"Siberian He alth", "Chronolong": reviews. Anti-aging biocomplex "Chronolong"

"Siberian He alth", "Chronolong": reviews. Anti-aging biocomplex "Chronolong"
"Siberian He alth", "Chronolong": reviews. Anti-aging biocomplex "Chronolong"

Every woman cares about her he alth and beauty, and the desire to prolong youth and remain irresistible as long as possible is common to everyone without exception. In such a situation, biologically active additives come to the rescue - dietary supplements that affect the main cause of the disease with the help of natural ingredients and through the use of ancient folk recipes.

Dietary supplements have incorporated traditional methods of treatment and maintenance of the body in combination with modern scientific technologies of the Siberian He alth Corporation.

The main activities of the company

Corporation "Siberian He alth" was founded in Novosibirsk in 1996. For almost 20 years, the company's specialists have developed and produced a large number of biologically active food supplements and various types of medical cosmetics.

siberian he alth chronolong reviews
siberian he alth chronolong reviews

The work of the company "Siberian He alth" is based on an eco-approach to the products used. The main components are medicinal herbs, environmentally friendly wild berries and fruits of Altai and Baikal, which have uniquehealing properties. All products of the corporation are aimed at caring for women, prolonging youth, beauty and he alth, and preventing various diseases.

chronolong siberian he alth instructions
chronolong siberian he alth instructions

Dietary supplements produced by the company have a wide spectrum of action and make it possible to choose any prevention or recovery program, from joint diseases to the prevention of cancer.

Siberian collection of balms

For many years Siberian He alth balms have been a good way to strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on overall well-being and on individual human organs.

The main components of balms are fruit infusions, herbal decoctions and various roots. Also, the difference between the series is the use of only pure structured water and natural essential oils. The right combination of these components gives excellent results and helps to cope with stress, neuroses, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Indications and contraindications for use

Balsams are prescribed for use when:

  • colds;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • diseases of the joints;
  • injuries, bruises, sprains.

Contraindications for use are skin and allergic diseases.

Balms "Siberian He alth" are of high quality and reasonable price of the finished product.

"Chronolong" - an anti-aging drug forwomen

Due to the fact that the prevalence and severity of age-related changes in the female body is very high due to a decrease in estrogen synthesis, the problem of preventing and treating such symptoms is always very relevant. To the aid of women comes the dietary supplement of the Siberian He alth Corporation "Chronolong", reviews of the magical effect of which are quickly spreading, which makes the product very popular and in demand.

Siberian he alth balms
Siberian he alth balms

As women age, the level of sex hormones decreases, as a result of which the skin loses its elasticity, the rate of cell renewal slows down, which immediately affects the appearance of the skin. The cheekbones sag, the first wrinkles appear, the oval of the face loses its clarity. In addition to skin aging, estrogen causes age-related changes in bone tissue, in the cardiovascular and nervous systems, in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

In the past, synthetic hormonal therapy was used to help women overcome the effects of menopause. However, over time, side effects from taking these drugs began to appear: uterine bleeding, thrombosis, the possibility of developing myocardial infarction, etc.

Therefore, preparations containing natural substances have replaced synthetic ones. Phytoestrogens give an excellent result, due to the presence of a number of additional means of protection in them in the dietary supplement of the company "Siberian He alth" "Chronolong". Feedback from the application is only positive, all patients notegood tolerability of the drug and the absence of any side effects. All results have been backed up by supplement studies.

chronolong siberian he alth contraindications
chronolong siberian he alth contraindications

BAA "Chronolong" is a drug that contains 100% ginestein in its composition. This element, which has both cosmetic and anti-aging effects, helps women maintain their beauty.

The main components of the drug "Chronolong"

The instruction promises the first results from the application in a few weeks. The drug is recommended for women aged 40-45 not only to prolong youth, but also to maintain women's he alth, reduce the manifestations of menopause.

The main components of the drug include:

  • natural Bonistein complex, which stimulates collagen synthesis, which increases skin elasticity, slows down the aging process, has an antioxidant effect, prevents the occurrence of age-related pigmentation of the skin;
  • soybean extract that lowers cholesterol levels, maintains calcium balance in the body;
  • folic acid, which helps digest proteins, supports and normalizes metabolism;
  • ascorbic acid, which supports collagen synthesis in the skin.

The effect of the drug on the woman's body

Women's beauty without the influence of time - that's what "Chronolong" ("Siberian He alth") offers. The instruction emphasizes that due to the presence in the additivegenistein, enhanced by other active ingredients, the drug gives the skin freshness and he alth, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, helps the joints to be flexible and mobile. The dietary supplement also helps to keep blood vessels in good shape, cleanses them of cholesterol plaques, normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism, cleanses the blood.

bad chronolong
bad chronolong

After using the drug of the Siberian He alth Corporation "Chronolong", the reviews of women are impressive. With prolonged use of the supplement, the state of the nervous system is normalized, the general condition of the skin is significantly improved and, very importantly, the degree of protection of the female body from cancer increases.

"Chronolong" ("Siberian He alth"): contraindications

The drug is absolutely harmless and completely natural, it has no special restrictions for use. But there are exceptions for the use of the drug "Chronolong" ("Siberian He alth"). Contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • presence of malignant tumors;
  • presence of an allergy to some components of the drug.

Application norms

How to take "Chronolong" ("Siberian He alth")? The instruction indicates that it is best for women to drink the drug in advance, before the onset of menopause and before the onset of old age. This should be done in order to delay the onset of menopause, improveskin condition, prevent osteoporosis and body changes, prolong youth and feminine beauty.

How to use: One capsule daily after meals. The duration of admission is one month. It is enough to take the drug once a year.

chronolong instruction
chronolong instruction

Every woman knows that he alth and beauty are priceless. Now the fair sex has an assistant - produced by the Siberian He alth company "Chronolong", reviews of which confirm the opportunity for women to remain beautiful and attractive as long as possible.
