If you ask a medicine man whether starch will help with diarrhea or not, a traditional medicine specialist will probably answer in the affirmative. Correctly using this simple and affordable product, you can quickly eliminate diarrhea. This is especially significant because starch is not a synthetic drug, which means it is preferable and relatively safe to use. To quickly deal with loose stools, you need to know how to use starch for diarrhea correctly.
General information
Diarrhea is a condition in which loose stools bother you twice a day. Diarrhea progresses if the number of visits to the toilet gradually increases. In most cases, the disease is caused by infection, accompanied by dehydration. For many, against the background of diarrhea, the temperature rises, others feel sick, vomit. Without specialized treatment, diarrhea disappears when the infection is defeated. To determine the best method of dealing with the disease, you need to identify its causes. For this they dolaboratory studies of the discharge of the patient. Sometimes it is indicated to take an x-ray.
If you ask the doctor if you can give starch for diarrhea to the patient or not, in most cases the doctor will answer positively - it has long been known that this product has fixing qualities. It helps if loose stools are caused by infection, alimentary causes and allergies. They are used if dyspepsia is due to improper digestion, poisoning with hazardous substances. You can take starch if loose stools appeared on the background of drug therapy, imbalance of lactobacilli, strong feelings. The need for treatment is due to dehydration due to diarrhea, which is especially dangerous for a child. To improve the condition, it is recommended to take drugs that replenish the concentration of beneficial compounds, fluids in the body. To increase the effectiveness of starch for diarrhea, you can combine this product with other traditional medicine recipes.
Starch - what is it?
Before looking for rules and patterns of use, to study reviews of starch, which helps with diarrhea quite reliably, you must first determine for yourself what kind of product it is. Presented in stores, for example, is usually made from potatoes, corn. In different plants, starch is generated as a result of synthesis reactions. Mostly the substance accumulates in tubers, fruits, seeds. Potatoes are about a quarter of this substance, wheat is more than half, rice is three-quarters, and corn is only a few percent less than rice. Introduced instores, the product is the result of processing such raw materials. It is in the form of a white powder, insoluble in cold water. If you compress the powdery mass, you can hear a characteristic creak. Starch is a raw material used in the manufacture of ethyl alcohol, molasses. Glucose is made from it.

Starch is a carbohydrate. They are rich in pasta, cereals, baked bakery products. In the body, this substance decomposes into glucose - a source of energy reserve for cells. Starch is a food additive, a textile processing agent, a filler necessary for paper making. It is introduced into sausage, ketchup and many other products. Starch is the raw material for the prepared wallpaper paste. In the medical industry, it is necessary for the manufacture of tablet forms and solutions for administration through a dropper. Traditional medicine recommends taking starch for diarrhea.
Diarrhea and starch
The starch used for diarrhea with water can be prepared as jelly. This recipe is the easiest and classic. It is recommended if there is no blood in the discharge, the condition is generally relatively stable, there are no indications of severe pathology. It must be remembered that the effect of taking starch is observed in a short time after consumption. This is a safe product that is allowed for infants, however, after prior contact with the attending doctor. In order for starch treatment to be as effective as possible, the entire period of loose stools needs to be drunk a lot, excluding coffee, juices from daily intake, refusingalcoholic beverages. Doctors recommend intermittent fasting. It will be beneficial to include bananas in the menu, pre-slightly dried bread. It is advisable to consume food in small portions.
Using starch in its pure form, you can experience an unpleasant consequence - bloating. In some, the release of gases from the intestines is activated. This is more typical of minors, can cause pain. In its natural form, starch is usually recommended for pregnant and lactating women. A large spoonful of the product with a slide is taken orally, immediately washed down with a warm liquid, relatively small in volume. If diarrhea continues to bother, use the same dose again within half an hour.

Use cases
If the pediatrician advised this treatment option, you can give starch for diarrhea to children. How to do it correctly, the doctor will explain at the reception. If the baby is very small, a single serving is a dessert spoon. If there is still no improvement after several such treatments, you should consult a doctor.
Some say that water formulas are more suitable for children in general than pure starch. You can mix a large spoonful of the product and a glass of clear liquid. To make the water not so unpleasant for the child, a little sweetness is introduced. Infants are recommended no more than a couple of large spoons of such a solution every ten minutes. Children over one year of age can be given a glass of liquid at a time.
Kissel and more
If you ask an experienced doctor howdrink starch with diarrhea, perhaps he will advise you to cook jelly. This will require a liter of water. The liquid is poured into a container, put on fire, as it heats up, 35 grams of starch are introduced, stirring thoroughly in order to avoid the appearance of lumps. Juices, syrups, fruits should not be introduced into the product; the contents of the saucepan should not be brought to a boil. Cooking time is half an hour. It is necessary to mix the jelly regularly. When ready, remove the saucepan from the heat. If the product is intended for the treatment of children, you can add a little sugar to it - no more than three tablespoons. Schoolchildren are advised to drink a couple of large spoons of such jelly every hour, older children take half a glass, and adults take a whole. Starch jelly is drunk until the diarrhea stops itself.
If the child does not want to drink the resulting product and is naughty, you can cook pudding. A liter of milk is poured into the container, a large spoonful of sugar is added and put on fire. As it heats up, a couple of large spoons of starch powder are introduced into the liquid. To mix the components better, you can first dilute the starch in a small volume of clean cool water, only then pour this mixture into a container with milk. This will avoid the appearance of lumps. The pudding is cooked over a fire until the product thickens. As soon as they are ready, they wait until it cools down and give it to a sick child. A single serving is a couple of large spoons or a little more.

How to make your own starch?
As noted above, many experts, if you ask them if starch helpswith diarrhea, they will answer positively. This product has been used to improve stool for a long time. True, not all people who love to use traditional medicine recipes approve of the use of industrial starch. In order for the product to be as safe and effective as possible, you should prepare it on your own, fortunately, this is not very difficult. Most often, starch is made from potatoes at home.

To do this, the root crop is washed, peeled, chopped on a grater, regularly spilled with water while working with potatoes. The resulting mass is wrapped in several layers of gauze and squeezed, poured with water. After some time, the shade of the liquid will change to milky. Water is poured into a saucepan, and clean potatoes are added to the potatoes. When, after the next pouring, the water remains clear, you can be sure that the starch from the root crop has completely washed out. The gruel is squeezed out, the water is insisted, the cake is thrown away. Having settled the liquid, the main water is drained, and the sediment is dried in the oven, spreading thinly on a baking sheet. The optimum temperature is forty degrees. After drying, knead the starch or roll it with a rolling pin.
If you initially take a bucket of potatoes, from it you can cook from a kilogram to one and a half starch. The exact volume depends on the variety of the root crop and the quality of processing. The product is inexpensive. It is completely natural, has no contraindications. It can be used both for medical purposes and for cooking.
Starch and pepper
How to take starch for diarrhea? A connoisseur of traditional medicinerecommend combining this product with black pepper. The patient is allowed to swallow up to 35 peas of spicy seasoning. Peppers are swallowed completely without chewing. Immediately after that, eat a large spoonful of starch. Then they drink as much water as they get - the more the better.
This treatment option will not help if the person has a bowel obstruction or is diabetic. The described treatment is contraindicated in chronic constipation.
You can combine starch and lemon. To get rid of loose stools, first dilute the powder in warm water. It is important to maintain a balance - too hot liquid will cause lumps that are completely useless for those suffering from diarrhea. The dosage of starch is observed as described above. To maximize the effect of the drug, a little lemon juice is introduced into the already diluted starch. Such a product relieves thirst and nausea, improves the processes of cleansing the body of toxic substances.
Starch and fruits
If you ask a specialist how to drink starch for diarrhea in adults, a doctor or healer may advise combining this product with a variety of berries and fruits. From this set, you can prepare a delicious and he althy fruit jelly. Dried quince, pear and apples are well suited in case of problems with the intestinal tract and abundant loose stools. You can use blueberries - fresh, frozen, dry. Frozen, fresh cranberries are useful. Made with any of the listed berries, jelly fruits have a positive effect on the activity of the digestive tract, eliminating a variety ofdisorders. The product not only eliminates allergies, but also stabilizes the concentration of vitamins in the patient's body.
Preparing a drink begins with boiling a couple of liters of water. A third of a kilogram of fruits or berries is poured into boiling water, boiled for no more than five minutes, and up to five large spoons of sugar are added. Four large spoons of starch are mixed with a glass of cold water and this mixture is poured into the main container in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Continuing to mix the contents of the container, bring it to a boil, then turn off the fire and let it brew for a while. Ready jelly is shown to be taken in a glass up to four times a day. Kissel is good if you drink it cold.
Should I take it?
As can be inferred from reviews of starch for diarrhea in adults and children, this simple and affordable product almost never causes rejection, unwanted reactions, except perhaps gas formation. Many recognize its effectiveness. Of course, one should not expect the same effectiveness from starch as from the most modern medicines for diarrhea, but it wins with its harmlessness and availability. Many in the responses noted a reluctance to accept chemical products from the pharmaceutical industry. For such people, starch is a real salvation, quite effectively stabilizing the stool. At the same time, you need to understand: the remedy only gives temporary relief, but does not eliminate the root cause of diarrhea. People who tried to cure starch, not realizing that this remedy is ineffective against infection and other factors that cause allergies, were disappointed with the intake.product.

Starch and iodine
Asking a specialist if you can drink starch with diarrhea, you can not only get a positive answer, but also learn some of the nuances of preparing medicines that have proven to be especially reliable. For example, the positive effect of combining iodine and starch has long been known. This treatment option is suitable for adults. The combined homemade remedy has bactericidal qualities due to iodine, which inhibits the vital activity of pathological microflora. The remedy stops inflammatory foci in the gastrointestinal tract, due to which gastric pain disappears, digestion is stabilized. Due to the starch, the combined product has an enveloping effect, the intestinal tract perceives food less aggressively, and the feeling of heaviness disappears. The combined product binds food elements and reduces the speed of movement of the food bolus in the gastrointestinal tract.
To make potato starch with iodine useful for diarrhea, you need to combine a quarter cup of cold boiled liquid and a large spoonful of starch. The contents of the container are mixed until the lumps disappear completely. Then a small spoonful of iodine alcohol solution is added to the liquid and mixed. The next step is to add hot water. Boiling water is poured in a thin stream, constantly stirring the homemade medicine. The finished product should visually resemble a bluish jelly. They can be used up to five days in a row. Frequency - twice daily. Before taking the next portion, four tablespoons of starch are combined with warm water,consumed inside, then use the composition prepared with iodine. The product is effective as long as it has a bluish tint. Stored only in a refrigerator. Before taking, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to iodine.
Starch solution for baby
When planning to use potato starch for diarrhea in a minor, you can prepare a liquid that helps well as an additional component of the treatment course. First, a small spoonful of starch is poured into the cup, then a little warm water, previously boiled, is poured in, avoiding the appearance of lumps. You need to mix the product very well. A single dose of such a liquid for a child is three large spoons. At one time, a home-made medicine prepared in a cup must be given to the patient for a day. Unused during this time must be disposed of. Before each new reception, the composition is once again qualitatively mixed. In order for the starch solution to be as effective and safe as possible, a fresh portion is made before a new use.
Rice starch
More often used in adults and children for diarrhea is starch made from potatoes. But no less useful is a product obtained from rice. To make it, rice must be ground to a floury state in a coffee grinder. A couple of large spoons of such flour are poured into half a liter of cold liquid and everything is thoroughly mixed, then the container is put on fire, where it is heated until the water boils. All the time you need to thoroughly mix the product. The duration of boiling is a quarter of an hour. Then the fire is turned on, and the pan is covered with a lid. Once the productcool, it is ready to use.
The fact that you can use starch made from rice for diarrhea in children is indicated by the correct consistency of the resulting product. The contents of the saucepan should resemble thick jelly. This product is given to the child three times a day. A single serving is one hundred milligrams or twice as much. Adults are advised at the same frequency to consume at least two hundred milligrams per serving, but more can be taken.

Herbs and Starches
Certain recommendations and advice regarding the preparation, dosage of starch for diarrhea in adults and children can be given by traditional medicine specialists recommending herbal treatment. The product in question has excellent compatibility with a variety of means and compositions, including infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. When planning to use starch for diarrhea, it is worth taking a closer look at just such a combined use, which is considered more reliable. The cooking process itself is quite simple. A large spoonful of potato product is diluted in a warm liquid. For this volume, half a glass is enough.
As a base liquid, you can use not plain water, but decoctions, infusions of medicinal herbs. In this cooking option, starch for diarrhea in adults and children will show the best effect. The most successful combinations are with mint, lemon balm, chamomile inflorescences. You can make the product more saturated than the standard remedy: add three large spoons of starch to half a glass of broth. Preparing a decoction is easy. Raw materials can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared by yourself. A couple of large spoons of dried plants are combined with a glass of water, brought to a boil, covered with a lid and insisted, after which the liquid is decanted. You can insist the medicine in a thermos. As it cools, the decoction is combined with starch and used to combat loose stools.
Oats and more
You can cook jelly, useful for indigestion, using not only classic potato starch, but also oats. To prepare such a homemade medicine, you need to take oatmeal, black bread, and a clean liquid. All ingredients are combined, left to infuse for twelve hours, then boiled, introducing a little starch into the product. The finished product should resemble fermented baked milk.
You can cook such a jelly with the addition of fruits, berries, mentioned above. You can make kissels with raspberries - it is believed that such drinks help to get rid of diarrhea, fever and inflammation very well. Having correctly prepared such starch, which is useful for children and adults from diarrhea, the dosage is carefully observed when taking it to avoid constipation: they drink half a glass at a time, sometimes for a whole, but not too often. If you overdo it and take excessive amounts of prepared homemade remedy, you may encounter the opposite problem of the inability to empty the intestinal tract.
Lard against diarrhea
You can use starch for adult diarrhea by combining it with goat lard. This product is enriched with trace elements, it contains many vitamins, it is quickly absorbed in the digestive tract. Toprepare homemade medicine, combine rice flour, starch, lard. The chatterbox is used as food in a small spoon three times daily. The remedy should be consumed one hour before a meal. This option has proven itself well if abundant loose stools bother you in a chronic form.

Not just starch. What else will help?
There is a huge variety of traditional medicine recipes to get rid of frequent loose stools. The easiest option is tea brewing. Folk healers advise every day to eat very thick, strong black tea several times a day. You can eat tea leaves in dry form.
A good option is to eat onion husks. A pinch of the product is combined with a liter of boiling water, boiled for several minutes, then defended for half an hour. The finished broth is filtered and consumed in small sips per day.
You can combine 200 g of roasted sunflower seeds with 400 ml of water. The mixture is placed in a saucepan and boiled until half of the liquid boils away, then the remains are filtered and consumed inside in half a glass. The pediatric dose is fifteen milligrams of liquid. Such treatment is considered as safe as possible for patients of any age group.
However, before using the advice in this article, please consult with an experienced he althcare professional.