Carrying and giving birth to a baby is a difficult test for a woman's body. Physical changes occurring during this period can lead to serious he alth problems after the birth of the long-awaited baby. Often, young mothers complain that their lower back hurts after childbirth. Why this condition occurs and how to treat it, we will tell in this article.

Why does my lower back hurt after childbirth?
A young mother worried about lower back pain? The causes and treatment of this condition are described below.
Complaints of discomfort in the back occur in women during pregnancy. This is explained by physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. According to medical statistics, every second woman who has given birth experiences back pain of varying intensity and character. Consider the possible causes of this pathological condition:
- The most common factor leading to unpleasantsensations in the lumbar region is a sharp weight gain during pregnancy, due to which there is a significant increase in the load on the musculoskeletal system.
- The next provoking factor is the change in the center of gravity of the body of the expectant mother during movements. So, as the baby grows, the load is redistributed on those joints and muscles that were not previously used for such activities. This leads to stretching of the tendons, ligaments, as well as trauma to the joints. Most of the load in this case falls on the lumbar region, which leads to pain in this area.
- Change in hormonal levels is not a direct cause of discomfort in the back, but the production of large amounts of progesterone helps soften cartilage. This, in turn, entails pinching of the intervertebral nerve endings.
- At the end of the third trimester, the physiological process of preparing the birth canal for the birth of a baby begins. In particular, there is a divergence of the pelvic bones, shortening and softening of the cervix. The described processes are often accompanied by pain in the lumbosacral back.
- In the process of labor activity, there are a number of potential factors that can lead to traumatization of the described area of the body. So, possible displacement of the vertebrae, pinched nerve, muscle strain, etc.

Other reasons
In addition to reasons directly related to physiological changes during pregnancy, you cannote those that are not related to the delicate condition, namely:
- chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for example, displacement of the vertebrae, hernia, osteochondrosis and others);
- inflammatory processes in tissues;
- gynecological diseases;
- pyelonephritis;
- pinched nerve endings;
- strain and spinal injury.
All of the above factors cause disorders that cannot pass without a trace immediately after the birth of the crumbs. Most often, treatment prescribed by a doctor is required, although in simple cases, lower back pain can resolve on its own. The causes and treatment of this condition are interrelated. Only by determining the factor that led to the development of unpleasant symptoms, the specialist can prescribe the necessary course of therapy.
Treatment methods
If your lower back hurts after childbirth, then you should not rely on chance and hope that the discomfort will disappear by itself. Such a complaint may be a symptom of a serious illness. The lack of timely qualified medical care can lead to a decrease in motor activity or disability. Therefore, despite the fact that a young mother is busy caring for a newborn, it is imperative to listen to the alarm signals of the body and visit a doctor.
Treatment of back pain is complicated by the fact that the woman's body is tired after childbirth: the muscles are weakened, the hormonal background is unstable, and the immune system is reduced. In addition, when prescribing diagnostic and therapy methods, the fact that a woman feeds is taken into account.the baby is breastfed, so standard medications cannot be used in this case.
What methods of treatment do experts recommend if the patient complains that her lower back hurts after childbirth? Your doctor may suggest the following methods:
- physiotherapy and he alth gymnastics;
- wearing special medical belts;
- massage;
- treatment with drugs if necessary.

Methods of physiotherapy help to eliminate pain and inflammation. The following procedures can be prescribed for the treatment of the lumbar spine:
- electrophoresis;
- laser therapy;
- ultrasound wave treatment;
- wellness massage.
He alth fitness
Special postpartum recovery exercises to help with lower back pain. We offer the following simple but effective complex:
- Stand up straight with your arms up. Reach up with each arm alternately so that you feel the spine stretch.
- From a standing position, lean down very slowly without bending your knees. Then, too, slowly (with a round back) return to the starting position.
- Familiar from childhood, the "Kitty" exercise effectively copes with lower back pain. It is performed as follows. Get on your knees and palms. Now, like a cat, arch your back up and down.
- Starting position - the same. Straighten your right arm and left leg until parallel with your torso, then switch sides.
- Lying on your back, bend your knees, pull them as close as possible to your chest with your hands. Hold this position for a minute.
- In the previous starting position, stretch your arms to the right, and with your knees bent to the left. At the same time, you need to make sure that the shoulders do not come off the floor.
The described exercises for recovery after childbirth should be performed daily for at least six months. If you do not want to exercise on your own at home, you can sign up for yoga, Pilates, swimming or fitball for young mothers.

Medical belt
A special belt for the lower back will help to cope with pain. Such a product is easy to purchase at a pharmacy or medical supply store.
Today, there are several types of such bandages. So, an orthopedic belt is used to fix the spinal column, for example, in case of displacement or injury. Often, a product of this type has metal inserts, which significantly reduces the level of comfort during use. In addition, long-term regular use of such a product (at least six months) will be required to eliminate violations in the spine.
Girdle made of natural wool is designed to eliminate inflammatory processes. For example, a camel bristle product allows you to warm the lower back with dry heat, thereby improving blood flow, oxygen exchange in tissues.and contributing to the acceleration of regenerative processes. And the dog hair bandage not only keeps you warm, but also massages the damaged area.
Thus, the belt for the lower back should be chosen depending on the cause of the pain.

Medicated treatment
Can I take medicine for back pain after giving birth? If a woman practices breastfeeding, the use of medications should be refrained from. External medicines can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. For back pain, the doctor may prescribe homeopathic medicines for a woman, for example, Traumeel, Zel T. The orthopedic belt will enhance the effect of external medicines - under the influence of dry heat, the effectiveness of ointments, creams and gels increases significantly.
Most drugs are contraindicated for use during lactation, so you should never determine the treatment yourself, as this can harm the baby.

Recipes of traditional medicine
Lower pain after childbirth is also treated with folk remedies: compresses, lotions, rubbing. For example, you can prepare a decoction of medicinal chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme and black elderberry. Then you need to moisten the gauze with a healing composition that has cooled to room temperature, attach the fabric to the lumbar region and wrap it with a woolen scarf.
If the lower back hurts, then first of all it is necessary to limitback load. For the mother of a newborn baby, it is quite difficult to fulfill such a recommendation - prolonged carrying of the crumbs in her arms, walking with a heavy stroller and other daily duties are provoking factors for the development of unpleasant sensations. Does everything hurt after childbirth, especially the lower back? Perform a daily recovery set of exercises, use a sling or backpack to carry the baby, sleep on a hard mattress - these simple rules will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

If your lower back hurts after childbirth, you should consult a specialist to determine the cause of this condition and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.