Unfortunately, various mental illnesses are very popular these days, and it is far from always possible to cure them completely. Along with such ailments, their catalysts began to emerge, or, to put it more simply, pills that allow you to completely eliminate the problem, or partially smooth out its symptoms and obvious manifestations. Among the drugs that are very widely used throughout the world against all kinds of mental disorders, Zoloft should not be missed.

Reviews about this medicine for more than one year were made by the doctors themselves. Like any antidepressant, this drug has a dual characteristic, that is, both pluses and minuses are observed in its effect. Taking pills or abandoning them is a personal matter, so it is important to first carefully study the nature and symptoms of the disease, and only then proceed to usedrugs in one dose or another. After all, the treatment of various kinds of depression, anxiety and neuroses are the functions that Zoloft performs. Reviews compiled by ordinary people may also be useful in this matter, but first let's try to understand the composition and effect of this drug.
The main component of this drug is sertraline (this is its second name). Also, the composition of the substance includes calcium phosphate, sodium starch glycolate, polysorbates and other components that help each other to better digest. Such a mixture can not only relieve a person of all kinds of phobias, anxieties and depressions, but also “give” him a whole bunch of adverse reactions that manifest themselves in everyone in their own way. This is the main pros and cons that Zoloft has. Reviews of psychiatrists on this subject are also ambiguous. For this reason, this drug is often drunk at first in a minimal amount, gradually increasing the dose if the body is more or less accepting of it.
Treatment with "Zoloft" is prescribed both in cases of ordinary nervous disorders and in severe depressive states. As mentioned above, this drug has a twofold characteristic, and this is as follows. He is able to relieve the symptom that currently worries a person, but another ailment can become a consequence of the use of tablets. For example, sertraline relieves the anxiety and pain that arise in the soul after the loss of a loved one, but after a course of treatment with it, the patient develops insomnia.

In general, Zoloft, reviews of which can mislead even a physician, does not cause significant damage to human he alth. The main rule when using this drug is stability and regularity. If the effect is acceptable and the person is really on the mend, it is worth continuing to take it according to the prescription prescribed by the doctor. It should also be noted that if the patient has various phobias and manic ideas, the doctor also prescribes Zoloft. You can learn about such treatment from people whose illness was similar to yours, but you should not rely entirely on them. Watch your condition, consult a doctor, but most importantly, have a desire to heal, and then any medicine will be effective in combating your problem.