brains." Allegedly reached a new level of more humane treatment. Say, in the recent past, much more barbaric methods were practiced - lobotomy, mercury treatment, etc. The professor believes that such informationthat same cosmic race brings us to us through its chosen ones on Earth. We already know their motives. In order to avoid the sad fate, Stoleshnikov advises to listen to his words. Check out the content not for fun, but for the future.