Unfortunately, there is now more and more news about abductions, murders, rapes of children, about the disclosure of huge networks for the distribution of child pornography. Who and for what reason commits such acts?

A terrible diagnosis
Pedophiles - who are they? Sick people? Yes. Pedophilia is a mental disorder. It manifests itself mainly in obsessive sexual fantasies in relation to children under the age of thirteen. This definition is most often followed by forensic psychiatrists and physicians. Sexual acts on a child are usually oral sex and genital stroking. Vaginal and anal intercourse with children, including with the use of brute physical force, are not so common. The exception is cases when pedophilia is aggravated by more serious deviations - epilepsy, schizophrenia, senile dementia.
Specialists have proven this fact: not only people with mental disabilities are able to experience excitement at the sight of a child's body. Many have faced a situation where a relative (uncle,brother, father-in-law) said about a pretty little girl something like this: “Grows up - it will drive all the guys crazy!” According to French psychiatrist Roland Coutanceau, this is a vivid illustration of how a man sees a woman in a child. He argues that there are many more people who experience arousal at the sight of naked children's bodies than we can imagine. However, this does not mean that every adult who has such sexual fantasies necessarily realizes them.
The main danger lies not in criminal dreams, but in mental immaturity. Thus, sexual deviations may never manifest if the mental organization of the individual is sufficiently developed in order not to cross the line.
Who can't contain himself
Pedophiles - who are they? These are people who have moved from fantasy to action. For some criminals, this path becomes long and difficult, because they are still aware of all the illegality and immorality of their desires, they experience a serious internal conflict. However, in the end, the strongest attraction to the child takes precedence over moral taboos and fear of exposure.

The pedophile maniac stands apart, not only corrupting a child, but also rudely raping, and sometimes even killing him. Such a criminal is not distinguished by a critical attitude to his desires, he does not perceive his behavior as something immoral, terrible.
Pedophiles - who are they? Many of us are sure that these are deeply ill people who have lost their moral character andnot involved in social processes. However, oddly enough, most modern seducers are ordinary men and women, husbands and wives, parents. They ride the subway with us, stand next to us in lines and tell us the way to the nearest gas station…
Stepfathers and fathers who rape their own children, as a rule, do not show any interest in other children. They have little in common with maniacs and pedophiles. This is a separate category of criminals.
Standard psychological portrait
A pedophile is most often an individual with low self-esteem, lack of confidence in their sexual powers, embarrassed to communicate with adult women. He is distinguished by isolation, tension, increased anxiety, fearfulness and impulsiveness. The above personality traits can be formed under the influence of some external factors. The causes of pedophilia lie in the psychological trauma received in childhood. As a rule, the criminals themselves were raped, beaten and humiliated. Having matured, they either reproduce their tragic experience, or do not recognize at all that their actions are illegal and immoral. The latter is explained by the fact that from an early age it was fixed in their psyche that having sexual intercourse with a child is in the order of things.

As clinical psychologists note, the first sexual experience of a pedophile is usually unsuccessful. He could be rudely rejected or ridiculed by the woman he loved. Some men are so traumatized by such situations that they prefer to switch to infantile eroticism. A mixture of experiencesviolence and mental problems can be extremely dangerous.
Punish or treat?
Pedophiles - who are they - violent criminals or sick people? Let's try to look at this phenomenon with an open mind. So, sex therapists and psychiatrists are engaged in the treatment of pedophilia. But the main problem is that many of those people who notice an immoral interest in children are ashamed to ask for help from specialists. Some are afraid that their mental illness is incurable, others that the doctor will reject them, and still others that law enforcement agencies will find out about them in this way. As a result, sick people come to the attention of the police, not doctors. And work with them begins after they are charged with pedophilia. Most criminals are recognized as sane, so they are sent to places of deprivation of liberty on a common basis. When they are released, they almost immediately return to their old ways.

Treat pedophiles in several ways. Classes are held both individually and in groups. Psychotherapists and psychologists help patients work through their traumatic situation, identify the cause of attraction to children and learn to control their own impulses.
The ability to refuse
Unfortunately, the sexual crimes uncovered by law enforcement officers are just the tip of the iceberg. How many of those who corrupt minors with impunity, and it's scary to imagine. Experienced criminals know how to choose children who are nottell about what happened. That is why the victims of pedophiles are most often homeless children. Sometimes guys get hooked, they themselves are interested in getting an "adult" experience. The psychology of sex in adolescence is such that boys and girls want to experience physical intimacy more than platonic intimacy.

Often among the victims are children of dominant parents. They just don't dare to say no to adults. Even if your child does not fall into the risk group, always be on the lookout, because any child can become a victim of a pedophile, regardless of social status, mental and mental development.
How to avoid disaster
It is important for parents to understand that not a protective, but a positive strategy will help protect the child from immoral attacks. Ensuring the mental he alth and well-being of children should be the top priority for all mothers and fathers. The main means to achieve the goal should be a favorable atmosphere in the family and love. This will allow children to avoid feelings of loneliness and trust their parents.
The Importance of Personal Space
A basic element on the way to establishing a trusting family atmosphere is respect for the child's personal bodily space and his sexuality. Thus, the hostile reaction of parents to looking at erotic pictures or masturbation increases the likelihood that one day their child will decide on a dangerous experiment.
Patience and more patience
Children should be calmly explained from an early age that some contact withadults can be dangerous. It is especially important to clearly explain that, under no pretext, you can take money or gifts from the hands of strangers and go to visit them. It is necessary to tactfully mention that tempting offers hide the most unpleasant consequences. When discussing this topic, do not intimidate the child, do not arouse in him painful suspicion of all strangers.
Immoral acts against children are characterized by Article 134 of the Criminal Code. Pedophilia is defined as the seduction, molestation of persons under the age of sixteen. If at the time of the commission of the crime the perpetrator was already eighteen years old, he bears full criminal responsibility for sexual intercourse with a child. It is noteworthy that the fact of sexual intercourse with a minor, which occurred on a voluntary basis, is also punishable.

The object of the crime is the normal physical and moral development of the child, his natural right to sexual integrity.
The reaction of the authorities
In February 2012, the State Duma adopted the law "On pedophilia". As a result, the punishment for those who have committed depraved acts against children has become much tougher. First of all, the changes affected repeat offenders and those who abused children under the age of fourteen. They are sentenced to life imprisonment. Suspension and probation are excluded.
Separately, the topic of forced castration was considered. The result was the introduction of a special procedure for the applicationmedical measures. Now the basis for this is the corresponding decision made in court (the conclusion of a forensic psychiatric examination confirming the presence of a mental disorder is necessarily taken into account).

Pornography and seduction
According to the decision of the deputies, for the distribution of pornographic materials among minors or their involvement in this process using the World Wide Web or the media, you can go to jail for ten years. Special attention was paid to the nuances. So, at present it does not matter whether the perpetrator knew how old the victim was. In addition, they toughened the punishment for those who were engaged in seducing their pupils or close relatives.
Opposite opinions
Experts are ambivalent about the new law. Thus, some note that the causes of the development of pedophilia are currently little studied, so forced castration measures will not always be effective. Among the opponents of the law are Vsevolod Chaplin, who is the head of the Synoidal Department for Relations between Society and the Church, and Zurab Kekelidze, director of the State Scientific Center for Forensic and Social Psychiatry. Serbian.
The opposite point of view is held by the ombudsman with an active life position Pavel Astakhov. He advocates for the law to be finalized even deeper. In particular, Astakhov notes that the document does not provide a specific definition of the concept of "child pornography", does not provide for liability for its production withoutthe purpose of distribution and storage, does not introduce the responsibility of Internet providers for hiding from law enforcement agencies the facts of the distribution of immoral materials.
The Ombudsman stressed that currently Russian legislation regarding the protection of the sexual integrity of children is recognized as one of the most liberal on the planet.