We all have an idea of what pedantry is. This is meticulous observance of established rules and requirements. Saying the word "pedant", we imagine a neat, restrained and punctual person who carefully does his job and does not need outside control for this.
What is pedantry as a pathology

Pedantry does not immediately manifest itself as a pathology: at first glance, we are just a very meticulous person, accustomed to accuracy and order in everything. But over time, it becomes clear that the pedant-psychopath is simply not capable of making decisions. Taking the “last step”, moving from a theoretical solution to a problem to action is an impossible task for him.
Showing maniacal pedantry, such a person double-checks the correctness of his conclusions a hundred times, even in cases where everything has long been clear to a sane person. In psychiatry, such people, who are used to chewing endless "mental chewing gum", are called personalities.anankastic type.
Before closing the front door behind him, anancast will repeatedly check whether all household appliances are turned off. And any homework will take him much more time than an ordinary person: after all, everything must be washed and dried not just well, but perfectly. To do this, the dishes are washed 2-3 times, the rags are washed with soap, and everything is ironed, including socks.
What is pedantry in the workplace: is it that bad?

True, pedantic personalities, unlike anancastes, do not always show such meticulousness, and often their behavior remains quite acceptable to society. Such people in the workplace, as a rule, have a lot of advantages due to their seriousness, responsibility and the ability to do the job "perfectly". Pedants are formalists, chit-makers and "bores", but on the other hand, not a single trifle escapes their attention, they do not make hasty decisions and approach everything thoroughly. For this, they are appreciated by their superiors and respected by their colleagues.
What is pedantry turned into a state of obsession
Pedantry can only be detrimental when it is supported by neuroses, that is, it acquires a painful character. In such cases, anxiety and inability to make a final decision are especially acute. Checking dozens of times whether the assigned work has been done well enough, the anancast cannot decide for itself that it has already been completed. He begins to noticeably lag behind his colleagues, which forces him to work overtime, deeperplunging into an abyss of uncertainty about the results of their activities.

Anancasts are characterized by hypochondriacal experiences, suspiciousness, anxiety. Moreover, in people prone to such a pathological condition, the listed fears take on a bizarre character: anancast is not afraid of death from any disease, he is afraid of being afraid of this death. It is not the fear of being robbed that is inherent in him, but the fear of the fear of being robbed, etc.
This leads to a host of "counteractions", rituals that are supposed to protect an anancast from obsessions. At the same time, he understands the absurdity of what is happening, but he cannot do anything about it. In neglected states, anancasm develops into manic-depressive pedantry, manifested by paroxysmal manifestations of painful pedantry, reaching the point of complete inability to engage in any type of activity and, accordingly, causing a feeling of powerlessness and severe depression in the patient.