Claustrophobia - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of claustrophobia

Claustrophobia - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of claustrophobia
Claustrophobia - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of claustrophobia

If you believe the experts, then literally some two hundred years ago, scientists knew absolutely nothing about mental disorders of various kinds. So, about people suffering from them, they simply said that they were not of this world and tried to isolate them from the surrounding society. However, it should be noted that in those days the percentage of such individuals was somewhat lower compared to the current situation. Today, an interesting diagnosis called claustrophobia is increasingly being made. What is this disease? How to deal with it? This is what we will tell you in as much detail as possible in this article.

General information

Surely everyone will agree that the modern world is literally teeming with information overload, causing increased pressure on the nervous system of absolutely every person. So, many begin to manifest differentkind of symptoms in the form of fear of people or closed spaces. In general, all kinds of fears are considered a real scourge of society in the 21st century, like, for example, the well-known depression. The whole problem lies in the complexity of the world around us, as well as its multidimensionality and diversity. That is why today so many are diagnosed with claustrophobia.


claustrophobia causes
claustrophobia causes
  • Like all common psychological fears, this ailment has its own prerequisites. Note that scientists from all over the world are still arguing about them, which, in turn, does not allow for a truly qualitative breakthrough in the study of this area. Here everything depends entirely on the initial position of the researcher. For example, doctors tend to believe that the basis of this disorder is a violation in the functioning of the nervous system itself. So, we are talking about a reduced amygdala (part of the brain), which, in turn, is responsible for the so-called fear response and subsequent actions.
  • Psychogenetics see a completely different reason in the development of a disease called claustrophobia. What is this approach? They argue that initially absolutely every person has numerous phobias. More precisely, in a special genetic code that promotes survival and the instinct of self-preservation. Note that now most of these phobias are simply not needed by a person, since over time the objects of fear disappear. However, on the other hand, it should be remembered that evolution is a rather lengthy process, and atavisms do not disappear so quickly, unfortunately, as it were.wanted.

Psychologists' opinion

claustrophobia symptoms
claustrophobia symptoms

Psychologists have their own points of view on the development of such a diagnosis as claustrophobia. What are these theories? First of all, they argue that the so-called personal space is to blame. Of course, every person has it. However, the larger its size, the higher the likelihood of an attack. On the other hand, a large role in this issue is given to various kinds of traumas at the psychological level. For example, if a baby was in a crowded place without parents for a long time, he was afraid that he was abandoned forever, then in his later life he will try his best to avoid repeating this feeling. We are not talking about cases of violence or even aggression in a closed space. Thus, claustrophobia can certainly develop.

Symptoms and primary signs

  1. Vegetative sensations. According to experts, claustrophobia, like many other phobias, manifests itself in the form of specific attacks. So, at this moment, a sick person may have an increased pulse and breathing, sweating increases markedly, dizziness appears, even in some cases, nausea.
  2. Fear. It is known that fear is at the core of absolutely any phobia, and claustrophobia is no exception. What does it mean? Most often, a person is able to realize what exactly he is afraid of (for example, fainting, suffocating, or never getting out of a certain room). In some cases, the feeling of anxiety is literally inexplicable, it simply interferes with the conduct.normal lifestyle.
  3. Desire to avoid confined spaces. This symptom, as a rule, manifests itself in absolutely everything. This is an unwillingness to be in elevators, corridors, narrow rooms, in a word, in all spaces where there are so many people that even ordinary human bodies turn into a kind of walls pushing from all sides. A person suffering from this phobia will try by all unthinkable methods to avoid being in such a closed space, that is, to walk exclusively on stairs, rarely stay in crowded places, always leave doors open. Below, we'll take a look at some helpful advice from doctors on how to get rid of claustrophobia.
  4. how to cure claustrophobia
    how to cure claustrophobia


Any person who is prone to this disease still wants to understand how to cure claustrophobia. Otherwise, there can be no normal life, because you will literally have to calculate your every step, based on the presence of this pathology. Dissatisfaction with one's own needs, lack of the most common opportunities for self-realization, a constant feeling of inferiority - all this sooner or later makes a person think about how to overcome such a diagnosis as claustrophobia.

Why do we need a therapist?

Treatment primarily involves a consultation with a psychotherapist. Only a qualified doctor is able to choose an individual therapy that will really prove effective in practice. As a rule, it includes some medications, andas well as psychological help. As for the first aspect, most often these are the so-called antidepressants. Note that only a doctor should prescribe them (no self-treatment!), As well as prescribe the dosage and duration of the course. Below we will give some recommendations that are in addition to the general course of therapy for a pathology called claustrophobia. Treatment, of course, should also be present.

claustrophobia treatment
claustrophobia treatment

Useful advice from experts

  1. First of all, you need to find the so-called primary source of fear. It is not enough just to know what kind of situation provoked the development of the disease, it is also necessary to complete it, that is, remove the tension in the soul.
  2. In addition, you can come up with a scheme that would allow you to fight the next attack. So, psychologists advise replacing a dark picture with a lighter one. This means that at the moment of the attack itself, you should think about something good, get positive emotions.
  3. Try to connect with people more. Meet friends in cafes, walk in parks - all this also contributes to the accumulation of exceptionally positive emotions. Note that during an attack, you can call a friend on the phone and just talk.
  4. Associate an enclosed space with something good if possible. For example, a burglar or an enemy will never enter a closed room.
  5. how to get rid of claustrophobia
    how to get rid of claustrophobia


In this article, we considered the question of what constitutesclaustrophobia. Treatment, we note, with this disease is simply necessary. The sooner you start therapy, the sooner you can enjoy normal life again. Do not hesitate to seek qualified help. After all, a conversation with a psychologist is somewhat better than constantly staying at home and fear of crowded spaces. Stay he althy!
