In the article we will consider the psychosomatics of appendicitis.
In domestic and foreign medicine, psychosomatics arose relatively recently, but its influence on the appearance of diseases is beyond doubt. This phenomenon means that the causes of diseases are determined not only by physiological factors, but also by emotional ones. Acute appendicitis is a pathology that is often provoked by psychological disorders.

Our emotions are a natural reaction to internal and external circumstances. Being in a state of prolonged stress, the human body spends internal resources and gradually depletes them. As a result, people can no longer feel whole, do not live fully and do not see pleasure in the world around them. Emotional exhaustion develops into physiological. Negative emotions are especially damaging to the body.
What explains the psychosomatics of appendicitis inadult?
Mental blocking
This happens when a person is not able to notice the positive moments of life. This state is similar to depression, when only negative is perceived, and people subconsciously accumulate negative energy, all life focuses only on the physiological needs of the body.
Such an emotion accompanies a person every day. The negative effect of anger lies in the regular forced suppression, although such a state, like any other, is quite natural. Holding back anger is like a steam boiler where the steam has not been vented for a long time, and the growing pressure is bursting from the inside.
In this case, we mean the fear of contact with the outside world. This is characteristic of people with a fear of responsibility, inability to make decisions and impaired communication skills. Fear gradually clogs the lumen of the appendix.

What does the psychosomatics of appendicitis suggest?
Personal metaphysical properties that affect the appearance of appendicitis and other diseases can be acquired and congenital. These include:
- Genetic predisposition, if several family members are prone to the same emotional states.
- Alexithymia. This state is typical for people who cannot express the fullness of experiences and feelings.
- Infantility is personal immaturity. Inherent in people who are subject to influence from outside,predominantly parental.
- Distrust and isolation.
- Trauma of the psyche.
- Internal contradictions and conflicts.
Any of these conditions can increase the feeling of hopelessness, which increases stress and leads to inflammation of the appendix.
The opinion of enlighteners
Psychosomatics of appendicitis by Louise Hay is also described. The author of the book “Heal Yourself” and a psychologist created a table of diseases, according to which the cause of the pathology and the way to deal with it are established. The destructive influences considered by the author testify to the materiality of thoughts and their reflection on human well-being. According to Louise, appendicitis appears due to the blockage of positive thoughts and fear.

The solution that promotes recovery is affirmation, that is, a specially formulated belief that allows the patient to feel safe and relax completely.
Liz Bourbo - philosopher, psychologist and trainer - believes that the root cause of diseases lies in deep blockages. A very striking example is anger, suppressed inside, which makes it difficult to show dependence on surrounding opinions and self-doubt. This concept focuses on the development of self-knowledge, as well as the ability to listen to your body.
Grigory Semchuk is a popularizer of physiognomy. This is a follower of psychosomatic authorities, the author of the blog "Visual Psychodiagnostics Workshop". Much of his research is devoted tothe ability to read body signals.
How to treat the psychosomatics of appendicitis?
Treatment for prevention
An effective way to prevent the appearance of appendicitis is psychotherapy. The ability to manage emotions is the foundation of good he alth. That is why the help of both doctors and psychologists during the first attacks will be useful.
In Russia, it is not as popular to turn to a psychologist as in Europe or the USA. The psychotherapist is the last doctor to whom the patient will turn with a disease of unknown origin. Determination and therapy of the psychological causes of pathology will require a fundamentally different diagnosis.

Patients in Russian conditions are skeptical about psychotherapy. There is a strong stereotype that only people with serious mental disorders turn to a psychologist, the unwillingness to admit the existence of problems of this kind puts a barrier that prevents healing.
Only after seeing the result of treatment for somatic pathologies, patients understand the effectiveness and justification of psychological assistance. A psychotherapist will help with attacks of appendicitis:
- Learn to manage your emotions and accept them: anger, anger, irritation. Look for ways to eliminate emotional stress, stop keeping everything inside.
- Set up a list of fears, turn them to your advantage and win.
- Learn to positively perceive the events of life.

Effectiveness of therapypsychosomatic appendicitis
Psychotherapy for psychosomatics of appendicitis first of all helps to cope with the fear of pain. The specialist works on it in an orderly manner, establishing the causes of its occurrence and its significance in the life of each client. The psychotherapist is powerless to make a person mentally believe in recovery, but he will help to realize himself and take the first step towards a positive attitude.
The effect of a psychologist, what is it? After the first session, there is an improvement, the effect of the prescribed drugs increases, the exacerbation weakens, and the remission lasts longer. A psychologist helps to learn to work through emotions without fear and avoiding difficult situations, overcoming them, overcoming self-doubt and fears, accepting one’s own and others’ shortcomings, solving problems from simple to complex, not blocking both positive and negative for oneself, accepting them as an important and necessary experience in life.

General aspects of he alth from a psychosomatic point of view
If you do not delve into the positions of psychosomatic researchers, then you can emphasize the main points for a he althy body:
- The ability to relax. All emotions need rest. Everyone should be able to abstract from nervous tension and stress that negatively affect the nervous system. They don't need to be avoided, they need to be learned to manage.
- Listen to your feelings. An important aspect of inner balance is understanding the needs of oneself. You need to give yourself timetiming questions:
- Who or what makes me nervous?
- Why does this object or person feel the way it does?
- What makes me afraid?
- Which events do I notice more often - good or bad?
- Do negative experiences affect my he alth?
- Does it throw a person back, does it pull you into the past?
- Find something to do. Hobbies are an important part of life, regular activities help peace of mind and self-affirmation. It is recommended to devote secluded hours to such activities, when nothing and no one distracts.
- A person tends to judge others by his own standards, he is annoyed by what is present in himself. Similarly, with life circumstances: anxiety, fear, anger accumulate, a situation appears that inflames such emotions even more. Joyful emotions allow you to look at this world from a positive angle.
If the manifestations of psychosomatics still affected the human body and caused the disease, you need to pay attention to signs of inflammation that cannot be ignored:
- Pain in the abdomen (maybe not on the right).
- Diarrhea or constipation.
- Vomiting and nausea.
- Temperature rises to 40 degrees and shortness of breath.
If these symptoms occur, seek immediate medical attention. Only the complex work of psychotherapists and doctors contributes to good he alth and full recovery.
Psychosomatics of appendicitis in children:Dr. Sinelnikov's opinion
According to Dr. Sinelnikov, appendicitis appears as a result of a person being in a state of fear, a torn psyche, overwork and / or stress. In general, the appendix is an organ of mental intestinal protection. And when the intestines are overstrained, this energy is dumped into it, slowly burning out there.

Why is appendicitis common in children? Because their parents bully them, forbid something. Children can have a stable psyche, and they act in their own way. But it happens that they obey, while feeling injustice inside and accumulating negative energy. The result is inflammation of the appendix. Sinelnikov pays a lot of attention to psychosomatics.
From the age of three, psychic energy moves very actively in the body. The child learns life in the process of movement. Since parents have a different level of cognition, they do not understand that by jumping and running, children learn about the world. With the introduction of restrictions at this time, the kids suffer greatly mentally. They may even get sick. Appendicitis is just provoked by limited movement.
We examined the psychosomatics of appendicitis in a child.