The last four years on the pages of the boundless Internet, topics began to appear, the main idea of which was reduced to one thing: "regeneration of teeth that have fallen out or removed earlier is possible." The statement is very strange and even somewhat shocking for the layman, who clearly learned only one truth: a person's teeth change only once (in childhood). But just the thought that the regeneration of teeth, and in a completely natural way, is possible, deprives you of rest.

The story of a simple Russian man, Mikhail Stolbov, turned the world of medicine upside down, for whom tooth regeneration became really possible. He wrote his first book about it. And although it remained unfinished (Mikhail died tragically), others began to adopt his experience. There were new reviews of those who managed to grow new teeth, strictly following the technology described by Mikhail. Official medicine is still stubbornly silent on this matter. But back to Stolbov.
In his early twenties, the authormethod, he had to put on prostheses, because by this time he had practically no teeth left. This was followed by a repeated change of prostheses, and then - inflammation of the oral cavity, accompanied by pain, so severe that the intake of even ground food was delayed for an hour, or even more. Pain instilled fear - Mikhail lived in the taiga and did not have to wait for help: civilization was hundreds of kilometers away from forests. It was then that a truly crazy thought came to him: “But how to grow new teeth?” An idea bordering on fantasy has turned into some kind of obsession.
Regenerating teeth has become an experience on itself. Leading a life similar only to that of a monk, Mikhail learned to look in a new way, to feel in a new way, to think differently. By the time the book was written, 17 teeth had grown in place of the knocked out teeth.

Actually, the book itself can hardly be called a methodology. Rather, it is a presentation of the very lifestyle that helped to awaken the processes of regeneration. The scope of the article will not allow to reveal this image in full, but we will still say about the basics. Perhaps, imbued with the idea and desire, you will become another one of those few who will say: “Regeneration of teeth is possible!”
As Mikhail stated, first you need to learn to sincerely believe in miracles. Here, the impetus to the depths of faith was pain, the most severe despair and fear. Increasingly, thoughts about the possible consequences of such a painful disease pierced a ray of timid hope … After reading a book about a boy who managed to grow a leg (D. Melchizedek "The Ancient Secret"), Mikhail grabbedfor the ghostly fact: the child did the impossible! In his position, it really remained only to believe in a miracle. And he believed!
But faith alone, even if it has incredibly great power, is not enough. This is followed by a change in consciousness and perception: “Learn to accumulate energy, learn to listen to the body, soul, world…”

Regenerating teeth is a sensation, and sensations are often skeptical. But recent scientific discoveries confirm that what happened to Mikhail Stolbov by a miracle is still subject to justification. At the Texas Research Institute, an in-depth study of tooth cells responsible for the growth of dental tissue, namely, dentin with enamel, was carried out. The scientists concluded that the gene responsible for this growth (or production) works only during the growth (formation) of the tooth, and then “turns off”. Scientists were able to "start" this gene again and grew a new tooth. True, they did it artificially, outside the body, but the fact itself is important! So far, the regeneration of teeth in science remains in the category of experiments, and it is too early to count on the introduction of the acquired knowledge into dentistry. But who knows, maybe in a couple of decades this will become commonplace and our children will learn about prosthetics only from the stories of their parents…